[Movecommons-commits] r600 - trunk/src

Mario Gallegos mgallegos at ourproject.org
Mon Feb 4 23:42:28 CET 2013

Author: mgallegos
Date: 2013-02-04 23:42:27 +0100 (Mon, 04 Feb 2013)
New Revision: 600

CLOSED - Defect #500: The RC areas should be disabled until I click Yes/No

Modified: trunk/src/mc-dia-form2.js
--- trunk/src/mc-dia-form2.js	2013-02-04 21:34:11 UTC (rev 599)
+++ trunk/src/mc-dia-form2.js	2013-02-04 22:42:27 UTC (rev 600)
@@ -333,126 +333,7 @@
-	function select_cat($id, $id2) {
-	  var cat_id = "#mc-form-" + $id;
-	  $j(cat_id + ",#mc-form-icon-" + $id).click(
-	    function ()
-	    {/*
-	    //  if ($id != "rc") {
-		$j(cat_id).addClass("mc-form-descbox-selected");
-		$j("#mc-cat-selected-"+ $id).slideDown();
-	      //}
-	      $j("#mc-form-" + $id2).removeClass("mc-form-descbox-selected");
-	      $j("#mc-cat-selected-"+ $id2).slideUp();
-	      // $j("#mc-form-more-link-" + $id2).show('slow');
-	      $j("#mc-form-less-link-" + $id2).hide();
-	      //      $j("#mc-form-" + $id).removeAttr("title");
-	      //      $j("#mc-form-" + $id2).attr("title", click_to_select);
-	      $j("#mc-form-more-text-" + $id2).slideUp(function() {adjustHeights();});*/
-	      if (cat_id == "#mc-form-rc") {
-	    	  //$j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideDown(function() {adjustHeights();});
-	    	  mc_rc="0";
-	    	  update_logo($id);
-	    	  //$j('div.blockMe3').unblock();
-	    	  //$('#mc-form-optional-reinforcing').show();
-	      } else if (cat_id == "#mc-form-nrc") {
-	    	  //$j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideUp(function() {adjustHeights();});
-	    	  reset_areas();
-	    	  update_logo($id);
-	      } else if (cat_id == "#mc-form-np") {
-	    	  //$j('div.blockMe1').unblock();
-	    	  //$('#mc-form-optional-non-profit').show();
-	      } else if (cat_id == "#mc-form-rp") {
-	    	  //$j('div.blockMe2').unblock();    	  
-	    	  //$('#mc-form-optional-reproducible').show();
-	      } else if (cat_id == "#mc-form-gr") {
-	    	  //$j('div.blockMe4').unblock();	  
-	    	  //$('#mc-form-optional-grassroots').show();
-	      } else {
-	    	  update_logo($id);
-	    	  //$j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideUp(function() {adjustHeights();});
-	      }
-	    });
-	};
-	function hover_cat($id) {
-	  var cat_id = "#mc-form-" + $id;
-	  $j(cat_id + ",#mc-form-icon-" + $id).hover(
-	    function ()
-	    {
-	      $j(cat_id).addClass("mc-form-descbox-high");
-	      //if ($j('#mc-form-less-link-'+$id).is(':hidden'))
-	    	//  $j("#mc-form-more-link-"+$id).show();
-	    }, function () {
-	      $j(cat_id).removeClass("mc-form-descbox-high");
-	      //if ($j('#mc-form-less-link-'+$id).is(':hidden'))
-	    	 // $j("#mc-form-more-link-"+$id).hide();
-	    });
-	};
-	// More links
-	function click_more_link($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-more-link-" + $id).click(
-	    function (event) {
-	      event.stopPropagation();
-	      $j(this).hide();
-	      /*if ($id == "rc") {
-	    	  $j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideDown();
-	      }*/
-	      $j("#mc-form-less-link-" + $id).show('slow');
-	      $j("#mc-form-more-text-" + $id).show('slow',function() {adjustHeights();});
-	    });
-	};
-	function click_less_link($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-less-link-" + $id).click(
-	    function (event) {
-	      event.stopPropagation();
-	      $j(this).hide();
-	      /*if ($id == "rc") {
-	    	  $j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideUp();
-	      }*/
-	      $j("#mc-form-more-link-" + $id).show('slow');
-	      $j("#mc-form-more-text-" + $id).slideUp(function() {adjustHeights();});
-	      //if ($id == "rc") { $j("#mc-cat-rc-options").slideUp(function() {adjustHeights();});}
-	    });
-	};
-	function hover_more_link($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-more-link-" + $id).hover(
-	    function () {
-	      $j(this).addClass("mc-form-link-high");
-	    }, function () {
-	      $j(this).removeClass("mc-form-link-high");
-	    });
-	};
-	function hover_less_link($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-less-link-" + $id).hover(
-	    function () {
-	      $j(this).addClass("mc-form-link-high");
-	    }, function () {
-	      $j(this).removeClass("mc-form-link-high");
-	    });
-	};
-	function hide_initial($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-more-link-" + $id).hide();
-	  //$j("#mc-form-more-text-" + $id).hide();
-	  $j("#mc-form-less-link-" + $id).hide();
