[Musix-users] New kernel 2.6.20-rc5-rt7-SMP for testing ;-)

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 18:26:20 CET 2007

Hello Tapsa

> New kernel
> http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/linux-2.6.20-rc5-rt7-SMP/

Thanks: users and collaborator, please test and report! ! !


(Do you have some time to rest, Tapsa? hehehe)

> The kernel is OK but with aufs (or something) seems to be difficulties.

Oh, hell

> I'm not sure what causes this that I can do a liveCD and boot it from
> Qemu fine but burning a CD causes Segmentation fault and boot fails
> after 'Accessing KNOPPIX filesystem' (see
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-knoppix/2007/01/msg00072.html). 

Really odd; the kernel's world is crazy!

> I try to 
> check it soon if I can. Anyhow aufs loads fine by insmod and really
> works in hd installed kernel.

Fine, we will test it soon. I tested the last kernel from the HD: it works 
better than the old 2.6.20 series builded by you, if we talk about realtime 
JACK apps: so, I think it's better than previous versions.

But I am still trying to solve the non-root user problem with realtime 
privileges: I will change my PAM modules so maybe it could solve this 


Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* CD Donwload: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/)
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