<div dir="ltr">HP pavillion desktop intel celeron D with ATI graphics Radeon Xpress 200/1100<br>Hi, simply, I downloaded musix made the md5 sum all fine .I burned the image to a dvd ,run it passed the initial menu the problem is that when I arrive at the log in there is no GUI only the bash mode asking for user and password I put them but it just stays there in the bash mode ,I tried to get into the forum but it says "<br><h3><strong><font color="#ff0000" size="+2">Cadena de confirmación incorrecta</font></strong></h3><b>Cadena de confirmación incorrecta:</b>
Resulta que las cadenas expiran aproximadamente 3 días
después de la solicitud inicial. Si su periodo de confirmación ha expirado
por favor, trate de suscribirse de nuevo. Si no ha expirado,
<a href="https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/confirm/musix-usuarios">introduzca</a> su cadena de confirmación.<br><br><br></div>