[Musix-usuarios] hardware Firewire para Audio soportado por GNU/Linux

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 7 02:16:23 CEST 2007


 Devices with BeBoB firmware
Device Manufacturer 	Device Model 	Capabilities 	Description
Apogee (http://www.apogeedigital.com) 	X-FireWire Card 
(http://www.apogeedigital.com/products/xcards.php#firewire) 		FireWire 
Expansion Card for Rosetta 200,800
CME (http://www.cme-pro.com) 	CME UF-400e expansion board 
Edirol (http://www.edirol.com) 	FA-101 
FireWire Audio Capture Interface
Edirol (http://www.edirol.com) 	FA-66 
FireWire Audio Capture Interface
ESI (http://www.esi-pro.com) 	QuataFire 610 
(http://www.esi-pro.com/viewProduct.php?pid=16) 		FireWire 6 x 10 Mobile 
Recording Interface
Focusrite (http://www.focusrite.com) 	Saffire 
(http://www.focusrite.com/products/saffire/overview.html) 		FireWire 
Interface with DSP - DSP and mixer not supported by FreeBob
Focusrite (http://www.focusrite.com) 	Saffire Pro 26 I/O 
(http://www.focusrite.com/product/saffire_pro_26_i_o/) 		FireWire Interface 
with DSP - DSP and mixer not supported by FreeBob
M-Audio (http://www.m-audio.com) 	FireWire Solo 
(http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FireWireSolo-main.html) 		FireWire 
Mobile Audio Interface for Songwriters/Guitarists
M-Audio (http://www.m-audio.com) 	Ozonic 
(http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Ozonic-main.html) 		37-Key Audio/MIDI 
FireWire Interface and Controller
Mackie (http://www.mackie.com) 	Onyx 
(http://www.mackie.com/products/onyx1220/) 		Mixer(s) with FireWire Option 
Card (only - breakout boxes not supported.)
Mackie (http://www.mackie.com) 	dxb 200/400 
(http://www.mackie.com/products/digitalxbus/index.html) 		Digital Production 
Console with FireWire Extension Card
PreSonus (http://presonus.com) 	Inspire 1394 
(http://www.presonus.com/inspire1394.html) 		4x4 24bit/96kHz FireWire 
Recording System
PreSonus (http://presonus.com) 	FIREBOX (http://www.presonus.com/firebox.html) 		
6x10 24bit/96kHz FireWire Recording System
PreSonus (http://presonus.com) 	FIREPOD (http://www.presonus.com/firepod.html) 		
FireWire Recording Studio
Prismsound (http://www.prismsound.com) 	ADA-8XR 
(http://www.prismsound.com/psada8.htm) 		FireWire Recording System
Stanton Magnetics (http://www.stantondj.com/alpha44/start.asp) 	FinalScratch2 
(http://www.finalscratch.com/v3/prod_fs2.shtml) 		Digital DJ System
TerraTec (http://www.terratec.net/) 	Aureon 7.1 FireWire 
Surround Sound System
Old versions of freebob couldn't handle this device. Try the libfreebob device 
discover code
TerraTec (http://www.terratec.net/) 	PHASE 24 
4x6 24/192kHz Audio System
TerraTec (http://www.terratec.net/) 	PHASE X24 
4x6 24/192kHz Audio System
TerraTec (http://www.terratec.net/) 	PHASE Rack 88 FW 
10x10 24/96kHz Recording System
TerraTec (http://www.terratec.net/) 	EWS Mic2 / Mic8 Firewire 
8x8 24/96kHz Recording System
TASCAM (http://www.tascam.com) 	IF-FW/DM 
(http://www.tascam.com/Products/IF-FW_DM.html) 		FireWire Extension Card

 MD: Multi Device
 FW: Needs a (future) firmware upgrade in order to be supported

Devices with a DM1000 but no BeBoB firmware
Device Manufacturer 	Device Model 	Description 	State
M-Audio (http://www.m-audio.com) 	FireWire Audiophile 
FireWire Audio/MIDI Interface 	This device should work with freebob if the 
firmware is downloaded first. Not tested yet
M-Audio (http://www.m-audio.com) 	FireWire 410 
(http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FireWire410-main.html) 	FireWire 
Mobile Recording Interface 	Very different from a BeBoB device. Collected 
some data about it FW410
M-Audio (http://www.m-audio.com) 	FireWire 1814 
(http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/FireWire1814-main.html) 	18-in, 14-out 
FireWire Audio/MIDI Interface w/ ADAT Lightpipe 	No idea if this device could 
be supported

Other Devices

    * Metric Halo devices
          o Use a propriatary implementation
          o Will be fully supported, as Metric Halo will provide us with all 
information, source code and devices 

    * mLAN devices
          o Support for NCP08 devices (PreSonus FIRESTATION) is being worked 
on by Jody McIntyre, who has hardware and most of the required documentation.
          o It may be possible to support other devices depending on how close 
they are to that.
          o Documentation is available for Open Generic Transporter, which 
should allows us to support all future mLAN devices. 

    * Wavefront DICE-II devices
          o Used in Alesis MultiMix 8, 12, and 16 FireWire mixers.
          o Jody McIntyre has hardware and documentation. 

    * Oxford Semiconductor OXFW970 devices
          o Nobody has ever approached Oxford to see if they will release 
          o Uses IEC 61883-6 for streaming.
          o Used in Behringer F-CONTROL AUDIO FCA202. 

    * Echo AUDIOFIRE 8 and 12
          o Echo informs us that their devices are "AV/C compliant", meaning 
that they would work with a generic OS/X like driver. However we don't have 
this kind of driver yet.
          o The Mackie Onyx 400F and 1200F use the same chipset. (Onyx mixers 
use BridgeCo chips and are supported.) 

    * Hercules 16/12 FW (http://europe.hercules.com/showpage.php?p=91&b=1&f=1)
          o Nobody has ever approached Hercules about supporting these 
          o "Electronically, the main circuit is an Altera Acex EP1K50 PLD 
(Programmale Logic Device) - in other words, a proprietary solution..." 

    * MOTU products
          o Traveler, 828mkII, 896HD
          o MOTU have been hostile to the idea of Linux driver development for 
their FireWire products.
          o Olaf Christ has been working on a driver 
(http://www.olafchrist.de/ieee1394/index.php) via protocol analysis.
          o FreeBoB 2.0 contains support for the MOTU devices, based upon 
reverse engineering by Olaf Christ and Jonathan Woithe (who also implemented 
the code). 
    * RME FireFace 800
          o RME have been hostile to the idea of Linux driver development for 
their FireWire products. It is unlikely we will ever support these unless 
they change their minds. 

'Unknown' Devices

This section lists devices which could not yet moved into one catogery above

    * ESI NeON 
          o The usb part is reported to be supported by alsa. 

Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* Colabora: http://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php/Musix1.0tasks
* CD Download: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/)
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* Reporte de errores: 
*IRC: #musix channel on freenode
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