[P2P-F] a reminder of ron paul's positions

Devin Balkind devin at sarapisfoundation.org
Thu Dec 29 09:51:02 CET 2011

And he's racist!


On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>wrote:

> via  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/12/28/1049410/-Ron-Paul-Really?
> He does not believe the federal government should play any role in the
> provision of health care.  He does not believe that illegal aliens should
> be provided emergency health care.
> Ron Paul doesn't believe in environmental protection . . . *at all*.  He
> would rely on the market to protect the environment.  He does not believe
> climate change is a major problem.
> Liberals are angry because President Obama is wrestling with his own
> beliefs and has not come out strongly in favor of gay marriage.
> he does not believe the Federal government should interfere with the
> rights of same-sex couples to marry, he does not support gay marriage - he
> believes it should be up to individual states.
> Ron Paul would never intervene in any situation, even for humanitarian
> reasons such as Darfur or the Sudan. This includes "financial
> interference".  He believes the U.S. should withdraw from the U.N.
> He also believes we should erect a 700 mile long wall between the U.S. and
> Mexico.
> Ron Paul signed the Anti-Abortion Pledge.  He introduced the "Sanctity of
> Life Act which defined life as beginning at conception.  He does not
> recognize the right to privacy underlying Roe v. Wade
> Ron Paul would eliminate the following agencies:  The Department of
> Education,  The Department of Energy, The Commerce Department, Health and
> Human Services, FEMA, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the IRS and
> the Federal Reserve. He has signed a pledge not to raise taxes or create
> new taxes.
> Under Ron Paul, there would not have been *any* stimulus, and the auto
> industry would be dead in the water.
> Ron Paul does not believe the government has the right to institute an
> income tax on anyone.  He has indicated he would support a flat 10% tax, or
> a national sales tax, both of which are regressive and would have a greater
> impact on the poor and middle class.
> Ron Paul opposes *any* government interference with the free market,
> especially any new regulations on Wall Street.
> Ron Paul:
> Does not believe in the separation of church and state.
> Thinks school prayer should be allowed (but not mandatory)
> Thinks the left "hates religion"
> Introduced a bill that would allow pilots to carry guns on planes.
> Introduce a bill making flag burning illegal.
> Does not support any gun regulations, even against assault rifles.
> Thinks the census collects information that is none of the government's
> business
> Opposed renewal of the Voting Rights Act.
> --
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Devin Balkind
Director, Sarapis Foundation
devin at sarapisfoundation.org
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