[P2P-F] General appeal for articles for the p2p blog during Bauwens 28 lecture tour

Gordon Cook cook at cookreport.com
Tue Apr 26 21:53:06 CEST 2011

Well I just published my 441 page140,000 word book on the global optical research and education network collaboration set in the Bauwensian and Robbsean context of resilient communities, the united states unified community anchor institution network and open everything collaboration.

  there is material there that is certainly good for one installment for the blog and probably just pending on how it's edited five or six installments.   I am not yet sufficiently savvy about how to begin to do this with out the assistance of someone like Sepp or perhaps others whom I really haven't gotten to know yet. is

 perhaps a bit later in my day I will send to this list the final executive summary of about 1800 words which might be a good start. But I am going to be awfully busy now reminding subscribers that they need to renew their subscription so I can pay my bills which are not large but still have to be paid. 

 these optical research networks are found everywhere in North America in almost every country of Europe, in India Singapore Australia and South Korea Taiwan, China in  a big way, and at least half the Latin American countries in South Africa and believe it or not as of the last year in Egypt in the major Optical nod'e in Cairo.

 the number of people with extensive knowledge of this is extremely small.   these folk are so busy performing extremely miraculous things with government funding of course that they've done no outreach worthy of the name, until the last two years of my life which with some help from the Netherlands I've taken a deep dive into and accomplished my own outreach.

i contend that with the building of the US UCAN  network in the United States there may be fiber links reaching out to 200,000 community anchor institutions hospitals public schools junior colleges public libraries and public emergency services agencies that can with the right knowledge and lobbying on the part of these communities which right now know virtually nothing about said subject  --  this network in United States could become and oxygen bearing circulatory system similar to the roadways that connected the monasteries of Europe and the edges of the Roman Empire and the so-called dark ages.

overall my point is that i need to 

The COOK Report on Internet Protocol, (PSTN) 609 882-2572 (Skype-in) 609 643-4067
Back Issues: http://www.cookreport.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=37&Itemid=61  
 Cook's Collaborative Edge Blog http://gordoncook.net/wp/   Subscription info: http://www.cookreport.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=65

On Apr 26, 2011, at 12:06 PM, Michel Bauwens wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Please consider contributing to our blog, and to prepare material for the period May 5 to 30,
> Don't hesitate to talk about your own projects!
> Michel
> -- 
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