[Musix-usuarios] Re: [M-Colab] Un usuario del foro sugiere incluir
una aplicacion - nted
Marcos Guglielmetti
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Mie Ene 9 00:38:21 CET 2008
Lo descargué e instalé con dpkg -i : es increíblemente liviano y sencillo,
esperemos que sus desarrolladores sigan en ese camino.
Hi Joerg Anders, I want to ask you if you would need some translation (or any
other kind of) help, maybe we could translate to spanish and portuguese.
Here in my debian/etch derivated distro (Musix) it goes fine in spanish, I
think that the gtk libraries are doing a good job.
The "Editar" (edit) and "Mirar" (look, to see) menú are not translated,
the "Insert" menú is almost not traslated too. "Archivo" (file), "Configurar"
and "Acerca de" (about) are ok in spanish.
Congratulations, nted is really simple, I will add it to Musix GNU/Linux 1.0
by default, and add it to the software repositories too.
NtEd version nted-0.16.0 by Joerg Anders
Send bug reports to ja en informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Infos at http://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/staff/jan/nted/nted.xhtml
Translation: <no translation>
El Martes, 8 de Enero de 2008 16:44, Hernán Ordiales escribió:
| hoy también mandó un mail más completo a LAD
| ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| From: Roque Morel <roquemorelcello en yahoo.com.ar>
| Date: Jan 8, 2008 8:44 AM
| Subject: [LAD] NtEd is the real WYSIWYG music score
| To: linux-audio-dev en lists.linuxaudio.org
| Hi. My name is Roque Morel, I`m a musician, I not hacker, geek,
| programmer etc and I wanna talk about NtEd, in my opinion, the real
| WYSIWYG music score for Linuxes.
| NtEd is the easiest music score I`d saw. Installation, specially for
| me, is not complicated, just I`m a violoncello player.
| Only three steps: ./configure, make, make install and it`s ready to use.
| Rare dependencies and libraries does not need it. Where another ones
| failed on my favor distro, NtEd got no any trouble.
| Commands are very easy too and it works very well with Timidity or
| QJackctl+QSynth.
| It supports tuplets and others, up to 4 voices per staff, 5 lyrics
| lines, three clefs, exports to GS and MIDI.
| Very important things?
| It`s a real page view music score for Linux, it`s easy for musicians,
| it is not a too much MB program, it`s nice to work and the more
| important point in music: it`s a What You See Is What You Get music
| score and is stable.
| Necessary things?
| Slurs, bow signals for strings instruments, more clefs and other musical
| signs.
| For Mandriva`s users as me, there are some packages in cooker
| repositories I asked by bugzilla
| ftp://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/MandrivaLinux/devel/cooker/
| ftp://distrib-coffee.ipsl.jussieu.fr/pub/linux/MandrivaLinux/devel/cooker/
| Enjoy it and I`m sorry about my English language, it`s so poor...
| I`m from Argentina and I speak only a few words.
| Roque Morel
| _______________________________________________
| Linux-audio-dev mailing list
| Linux-audio-dev en lists.linuxaudio.org
| http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-audio-dev
| On 1/8/08, Daniel Vidal Chornet <vidal_dan en hotmail.com> wrote:
| > Saludos
| >
| > Es una aplicacion de edicion de partituras. muy simple (le faltan
| > muchas cosas) y muy liviana. Parece que los desarrolladores han partido
| > de Noteedit... No soy ni de lejos un experto en temas de partituras pero
| > parece una aplicacion util para tareas sencillas.
| >
| > La sugerencia en el foro esta en este hilo:
| >
| > http://foros.musix.es/viewtopic.php?t=190
| >
| > Yo la he descargado de aqui:
| >
| > http://pini.free.fr/debian/dists/etch/main/binary-i386/sound/
| >
| > La pagina principal del proyecto es esta
| >
| > http://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/staff/jan/nted/nted.xhtml
| >
| > Si ya estaba sugerida o incluida... mis disculpas
| >
| >
| > Salud y Suerte...
| >
| >
| > _________________________________________________________________
| > MSN Noticias
| > http://noticias.msn.es/comunidad.aspx
| > _______________________________________________
| > Musix GNU+Linux - www.musix.org.ar
| > Musix-Colaborad mailing list
| > Musix-Colaborad en lists.ourproject.org
| > https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/musix-colaborad
Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de Musix GNU+Linux
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* Una crítica al Diario La Nación: en la nota
(http://www.lanacion.com.ar/tecnologia/nota.asp?nota_id=929496) no se nombra a
ninguna versión
GNU+Linux nacida en Argentina.
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