[kune-devel] Fwd: Open source release of wave document model

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado vruiz.jurado at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 18:18:42 CEST 2010


Más liberaciones de Wave (del protocolo por ahora). Parece que les ha
llevado más de la cuenta:
"This open source release has taken longer than we wished and
originally planned for"



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Open source release of wave document model
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 08:23:50 +1100
From: J.D. Zamfirescu <zamfire at gmail.com>
Reply-To: wave-protocol at googlegroups.com
To: wave-protocol at googlegroups.com

Hello everyone,

We have just open sourced a significant new chunk of Google Wave
source code: the wave document model. The new code, some thirty-eight
thousand lines of code mainly in the
org.waveprocotol.wave.model.document package, implements useful and
efficient data structures for reading and manipulating wave documents.
This is the same document model used by the Google Wave client and
servers. This code is available at:

On top of this, we're continuing to work to open source more code. In
the near future we expect to release code implementing some abstract
concurrent data types based on wave documents, which are in turn the
basis for an implementation of the Google Wave conversation model
The code implementing the wave data models is a pre-requisite for the
release of other components built on these models, including many
components of the web client. The example wave server, FedOne, does
not yet make use of the new code but we intend to update it as a
useful reference (your help welcome!).

This open source release has taken longer than we wished and
originally planned for, but we're learning as we go. We're now
changing our approach so as to better inform and engage with you, the
wave protocol community, by publishing code earlier: before we're
completely happy with it, before it's "done". That means that this and
future chunks of code are very much works in progress. It does not yet
implement the ideal solution. You can expect to see the code, data
format, and APIs evolve as Google Wave and the protocol evolve. We
can't yet promise stability or backwards-compatibility but are working
towards those goals. We will communicate progress as we work together
along the way. We want to be more transparent and are releasing this
code, warts and all, so it can be most useful to the community.

We hope you enjoy the new code, and that to come. We look forward to
hearing your feedback and, of course, contributions are welcome.

Happy waving,

Alex North and J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira, for the Google Wave team

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado


 "Our hope is that this project will inspire similar efforts at other
 institutions and will reinforce the concept that ideas are best viewed
 as the common property of all of us, not as proprietary products
 intended to generate profits." [William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
 president Paul Brest, commenting on the foundation's support for the
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseWare initiative]

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