[Musix-users] Gina20 firmware missing

Johannes M. Stolba forbajoe at gmx.net
Tue Jun 20 21:02:20 CEST 2006

MNO wrote:
> Well how i understand it is:
> That the newer drivers (1.0.2 and later)  don't use any firmware anymore.
> I asume that you are using those for Musix?
> But i'm not sure what Johannes is using...
> Lets wait for his reply... maybe i'm wrong.

Hi folks!

well, the firmware must be free software, because it is distributet by 
the alsa project.

if you go here:

you find my card in the second line. the dirver is gina20. unfortunately 
it says "discontinued", whatever that means in this context?

the problem is, i don't have enough time at the moment to fiddle around 
with this thing, but i'll keep you informed as i discover some solutions.

i downloaded the alsa 1.0.11 source plus fimrware source but i couldn't 
build it due to an error during the execution of the configure script. 
do i need to have the kernel sources installed as well to compile alsa 


Johannes M. Stolba
Tel.:  +43 3153 71483
Mobil: +43 699 11729154
E-Mail: forbajoe at gmx.net
Web: http://jo.nspire.net

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