[P2P-F] Product Maximizing Corporations (was: "corporateperson")

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 19:51:35 CET 2011

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>wrote:

> dear apostolis, could you explain/qualify product maximizing economy or
> corporation, eventually for our blog or wiki ?
> would this be like a CSA kind of structure, I think you are on to
> something very important, and I may use this concept myself in the future,
> it feels like a missing piece in the p2p edifice?
> Michel

This might help - just pretend I didn't write it:

Corporations, in their current form, cannot do the "right thing" because
they/we erroneously believe Profit to be the goal of production while
somehow misplacing Product itself as the real end.

This is caused by our choosing investors who expect to be paid Profit.

And can be solved by choosing investors who expect to be paid Product.

But the only investors able to accept Product as a return are the future
Users of that Product.

So we must organize Users to co-buy and co-own the Sources of Production
for the purpose of receiving at-cost use-value.

Corporations organized in this way will have no reason to work against we,
the people, except when selling some of that Product to non-owners.

For that we must write a Terms-of-Operation as a form of self-regulation to
impose the constraint "Profit is Payer Investment" so that all Users
incrementaly gain ownership in the Sources of the Products they need.

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