<div dir="ltr">Hi there,<br><br>Please, if you are a new contributor, interested in Kune but not knowing what to do or how to help, I'd push you to reply to this email to see how can we help you to find an appropriate task for you. <br>
<br>We are all here doing this because we like it and we are in the mood of it, so we'd try to find you a task you'd be confortable with. Don't worry if you don't know much, we are all learning here... following the "learning by doing" :)<br>
<br>Cheers<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr">Samer<br><br><a href="http://comunes.org" target="_blank">http://comunes.org</a><br><br>"No son tiempos para hacer cualquier cosa"</div><br>