Re: [Musix-usuarios] ya alguien hizo una canción con el piano Steinway MIDI IMIS 2.0

Diana Venturini diana.venturini en
Mie Jul 4 16:42:41 CEST 2007

Hola gente!!! Acabo de lograr ingresar a Internet con musix. Hace
tiempo que tengo el CD y varios intentos para conectarme por esta vía
y saludarlos. Soy totalmente novata en estos manejos. Hasta ahora me
manejaba con Ubuntu, y desde allí me inscribí en esta lista para
conocerlos un poco más. A través de Marcos G. me hice fan de musix,
porque soy una convencida de que el softlibre es clave para una
cultura libre, y además me encanta la música y de vez en cuando me
estalla alguna que otra composición. Mis medios para guardarlas y
compartirlas son superarchiantediluvianos, es decir, cantárselas a
algún amigo en vivo y en directo cuando logro vencer la timidez. Así
que veré si logro algo ahora que tengo esta maravillosa herramienta
(que no sé manejar pero espero aprender) en mi máquina.
Bueno, nada más, y saludarlos con mucha alegría.

2007/7/3, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en>:
> Escuchar (está buena!):
> A esto es a lo que me refería: este tipo de archivos sf2 producen que la
> gente
> haga obras derivadas rápidamente, por lo cual poner muchos obstáculos de
> licencia complicaría mucho las cosas.
> Re: [LAU] Steinway_IMIS2 soundfont
> De: Adam Sampson <ats en>  (Things I did not know at first I learned
> by
> doing twice.)  Para:
> A list for linux audio users <linux-audio-user en>
>   Fecha: 03/07/07 11:40
> Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en> writes:
> > Hey, it's a really nice song, I was listening to it 20 times or so,
> > I will show it to my friends.
> Thank you. :) And likewise to the others who've commented -- glad you
> liked it.
> > * midi controller (midi keyboard)?
> It's a Studiologic SL 990 Pro, which is a piano-sized weighted
> keyboard. It was cheap and feels nice to play, but it has the downside
> that its key action is very loud -- you can hear it thumping away on
> the main vocal track on the recording.
> > * mic and mixer console?
> Behringer B-1 and UB1002FX. (But the mixer's only being used as a mic
> preamp in this case; all the real mixing's done in Ardour.)
> > * software? did you added some reverb? (it seems not)
> > * why didnt you used a gate for the voice channel?
> There's a little bit of reverb and compression on the original, but it
> was a pretty quick recording so I didn't spend much time mixing it...
> Here's a "morning after version" with some more tweaking -- added
> gates and reverb for the vocal tracks as you suggested:
> > Also: do you feel that the FF layer should start sounding at lower MIDI
> > velocities, I mean, when you press the keyboard with lesser power?
> I think if anything it's a bit *too* sensitive at the moment -- I had
> to turn the velocity sensitivity down on my keyboard to avoid
> triggering the ff layer all the time.
> > Do you think that the MF layer should sound brighter?
> > Do you think it needs a PP layer?
> The mf layer sounds fine to me. I'm all in favour of having more
> ability to play quietly, though. ;)
> > BTW: where are you from?
> Canterbury in the UK.
> > BTW2: I like short nights ;) Now here in Argentina the sun is down
> > at 18hs and it's a little bit sad.
> Heh -- oddly enough since I wrote the song a couple of weeks ago, it's
> been raining pretty much continuously here...
> Thanks very much,
> --
> Adam Sampson <ats en>                         <>
> _______________________________
> --
>      `&'
>       #    Marcos Guglielmetti, co-director de
>       #   Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre para artistas
>      _#_
>      (#)
>     / O \    + archivos:
>    ( === )   Ecología:
>     `---'    Personal:
> You see things; and you say 'Why?';
> But I dream things that never were;
> and I say 'Why not?' - George Bernard Shaw

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