[Musix-users] Re: [M-Colab] behringer ugc 102 / something to test

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 16:56:36 CET 2008

Hello Sean, 

¿Could you try this in your system?

There are two attached files:

 021_behringer_ucg102.rules should be copied /etc/udev/udev.d
and behringer_ucg102 should be copied to /usr/local/bin 

Then, make it executable

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/behringer_ucg102

Gilberto Borges made this, so, when you plug the behringer_ucg102 cable to 
your PC, it must run the script

Could you test it?


 | Algun tipo que tiene un cable behringer_ucg102 puede
 | testear esto? El script, creo que va correr bien. Lo
 | que más me preocupa son las reglas de UDEV. Creo que
 | esta todo correcto, pero...
 | Quedo mui contento si tuvier reportes. Esto todo
 | debera hacer parte de musixcontrol y es la primera
 | tentativa de adaptar musixcontrol a una cuestión de
 | hardware cerrada en un modelo y fabricante.
 | Gracias.
 | Gilberto.
 |       Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para
 | armazenamento! http://br.mail.yahoo.com/

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Name: behringer_ucg102
Type: application/x-shellscript
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Url : /pipermail/musix-users/attachments/20080105/2992912f/behringer_ucg102.bin
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# Regras UDEV para abrir corretamente interfaces Behringer UCG 102
# 2008 - Gilberto Andre Borges
# GNU / GPL 2+
# http://www.musicaeeducacao.mus.br
# http:musix.codigolivre.org.br
# gab at musicaeeducacao.mus.br

ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2902", SYSFS{idVendor}=="08bb", \
SYSFS{product}=="BEHRINGER UCG 102", MODE="0660", GROUP="audio", \
SYMLINK+="behringer_ucg102", RUN:="xterm -e /usr/local/bin/behringer_ucg102"

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