[Musix-users] (no subject)

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Thu May 31 00:40:06 CEST 2007

El Jueves, 31 de Mayo de 2007 04:25, Karolis Doksas escribió:
 | i tried all installers, but system gets various random errors in every day
 | work, i even couldn't save alsa conf. , can not run rosegarden, audacity
 | and other app properly, because i usualy get some strange errors, language
 | is bugy too. what could be wrong?

Hi, ¿the ISO image is OK?

Did your checked it with md5sum?

Could you send us the pcinfo.txt generated by the script pcinfo.sh ?


      #           Marcos Guglielmetti               
      #   Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre      
     _#_       http://www.musix.org.ar/en           
    / O \    + archivos: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix
   ( === )   Ecología: http://autosus.wordpress.com    
    `---'    Personal: http://marcospcmusica.wordpress.com

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