[Kune-translators] Kune translations update

Bastien bzg at altern.org
Thu Aug 2 11:14:29 CEST 2012


"Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado" <vjrj at ourproject.org> writes:

> Seems that the last one is not saving for some reason (maybe because is
> too long)... can you copy/paste it here? So I can try to modify it.

Here is the last string again:


  Your browser version is not properly supported. Please, use a
  free/libre modern and updated browser like the last version of [%s]
  instead. Some functionalities such as concurrent edition will then
  work properly. Continue anyway?


  La version de votre navigateur web n'est pas bien supportée.  Merci
  d'utiliser plutôt un navigateur libre et récent comme la dernière
  version de [%s].  Des fonctionnalités comme l'édition parallèle
  fonctionneront alors correctement.  Continuer quand même ?

I think it's now in the server -- please double-check in case...

> The rest is perfect....

Great :)

Happy hacking guys!


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