[Musix-usuarios] Fwd: [LAD] Join the Debian Multimedia Team! (to
improve the state of Linux audio)
Daniel Vidal
danielvidalchornet en gmail.com
Lun Mar 9 11:50:23 CET 2009
Solo quiero hacer una observacion sobre el tema de debian
multimedia... Cuando hice el upgrade a lenny tuve bastantes problemas con
los paquetes que traia musix de debian-multimedia... En concreto con xjadeo
y mencoder... Estos paquetes tenian dependencias con paquetes especificos
incompatibles con debian... libavcodec51 por ejemplo... Esos paquetes
dependian de libavcodeccvs51 (o algo asi...) y no reconocian al paquete que
con la misma funcionalidad estaba en lenny... Lo que quiero decir es que
nosotros hacemos un esfuerzo en ser compatibles con debian lenny y puede que
nos encontremos con problemas...
Salud y Suerte!!!
2009/3/9 joseangon <joseangon47 en gmail.com>
> 2009/3/9 Hernán Ordiales <hordiales en gmail.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola en gmail.com>
>> Date: Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 10:37 AM
>> Subject: [LAD] Join the Debian Multimedia Team! (to improve the state
>> of Linux audio)
>> To: Linux-audio-user en lists.linuxaudio.org,
>> Linux-audio-dev en lists.linuxaudio.org
>> Hi,
>> Many of the people of the Linux audio community uses Debian or a Debian
>> based distro (Ubuntu (Studio), 64Studio, Musix, Sidux, Mepis etc. etc.).
>> Most of those distro's uses and rebuild the packages of Debian (unstable).
>> There are a lot of audio packages build by the Debian Multimedia Team,
>> but there are also a lot which are not in Debian yet (and so also not in
>> Ubuntu (Studio), Sidux, 64studio etc.)
>> So there is a need for more people who wants to contribute to the Debian
>> Multimedia Team. Again, you don't have to be a plain Debian user to
>> contribute or to take advantage of it. You will help to improve the
>> state of Linux audio in general (at least the Debian based distro's and
>> their community), which will be good for us all, but also for newbies
>> who are not able yet to build all the packages themselves to enjoy all
>> the nice things Linux audio has to offer. Also note that it is possible
>> to build Debian unstable packages on other distro's then Debian itself
>> (search for Pbuilder on the Internet for instance)!
>> It will also be good for the Linux audio developers and their software.
>> It would be more easy to install, use, test and enjoy the software by
>> the Linux audio community!
>> There are a lot of people these day who has an own (PPA) repo. This is
>> ok, (and maybe it will be a good thing if the Linux audio developers
>> make their packages available as much as possible in a Debian unstable
>> repo/package, so it can be used on Debian and it is easy to rebuild it
>> for Debian based distro's),
>> But to bundle forces and to get safe, stable and quality packages,
>> joining the Debian Multimedia Team will get much better quality packages
>> and you will help far more people then having your solo private repo...
>> *Why the Debian Multimedia Team? *
>> 1) Because they want to improve Debian for music production!
>> 2) Debian has an flexible, fast and easy package management
>> 3) A lot of people use Debian (based) distro's, Debian itself, Ubuntu
>> (Studio), 64studio, Sidux, Mepis etc.
>> 4) You will learn to build quality packages
>> 5) You don't have to become a Debian developer (DD), you can just become
>> and stay a package maintainer.
>> *What can I do?*
>> 1) Build or improve packages for the Debian Multimedia Team. It's
>> recommended to maintain packages you use yourself often.
>> 2) Report bugs and wishes
>> 3) Join the Debian multimedia team mailing list:
>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-multimedia/
>> *Where can I find more info?*
>> Wiki:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia
>> Packaging:
>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia/DevelopPackaging
>> Existing packages which needs help:
>> http://wnpp.debian.net/
>> Debian New Maintainers' guide:
>> http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ (!)
>> Bugs:
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=maint&data=debian-multimedia%40lists.debian.org&archive=no&version=&dist=unstable
>> It would be great if you choose one package which you uses a lot and
>> maintain it for the Debian Multimedia Team! It would improve the quality
>> of Linux audio and it will help the whole community!
>> Kind regards,
>> \r
>> ps. If you like to join, please subscribe to the Debian Multimedia Team
>> mailinglist and ask for more information:
>> http://lists.debian.org/debian-multimedia/
>> _______________________________________________
>> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
>> Linux-audio-dev en lists.linuxaudio.org
>> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-dev
>> The email address of the Debian Multimedia Team has changed to:
>> pkg-multimedia-maintainers en lists.alioth.debian.org
>> Some people already took the step and are trying to build there first
>> package for the Debian Multimedia Team right now! :)
>> Don't hesitate to join too!
>> Kind regards,
> Bueno. Yo entiendo aquí que Debian gustaría de tener algo parecido a lo que
> nosotros estamos preparando ¿no?.
> Si eso es así, sería una buena cosa. Tan sólo habría que preparar la lista
> que tenemos de paquetes y los archivos que ponemos predefinidos en
> configuración tan sólo se habrían de empaquetar en deb y listo.
> Hasta ahí todo es bastamte "bonito".
> Luego los scripts y artwork habría que mantenerlos y a esperar reportes!!!
> No lo se. Lo primero que me pregunto es ¿que pasaría con todo lo que se
> intenta de tener totalmente libre(como los kernels,etc...) ¿Se perderia el
> "savor" que Musix ya logró?.
> No lo se.
> Aunque ahora mismo se puede decir que no hay nada conseguido. Me parece que
> a alguno de nosotros si le parecería buena idea contribuir con Debian
> (paquetes y su manutención, configuración de la distro en si,etc..). Pero
> eso, creo que ni siquiera podemos estar seguros de haber logrado "algo" que
> se pueda sostener, hasta que no esté bien pulido todo lo que se pueda.
> De cualquier modo:
> Bienvenidos al Futuro!!!
> Saludos.
>> --
>> Hernán
>> http://h.ordia.com.ar
>> GnuPG: 0xEE8A3FE9
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>> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
>> Musix-usuarios mailing list
>> Musix-usuarios en lists.ourproject.org
>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-usuarios
> --
> Siempre Linux.
> _______________________________________________
> Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
> Musix-usuarios mailing list
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