[Musix-usuarios] crash del qjackctl al usar qsynth+rosegarden con sounblaster 5.1
Daniel Vidal
danielvidalchornet en gmail.com
Jue Ene 14 12:27:32 CET 2010
He probado la misma instruccion que tu... y a mi me funciona bien...
Veo dos diferencias entre tu output y el mio... La primera es el kernel...
La segunda es que parece que el proyecto de rosegarden esta modificado...
parece que intenta colocar un plugin dssi (whysynth) y parece que es en ese
momento en el que el jack falla... En mi salida por consola no aparece
ninguna referencia a whysynth... En este momento no te puedo enviar el
proyecto original porque estoy en el curro y la maquina que tengo con el
musix no tiene red... A ver si cuando llego a casa te la puedo enviar y lo
Salud y suerte!!!!
2010/1/14 Suso Comesaña <susobaco en gmail.com>
> Hola...
> No se por donde entrarle a esto...
> Al usar qjackctl+qsynth+rosegarden , en cuanto se abre rosegarden, se
> cierra el qjackctl...
> el mensaje de consola es el siguiente...
> #musixstarter /usr/share/musix_demos/starters/rg+qsynth.starter
> Valor FP 512
> Valor Ayuda 0
> Opciones Jack con AUDIO -P80 -R -t2000 -m -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p512 -n2
> -s -S
> Opciones JACK REPRO -P80 -R -t2000 -m -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p512 -P -n2 -s
> -S
> Opciones JACK DEF
> zzzzzzz /usr/share/musix_demos/starters/rg+qsynth.starter
> /usr/share/musix_demos/starters/rg+qsynth.starter
> /usr/share/musix_demos/starters/rg+qsynth.starter
> artsd: no process killed
> jackd: no process killed
> qjackctl: no process killed
> hydrogen: no process killed
> timidity: no process killed
> zynaddsubfx: no process killed
> rosegarden4: no process killed
> rosegarden: no process killed
> qsynth: no process killed
> jamin: no process killed
> ardour2: no process killed
> noteedit: no process killed
> jack-rack: no process killed
> bristol: no process killed
> brighton: no process killed
> rakarrack: no process killed
> creox: no process killed
> fweelin: no process killed
> paso por aqui sumajack !=0
> no message buffer overruns
> jackd 0.116.2
> Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
> jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
> This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
> JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
> loading driver ..
> apparent rate = 48000
> creating alsa driver ...
> hw:0|hw:0|512|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|soft-mode|16bit
> control device hw:0
> configuring for 48000Hz, period = 512 frames (10.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
> ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
> ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
> ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
> ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
> Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_es_ES.qm
> arrancando qsynth con las opciones --audio-driver=jack
> /usr/share/soundfonts/A320U.sf2
> Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qsynth_es_ES.UTF-8.qm
> arrancando rosegarden con las opciones
> /usr/share/musix_demos/estudios/qsynth8mb.rg
> PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
> [/home/isabelysuso/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
> Rosegarden 1.7.3 - AlsaDriver [ALSA library version 1.0.16, module version
> 1.0.18a, kernel version 2.6.29-1-multimedia-686]
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 48000Hz, buffer size = 512
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 9 JACK physical outputs
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out L" to
> "system:playback_1"
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to
> "system:playback_2"
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 5 JACK physical inputs
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to
> "rosegarden:record in 1 L"
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to
> "rosegarden:record in 1 R"
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem
> ALSA Client information:
> 14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
> 16,0 - (SB Live! 5.1 Dell OEM [SB0228], EMU10K1 MPU-401
> (UART)) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 17,0 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 0) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,1 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 1) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,2 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 2) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,3 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 3) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 20,0 - (MPU-401 UART, MPU-401 UART MIDI) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 130,0 - (FLUID Synth (6338), Synth input port (6338:0))
> (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048578, cap 66]
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - MIDI software device for device 0
> Connecting my port 3 to 130:0 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 0 in Play mode for connection 130:0 Synth input port
> (6338:0) (write)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI software device
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 4:out 2 - MIDI soundcard synth for device 1
> Connecting my port 4 to 17:0 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 1 in Play mode for connection 17:0 Emu10k1 Port 0 (write)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI soundcard synth
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 5:out 3 - MIDI soundcard synth 2 for device 2
> Connecting my port 5 to 17:1 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 2 in Play mode for connection 17:1 Emu10k1 Port 1 (write)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI soundcard synth 2
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 6:out 4 - MIDI soundcard synth 3 for device 3
> Connecting my port 6 to 17:2 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 3 in Play mode for connection 17:2 Emu10k1 Port 2 (write)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI soundcard synth 3
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 7:out 5 - MIDI soundcard synth 4 for device 4
> Connecting my port 7 to 17:3 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 4 in Play mode for connection 17:3 Emu10k1 Port 3 (write)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI soundcard synth 4
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 8:out 6 - MIDI external device for device 5