-	};
-	function dclick_toggle($id) {
-	  $j("#mc-form-" + $id).dblclick(
-	    function () {
-	      var id_text = "#mc-form-more-text-" + $id;
-	      var id_link = "#mc-form-more-link-" + $id;
-	      if ($j(id_text).is(':visible')) { $j(id_text).slideUp(); $j(id_link).slideDown(); }
-	      else { $j(id_text).slideDown(); $j(id_link).slideUp(); };
-	    });};
 	function reset_areas() {
@@ -464,24 +345,26 @@
 	function select_area($id) {
-	  var cat_id = "#mc-cat-rc-option-box-" + $id;
-	  $j(cat_id + ",#mc-cat-rc-option-icon-" + $id).click(
-	    function (event) {
-	      if($j('#rc-checkbox').val()=='N')
-	    	  return;
-	      event.stopPropagation();
-	      reset_areas();
-	      $j("#mc-form-rc").addClass("mc-form-descbox-selected");
-	      $j("#mc-cat-selected-rc").slideDown();
-	      $j(cat_id).addClass("mc-cat-rc-option-box-selected");
-	      $j("#mc-form-icon-rc").attr({src : "/mc/0.1/images/rc" + $id + "60.png"});
-	      update_logo($id);
-	    });
-	};
+		var cat_id = "#mc-cat-rc-option-box-" + $id;
+		$j(cat_id + ",#mc-cat-rc-option-icon-" + $id).click(
+			function (event) {
+				if($j('#rc-checkbox').val()=='A'){    	
+					$j('#step5question').effect("shake", { times:3 }, 50);
+						return;
+				}		      
+				event.stopPropagation();
+				reset_areas();
+				$j("#mc-form-rc").addClass("mc-form-descbox-selected");
+				$j("#mc-cat-selected-rc").slideDown();
+				$j(cat_id).addClass("mc-cat-rc-option-box-selected");
+				$j("#mc-form-icon-rc").attr({src : "/mc/0.1/images/rc" + $id + "60.png"});
+				update_logo($id);
+			}
+		);
+	}
 	// Inspired in:
-	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803688/how-do-i-keep-multiple-divs-the-same-height-using-jquery
+	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/803688/how-do-i-keep-multiple-divs-the-same-height-using-jquery	
 	function adjustPairHeights($id1, $id2) {
 	  var maxHeight = 0;
 	  var idcat1 = "#mc-form-category-group-" + $id1;
@@ -529,29 +412,9 @@
 	  } else {
-	  checkIfFormReady();
-	function checkIfFormReady()  {
-	  urlIni = $j('#url').val();
-	  nameIni = $j('#ininame').val();
-	  keywordsIni = $j('#keywords').val();
-	  if (mc_category != "" && nameIni.length > 0 && urlIni.length > 0) {
-	    $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").addClass("mc-dia-continue-btn-enabled");
-	    $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").removeClass("mc-dia-continue-btn-disabled");
-	    $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").effect("highlight", {}, 2000);
-	  } else {
-	    $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").addClass("mc-dia-continue-btn-disabled");
-	    $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").removeClass("mc-dia-continue-btn-enabled");
-	  }
-	}
-	function confInputValidation($id) {
-	  $j($id).bind("change keyup", function(event) {
-	    checkIfFormReady();
-	  });
-	}
 	// adapted from:
 	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1277070/is-there-an-equivalent-javascript-or-jquery-sleep-function
 	function doadjustwithsleep( part ) {
@@ -561,29 +424,7 @@
-	function conf_link($id) {
-	  var nid = "n" + $id;
-	  select_cat($id, nid);
-	  select_cat(nid, $id);
-	};
-	function conf_click_continue() {
-	  $j("#mc-dia-continue-btn").click(
-	    function (event) {
-	      event.stopPropagation();
-	      if (mc_category != "" && urlIni.length > 0 && nameIni.length > 0) {
-	        var currentUrl = window.location.pathname.split('/');
-		var langCode = "";
-		if (currentUrl[1] == 'preview') { langCode = 'en'; }
-		else { langCode = currentUrl[1]; };
-	        window.location.href="/" + langCode + "/" + mc_category + "-html/0.1/?ini_name=" + nameIni +
-	          "&ini_url=" + urlIni + "&ini_keywords=" + keywordsIni;
-	      }
-	    });
-	};
 	// http://www.richreuter.com/2008/08/01/UsingJQueryToResizeTextBoxesToMaxLength.aspx
 	function max_textsize() {
 	  $j('input[type=text]').each(function() {
@@ -985,13 +826,11 @@
-	conf_click_continue();    
 	$j(window).load(function () { doadjustwithsleep(0); });
 	$j('input#ininame').inputfocus({ value: field_values['ininame'] });
 	$j('input#url').inputfocus({ value: field_values['url'] });
 	$j('input#languages').inputfocus({ value: field_values['languages'] }); 
 	$j('input#keywords').inputfocus({ value: field_values['keywords'] });
 	$j('input#location').inputfocus({ value: field_values['location'] });
-	//$('input#email').inputfocus({ value: field_values['email'] }); 

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