[kune-devel] [Comunes-board] Kune programming

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado vjrj at ourproject.org
Sun Feb 19 23:09:23 CET 2012

(cc kune-devel list)

El 19/02/12 15:27, tim macpherson escribió:
> Hello.
> Apologies for writing in english, my Spanish is not very good. My name
> is Tim Macpherson & I live in London.

English is perfect.

> I'm interested in contributing to the Kune project. I have been
> programming on & off for around 20 years, mainly in C++ for scientific
> applications. I have recently become interested in web progamming with
> Java & GWT.


> I'm interested in Kune because it is open source & it is socially
> useful. I have downloaded the source code and am currently studying it.
> I would hope to contribute useful code fairly quickly. Meanwhile, if
> help is needed with English translation, I would be glad to assist.

Thank you indeed. Our (specially my) English is far from good, so it's a
big help...

> I use a Windows 7 PC (AMD quad, 3.2GHz) with broadband speed around 5 Mbs.

Our Windows documentation (INSTALL & DEV-GUIDE) is very outdated because
it's a environment we don't use. So help there, very welcome also. Also
testing and patching in that environment (or simply to send feedback of
how kune looks like there can be useful).

> Currently, my other tekky interests include 3D realtime graphics,
> low-cost 3D scanning (especially "Kinfu", the open source version of
> Microsoft's "Kinect Fusion") along with 3D printing.


Maybe you can joing 3D with GWT in the short term:

> Other relevant interests include politics, spanish / jazz guitar and
> Spanish language learning.


> I hope to hear from you soon.
> Regards
> Tim Macpherson Ph.D.

Some general comments:

We have some general info about our teams (kune it's one of them):

We like/love what we do, so, let's try to find which part of kune it's
more interesting/necessary for you and try to make your participation

Another point: The start is always the most complicated, so don't dude
to write us when you find some trouble.

Bests, and welcome,
Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado

http://homes.ourproject.org/~vjrj/blog (@vjrj)

 "Our hope is that this project will inspire similar efforts at other
 institutions and will reinforce the concept that ideas are best viewed
 as the common property of all of us, not as proprietary products
 intended to generate profits." [William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
 president Paul Brest, commenting on the foundation's support for the
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseWare initiative]

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