> Connecting my port 8 to 16:0 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 5 in Play mode for connection 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
> (duplex)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI external device
> Creating device 6 in Record mode for connection 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)
> (duplex)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI hardware input device
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 9:out 7 - MIDI external device 2 for device 7
> Connecting my port 9 to 20:0 on initialisation
> done
> Creating device 7 in Play mode for connection 20:0 MPU-401 UART MIDI
> (duplex)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI external device 2
> Creating device 8 in Record mode for connection 20:0 MPU-401 UART MIDI
> (duplex)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI hardware input device 2
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 10:out 8 - MIDI output system device for device 9
> done
> Creating device 9 in Play mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0
> (duplex) (not connecting)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device
> Creating device 10 in Record mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0
> (duplex) (not connecting)
> Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device
> PluginFactory::instance(ladspa): creating new LADSPAPluginFactory
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
> [/home/isabelysuso/.ladspa] [/usr/local/lib/ladspa] [/usr/lib/ladspa]
> AlsaDriver::setCurrentTimer((auto))
> Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
> AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi - initialised MIDI subsystem
> AlsaDriver::setCurrentTimer((auto))
> Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
> Valor jackdef 1
> Valor jackrep 0
> Valor jaudio 0
> Valor jbuffsize 0
> Valor hydro 0
> Valor HSONG
> Valor qsynth 1
> Valor QSF /usr/share/soundfonts/A320U.sf2
> Valor zyn 0
> Valor ZDATA
> Valor RSONG /usr/share/musix_demos/estudios/qsynth8mb.rg
> suma de JACKS 1
> Valor NOKILL 0
> isabelysuso en Pc-Musix:~$ Renaming device 0 to General MIDI Device
> Disconnecting my port 3 from 130:0 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 3 to 130:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 132:0 Synth input port
> (4975:0) (write) requested for device 0
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 130:0 Synth input port
> (6338:0) (write) available with fitness 9
> Renamed 131:3 to General MIDI Device
> Renaming device 1 to Disconnecting my port 4 from 17:0 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 4 to 130:0 on reconnection
> MIDI soundcard synth 2AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like
> 130:0 Hydrogen Midi-In (write) requested for device 1
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 130:0 Synth input port
> (6338:0) (write) available with fitness 5
> Renamed 131:4 to MIDI soundcard synth 2
> Renaming device 2 to MIDI soundcard synth 3Disconnecting my port 5 from
> 17:1 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 5 to 16:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401
> (UART) (duplex) requested for device 2
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:5 to MIDI soundcard synth 3
> Renaming device 3 to MIDI soundcard synth 4
> Disconnecting my port 6 from 17:2 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 6 to 14:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 14:0 Midi Through
> Port-0 (duplex) requested for device 3
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:6 to MIDI soundcard synth 4
> Renaming device 4 to MIDI external device
> Disconnecting my port 7 from 17:3 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 7 to 14:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 14:0 Midi Through
> Port-0 (duplex) requested for device 4
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:7 to MIDI external device
> Renaming device 5 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Disconnecting my port 8 from 16:0 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 8 to 14:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 14:0 Midi Through
> Port-0 (duplex) requested for device 5
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:8 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renaming device 7 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Disconnecting my port 9 from 20:0 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 9 to 14:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 14:0 Midi Through
> Port-0 (duplex) requested for device 7
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:9 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renaming device 9 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Connecting my port 10 to 14:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 14:0 Midi Through
> Port-0 (duplex) requested for device 9
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:10 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 11:out 9 for device 13
> Creating device 13 in Play mode -- no connection available
> Default device name for this device is Anonymous MIDI device 1
> Renaming device 13 to MIDI output system device
> Connecting my port 11 to 17:3 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 17:3 Emu10k1 Port 3
> (write) requested for device 13
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:11 to MIDI output system device
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 12:out 10 for device 14
> Creating device 14 in Play mode -- no connection available
> Default device name for this device is Anonymous MIDI device 2
> Renaming device 14 to MIDI software device
> Connecting my port 12 to 16:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 16:0 EMU10K1 MPU-401
> (UART) (duplex) requested for device 14
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: exact match available
> Renamed 131:12 to MIDI software device
> CREATED OUTPUT PORT 13:out 11 for device 15
> Creating device 15 in Play mode -- no connection available
> Default device name for this device is Anonymous MIDI device 3
> Renaming device 15 to MIDI output system device
> Connecting my port 13 to 130:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 132:0 Synth input port
> (4975:0) (write) requested for device 15
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 130:0 Synth input port
> (6338:0) (write) available with fitness 9
> Renamed 131:13 to MIDI output system device
> PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
> [/home/isabelysuso/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
> LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
> AudioInstrumentMixer::setPlugin(10000, 999,
> dssi:/usr/lib/dssi/whysynth.so:WhySynth)
> CompositionModelImpl::slotInstrumentParametersChanged()
> AudioInstrumentMixer::removePlugin(10000, 999)
> AudioInstrumentMixer::setPlugin(10000, 999,
> dssi:/usr/lib/dssi/whysynth.so:WhySynth)
> Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is
> probably a BUG /tmp/RG/rosegarden-1.7.3/src/base/Composition.cpp:1533
> Available track ids are:
> TrackButtons::slotUpdateTracks
> jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd
> zombified - calling shutdown handler
> cannot send request type 7 to server
> cannot read result for request type 7 from server (Tubería rota)
> closed client
> ALSA Client information:
> 14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
> 16,0 - (SB Live! 5.1 Dell OEM [SB0228], EMU10K1 MPU-401
> (UART)) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 17,0 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 0) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,1 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 1) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,2 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 2) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,3 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 3) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 20,0 - (MPU-401 UART, MPU-401 UART MIDI) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 130,0 - (FLUID Synth (6338), Synth input port (6338:0))
> (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048578, cap 66]
> Comparing current version "1.7.3" with latest version "1.7.3"
> reset plugins
> JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running
> Renaming device 0 to General MIDI Device
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 65:0 Emu10k1 Port 0
> (write) requested for device 0
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
> Renamed 131:3 to General MIDI Device
> Renaming device 1 to MIDI soundcard synth 2
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 65:1 Emu10k1 Port 1
> (write) requested for device 1
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
> Renamed 131:4 to MIDI soundcard synth 2
> Renaming device 2 to MIDI soundcard synth 3
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 65:2 Emu10k1 Port 2
> (write) requested for device 2
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
> Renamed 131:5 to MIDI soundcard synth 3
> Renaming device 3 to MIDI soundcard synth 4
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 65:3 Emu10k1 Port 3
> (write) requested for device 3
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
> Renamed 131:6 to MIDI soundcard synth 4
> Renaming device 4 to MIDI external device
> Renaming device AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 64:0
> EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART) (duplex) requested for device 4
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
> Renamed 131:7 to MIDI external device
> Disconnecting my port 8 from 14:0 on reconnection
> Connecting my port 8 to 130:0 on reconnection
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like 129:0 Synth input port
> (9055:0) (write) requested for device 5
> AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 130:0 Synth input port
> (6338:0) (write) available with fitness 9
> 5 to Qsynth General MIDI
> Renamed 131:8 to Qsynth General MIDI
> Renaming device 7 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renaming device 9 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renamed 131:9 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renamed 131:10 to Nuevo Dispositivo
> Renaming device 13 to Anonymous MIDI device 4
> Renamed 131:11 to Anonymous MIDI device 4
> AudioInstrumentMixer::removePlugin(10000, 999)
> ALSA Client information:
> 14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
> 16,0 - (SB Live! 5.1 Dell OEM [SB0228], EMU10K1 MPU-401
> (UART)) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 17,0 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 0) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,1 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 1) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,2 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 2) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 17,3 - (Emu10k1 WaveTable, Emu10k1 Port 3) (WRITE ONLY) [ctype
> 2, ptype 327710, cap 66]
> 20,0 - (MPU-401 UART, MPU-401 UART MIDI) (DUPLEX)
> [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]
> 130,0 - (FLUID Synth (6338), Synth input port (6338:0))
> (WRITE ONLY) [ctype 1, ptype 1048578, cap 66]
> DataBlockRepository::clear()
> Warning: Composition::~Composition() with 3 observers still extant
> Observers are: 0x95f138c [N10Rosegarden19SegmentParameterBoxE] 0x96408bc
> [N10Rosegarden17TrackParameterBoxE] 0xb4c0b960
> [N10Rosegarden20CompositionModelImplE]
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x96a69a0 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x9530948 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x96cd348 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x96da6f0 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x9673f40 not found in
> composition
> CompositionModelImpl::slotInstrumentParametersChanged()
> CompositionModelImpl::slotInstrumentParametersChanged()
> TrackButtons::slotUpdateTracks
> RosegardenSequencerApp::quit()
> AudioInstrumentMixer::destroyAllPlugins
> AudioInstrumentMixer::~AudioInstrumentMixer
> AudioInstrumentMixer::removeAllPlugins
> AudioInstrumentMixer::~AudioInstrumentMixer exiting
> DataBlockRepository::clear()
> AudioPlayQueue::~AudioPlayQueue()
> Toodle-pip.
> Warning: Composition::~Composition() with 1 observers still extant
> Observers are: 0x96cd228 [N10Rosegarden20CompositionModelImplE]
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x972cf28 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x9787d28 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x9788740 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x979f598 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x97e47f0 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x97ef120 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x986f140 not found in
> composition
> WARNING: Composition::getSegmentVoiceIndex: segment 0x98ee7f8 not found in
> composition
> Salud!!!
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org
> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
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