[Musix-usuarios] Re: 2.6.21 kernel

victor vdaigu en gmail.com
Dom Abr 29 18:41:42 CEST 2007


2007/4/28, Marcos Guglielmetti <marcospcmusica en gmail.com>:
> Hola Tapani
> | Hola!
> |
> | I'm justing uploading 2.6.21 kernel to
> | http://linux.ilmainen.net/suomiknoppix/linux-2.6.21/
> | The configuration is the same as in 2.6.21-rc7.
> OK! I will make this mail public! (If you dont mind!), because
> it  inaugurates
> the Stable history of Musix!
> | I'm writing just now from it, using Iceweasel, compiling new 2.6.21-rt1
> | kernel (realtime preemption kernel for you), listening music with
> | Amarok, sending kernel  files with Gftp to the server and compressing my
> | new SuomiKnoppix with 2.6.21 kernel.  Everything works great. This
> | kernel is wonderful!
> |
> | -tapsa-
> :-D
> Thanks Tapsa, now you can also watch some Videos made for the 5/5/2007
> Musix's
> 1.0/Stable public presentation using this kernel :)
> http://www.musix.org.ar/video/
> I know, they are in spanish, but I think you can like to see them.
> By the way: today I was installing Musix 1.0rc1 at an install fest here in
> La
> Plata, and I was telling the people: "2.6.21 stable must be ready this
> week,
> I think", so, you were right... also 2.6.21-rc7 is not bad at all.
> One last thing:
> Should I install the 2.6.21-rt1 kernel into the Live-CD, I mean: It will
> be
> compatible with aufs? or should I install 2.6.21 that is compatible with
> aufs
> for sure?
> In the last case, we should change
> http://linux.ilmainen.net/suomiknoppix/linux-2.6.21/minirt.gz (I did not
> watched it yet, but I can imagine it does not says "Welcome to Musix") :P
> Well, now Musix could be really a Stable system!!
> Thanks again!
> --
> Marcos Guglielmetti
> * Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
> * Colabora: http://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php/Musix1.0tasks
> * CD Download: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/)
> * Videos, programas, etc.: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/
> * Reporte de errores:
> https://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php?title=Problemas-Bugs
> *IRC: #musix channel on freenode
> * http://autosus.wordpress.com/
> «No te tomes en serio nada que no te haga reír» [un amigo de E. Galeano]
> ... tampoco sigas al pie de la letra ninguna de estas frases...
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