[Musix-usuarios] [specimen] Possible Specimen Project:

mgg marcos en ovejafm.com
Jue Jun 9 02:47:30 CEST 2011

Great! :)

On Wednesday 08 June 2011 19:20:47 James Morris wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> I'm currently working on a fork of Specimen called Petri-Foo, so I'm
> fairly familiar with how Specimen works, although Petri-Foo is
> somewhat altered by now.
> The main differences between the two are that Petri-Foo has more
> configurable modulation possibilities (now with selectable MIDI
> controllers too) which might or might not be better for live
> performance. It also loads up with a default saw wave patch (useful
> for new users), can load raw audio data, all deprecated GTK code has
> been updated (file selector being one example) and the waveform
> display now uses Cairo and has other enhancements for navigating
> between the different marks in the waveform (ie loop points etc). The
> xml formatting for the bank files has also drammatically changed.
> Petri-Foo is hosted on sourceforge [
> http://petri-foo.sourceforge.net/  ] and  github [
> http://github.com/jwm-art-net/Petri-Foo  ] but docs are rather sparse
> so check petri-foo mailing list archives for detail.
> Regarding file size, both Specimen and Petri-Foo load the entire file
> into memory. However Petri-foo won't load files containing more frames
> than can be represented in 'signed int'. I don't remember what
> Specimen does here. The other issue with file size is the waveform
> display zooming is dependant on file size, so you can't zoom in to
> gain sample point accuracy (when making loop points for example) with
> very long files. Both Specimen and Petri-Foo have this problem, and
> the cairo code for petri-foo still needs some work  - it tries to be a
> bit prettier but pays the price in performance (except with regard to
> window-damage where it does the right thing :-).
> >> 8-note polyphony is an arbitrary limit imposed at compile time. That
> >> number can be as large or small as desired.
> Edit the file src/patch.h and change the value PATCH_VOICE_COUNT enumerates
> to.
> HTH,
> Cheers,
> James.
> _______________________________________________
> Specimen mailing list
> Specimen en zhevny.com
> http://zhevny.com/mailman/listinfo/specimen

                   Marcos Guglielmetti
::::::::::::::::::      M U S I X   :::::::::::::::::::::                  

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