[Musix-users] Musix 0.59 CD does not boot

Marcos Guglielmetti marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 18:04:34 CEST 2006

El Domingo, 17 de Septiembre de 2006 22:32, Jack Langdon escribió:
> Unfortunately, Musix 0.59b19 does not boot in my PC any better than
> 0.59b15 or 0.59b18. It is not recognized as a bootable CD. (For those
> interested, more details can be found in earlier posts in this
> thread.)

Well, now I dont know where is the problem with your hardware: I only tested 
Musix 0.59b19 into a machine that did not booted Musix 0.59b15 and b18, and 
It booted, so It's doing it better, but, we have to wait for other reports, 
many thanks

> Marcos Guglielmetti escribió:
> > Now Musix GNU/Linux 0.59 should boot fine in all PCs
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Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
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