[Musix-users] Echoaudio Gina

Marcos Guglielmetti Gmail marcospcmusica at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 14:05:23 CEST 2006

El Jueves, 1 de Junio de 2006 16:16, Johannes M. Stolba escribió:
> Johannes M. Stolba wrote:
> > Unfortunately, Musix 0.4 seemingly does not come with a module for
> > my Echo Gina (20 Bit converters) soundcard (still on LiveCD, not
> > installed to the CF card yet).
> Now I found the module, but it is only in the module path for the
> 2.6.13-1-multimedia-386 kernel, which cannot be startet from the boot
> promt?!
> At the boot promt it says that I can only choose between kernel
> 2.6.11 and 2.6.15 (with realtime support).
> Can I boot this other kernel some how?

No, really, you could wait for Musix 0.49 that allready has it. Also you 
cant install a new kernel (like 2.6.16-beyond4.1) into the live-cd, 
because you would have to reboot, and the changes would be lost :(

> BTW: installation to hd needs at least 1 GB it says, but my CF card
> has only 512 MB :-( does this mean I have to go for Debian?

At least 1.8gb: yes, you could go for DeMuDi in that case: its a good 
system for multimedia!

> Greetings,
> Johannes

Marcos Guglielmetti  
* Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre
* Descarga el CD de Musix: (www.musix.org.ar) 
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