[Musix-usuarios] Ardour no abre sesion
Juan Pablo Sastre
sastrejuanpablo en yahoo.com.ar
Vie Jul 24 17:04:33 CEST 2009
Hola Gente;
Les comento que Ardour no logra abrirme una sesion en la que estoy
trabajando. Por eso lance desde consola el Script de Musix-1 que uso
para abrirlo.
Les paso la salida de Konsole
pablo en jeanpaul:~$ /bin/ardour2+qjackctl.sh
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
loading driver ..
apparent rate = 48000
creating alsa driver ...
control device hw:0
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 512 frames (10.7 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 16bit little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
Warning: no locale found: /usr/share/locale/qjackctl_es_ES.qm
WARNING: Your system has a limit for maximum amount of locked memory!
This might cause Ardour to run out of memory before your system
out of memory. You can view the memory limit with 'ulimit -l',
and it
is normally controlled by /etc/security/limits.conf
Ardour/GTK 2.8
(compilado usando4918y GCC versión4.3.2)
Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Paul Davis
Derechos reservados de algunas porciones (C) Steve Harris, Ari Johnson,
Brett Vi
ren, Joel Baker
Ardour no ofrece ningún tipo de garantÃa
Este es software libre. Usted puede distribuirlo
bajo ciertas condiciones; lea el código para conocer las condiciones de
theme_init() called from internal clearlooks engine
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:67: error: unexpected
identifier `col
orize_scrollbar', expected character `}'
theme_init() called from internal clearlooks engine
/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:67: error: unexpected
identifier `col
orize_scrollbar', expected character `}'
Cargando el archivo de configuración de interfaz de usuario por defecto
Cargando el archivo de configuración de interfaz de usuario
Loading ui configuration file /etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui_dark.rc
theme_init() called from internal clearlooks engine
ardour: [INFO]: Ardour será limitado a 1024 archivos abiertos.
cargando el archivo de configuración del sistema
cargando el archivo de configuración de usuario
ardour: [INFO]: No H/W specific optimizations in use
ardour: [INFO]: buscando protocolos de control en
ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Mackie"
powermate: Opening of powermate failed - No existe el fichero o el
ardour: [INFO]: Protocolo de control powermate no usable.
ardour: [INFO]: Control surface protocol discovered: "Generic MIDI"
Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve
propert y `GtkWidget::cursor-color' of
type `GdkColor' from rc file value "((GString*)
0 xa324330)" of type `GString'
loading bindings from /home/pablo/.ardour2/ardour.bindings
Loading session /media/sda8/Samples/Mcs Cisneros/Acustico D/Acustico D
using sna pshot Acustico D (1)
raptor error - XML parser error: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate
encoding !
Bytes: 0xED 0x6F 0x20 0x35
raptor error - XML parser error: Opening and ending tag mismatch:
Playlist line 2266 and Region
raptor error - XML parser error: Opening and ending tag mismatch:
Playlists line 2210 and Playlist
raptor error - XML parser error: Opening and ending tag mismatch:
Session line 2 and Playlists
raptor error - XML parser error: Extra content at the end of the document
Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve
propert y `GtkWidget::cursor-color' of
type `GdkColor' from rc file value "((GString*)
0 xa0221c0)" of type `GString'
Juan Pablo Sastre
* Usuario / colaborador de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* Descarga el CD de Musix y reemplaza tu Windows: http://www.musix.org.ar
* Videos, y otras cosas en: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/
* Reporta errores a:
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