[P2P-F] invitation to online book symposium, Feb. 1-3

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 08:23:25 CET 2011

Dear Amy,

I just sent a book review request to Gaelle, for our colleague Franco, who
wants to do an in-depth review,

We covered your book,

as book of the week in our blog,

(the peculiar format is due to conversion problems with the pdf file)

it was also facebooked/twittered etc...

I'll forward  your symposium proposal to our list,


On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:25 AM, amy kapczynski <
akapczynski at law.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm writing with an invitation to participate in an online symposium about
> access to knowledge, on the occasion of the publication of a new edited
> volume on the topic.  The book, called "Access to Knowledge in the Age of
> Intellectual Property," (Zone Press; fulltext here -->
> http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=12358) is the
> first of its kind: a series of essays commissioned to both provide a
> generalized introduction to the A2K mobilization and the IP environment it
> responds to, and to further develop the theoretical and tactical insights
> and dilemmas of the A2K mobilization.
> Of course, the book is really only worthwhile if people know it's there,
> and if it helps spark some new debates and conversations.  In the service of
> that project, my co-editor Gaelle Krikorian and I are organizing a little
> online symposium, using the book as a launching point.  Fabulously, the
> popular law blog "Concurring Opinions" has agreed to host.  You can find an
> example of the genre of online book symposium here:
> http://www.concurringopinions.com/archives/category/symposium-future-internet
> .
> Particularly because this is an edited volume, and one designed, in
> open-sourcey way, to generate new ideas and conversations, the format is
> wide open -- we invite you to comment on a piece in the book, to use the
> occasion to blog about a new A2K issue or debate, or to simply comment on
> the conversation that emerges. Comments should generally be short (say, 3-8
> paragraphs), and the only other requirement is that they be posted in the
> three day window for the symposium -- *Tues. Feb. 1 - Thurs. Feb. 3.  *
> **Will you join us?  We'd be happy to explain further, to suggest
> particular pieces or topics to consider, etc.
> Look forward to your response,
> All best
> Amy Kapczynski

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