[Musix-usuarios] Re: trying to build the latest mscore on debian etch

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Vie Jun 6 12:19:54 CEST 2008

Hola Werner
 | On Freitag 06 Juni 2008, Marcos Guglielmetti wrote:
 | ...
 | > Oh: it would be nice to sort it out: if I could backport mscore
 | > to Debian ETCH without the need of context maybe many people on
 | > music schools will not neet to use wine+finale or wine+sibeluis
 | > or Virtual box or so.
 | >
 | > And I really dont want them to install propietary non free
 | > software, it's a main goal
 | >
 | >
 | > By the way,  it's possible to make this
 | >
 | > www.musix.org.ar/tmp/victor_out.png
 | >
 | >  with Mscore 0.92?
 | in current head branch of mscore it looks like the attached pdf.

It looks really fine, I uploaded it to a temp dir so the users could 
see it


 | I did not remember the state of cross staff beam implementation in
 | 0.9.2 but as you see the beaming is still somewhat unflexible.

Well, but you could did the notation, so, Mscore did overcomed this 
test (rosegarden couldn't)

Thanks, I will keep trying to build it on debian etch, and if I could 
not do it (too much dependencies, debhelper, etc), I will try to 
install it into a debian unstable environment

By the way : what is the link to the mscore subscribe form to the 
mailing list? I cant find it


Marcos Guglielmetti - www.musix.org.ar

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