[Linuxargentina-proyectos] ies is most fascinating occup

Lawernce carchemish en akdenizrent.com
Lun Ago 24 13:09:12 CEST 2009

S the Phalarope, the females of which enjoy {47} an immunity from
domestic duties that might cause the lady Hornbill many an envious sigh
did she know of the freedom of her American sister. Mrs. Phalarope has
no intention of being shut in with her eggs for a month while her mate
goes roaming at large about the country, nor has she any idea of playing
the part of the Georgia Mockingbird and bringing five-sixths of the food
which the young require. Her method of procedure is first to permit her
mate to search for a suitable nesting site. When some sheltered spot in
the ground, quite to her liking, has been found she deposits the eggs
and goes her way. Little companies of female Phalaropes may be seen at
this time of the year frequenting the ponds and sloughs they inhabit.
The dutiful and well-trained males are all at home, where they are
responsible for the entire task of caring for, and incubating, the eggs.
_Length of Mated Life._--The length of time which birds remain mated is
a question often asked but seldom answered sa
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