[Musix-usuarios] Oveja Electrónica: un programa de radio sin moderación

Marcos Guglielmetti marcos en ovejafm.com
Vie Mar 20 16:23:31 CET 2009

* Asambleas Ciudadanas y Software Libre


* Neo Free Runner (celular hardware libre y software libre)



Abajo el monopolio privativo de Google! usa y desarrolla Wikia: 

"It is great when you see kids growing with more knowledge, ability to 
do many great things 
and that they develop sense for justice.  That is so encouraging, 
refreshing, inspiring for 
me and I cannot see now something that will be more "important" for 
me.  I have seen a lot 
of people in misery and with injuries on their souls due to hardships 
we have had during 
the last 15 years. But, when you see joy and hope on their faces that 
is the most 

Vedran Vucic

Gleducar: Software Libre y Educación en Argentina www.gleducar.org.ar

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