[Opendesigns-public] For what and how much we paie for them

Graft maewo at bercashoes.com
Fri Aug 28 10:48:24 CEST 2009

Defend the same from the malice of strangers, as Picts and others, he
drew to him a great number of souldiers and speciallie of Britains, to
whome he promised that if they would make him king, he would cleerelie
deliuer them from the oppression of the Roman seruitude. Wherevpon the
Britains rebelling against Bassianus, ioined themselues to Carausius,
who by their support vanquished and slue the said Bassianus, after he
had reigned 6 or (as some affirme) 30 yeares. ¶ Thus farre out of the
English and British writers, the which how farre they varie from
likelihood of truth, you shall heare in the next chapter what the
approued historiographers, Greekes and Latines, [Sidenote:
_Herodianus_.] writing of these matters, haue recorded.
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