[Musix-usuarios] aGNUla es condiderada una distribución 100% libre:
Marcos Guglielmetti Gmail
marcospcmusica en gmail.com
Lun Mayo 15 21:37:20 CEST 2006
Free GNU/Linux distributions
These are all GNU/Linux distributions we know of which consist entirely
of free software, and whose main distribution sites distribute only
free software. If a distribution does not appear in this list, there's
a small chance that it qualifies and we do not know it; however, almost
certainly it contains or distributes non-free software.
We would especially like to know of other GNU/Linux distributions that
have a policy not to include, or recommend, non-free software.
Developers of such distros that wish us to be aware of their
distributions should contact <gnu en gnu.org>.
* UTUTO-e, a GNU/Linux distribution containing only free software.
In both Spanish and English.
* Dynebolic, The instant bootable GNU/Linux
* BLAG, blag linux and gnu
* GNUstep, another instant bootable GNU/Linux distribution
* Musix GNU+Linux, a bootable GNU+Linux distribution, in both
Spanish and English
* AGNULA, a fully functional GNU/Linux distribution with special
emphasis on professional audio requirements, comprising 100% free
Marcos Guglielmetti
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* Descarga el CD de Musix: (www.musix.org.ar)
* Videos, programas y otras cosas en:
Más información sobre la lista de distribución Musix-usuarios