[kune-commits] r1662 - in trunk: img/screenshots src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/spaces

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado vjrj_ at ourproject.org
Mon Jan 16 11:30:39 CET 2012

Author: vjrj_
Date: 2012-01-16 11:30:38 +0100 (Mon, 16 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 1662

Screencast improved (work in progress)

Added: trunk/img/screenshots/kune-newgroup.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/img/screenshots/kune-newgroup.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: trunk/img/screenshots/kune-register.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/SeleniumConf.java
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/SeleniumConf.java	2012-01-12 14:45:36 UTC (rev 1661)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/SeleniumConf.java	2012-01-16 10:30:38 UTC (rev 1662)
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
   public static final Driver DRIVER = Driver.firefox;
   /* Configure this for use other lang, site, or driver */
-  public static final Lang LANG = Lang.es;
-  public static final Site SITE = Site.localhost;
+  public static final Lang LANG = Lang.en;
+  public static final Site SITE = Site.demo;
   public static final int TIMEOUT = 25;
   SeleniumConf() {

Modified: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterPageObject.java
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterPageObject.java	2012-01-12 14:45:36 UTC (rev 1661)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterPageObject.java	2012-01-16 10:30:38 UTC (rev 1662)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     if (doScreenshot) {
       SeleniumUtils.doScreenshot(getWebDriver(), "register");
-      sleep(4000);
+      sleep(2000);
     if (withReturn) {

Deleted: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterSeleniumTests.java
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterSeleniumTests.java	2012-01-12 14:45:36 UTC (rev 1661)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterSeleniumTests.java	2012-01-16 10:30:38 UTC (rev 1662)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The kune development team (see CREDITS for details)
- * This file is part of kune.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
-package cc.kune.selenium.login;
-import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
-import org.testng.annotations.Test;
-import cc.kune.core.client.state.SiteTokens;
-import cc.kune.selenium.KuneSeleniumTest;
-import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumConf;
-import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumConstants;
-import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumUtils;
-import com.calclab.emite.core.client.xmpp.stanzas.XmppURI;
-public class RegisterSeleniumTests extends KuneSeleniumTest {
-  @Test(dataProvider = "correctregister")
-  public void basicRegister(final String shortNameUntrans, final String longNameUntrans,
-      final String passwd, final String emailUntrans) {
-    final String shortName = t(shortNameUntrans);
-    final String longName = t(longNameUntrans);
-    final String email = t(emailUntrans);
-    SeleniumUtils.fastSpeed(false);
-    // 15 chars, the limit, so we don't use shortName
-    final String prefix = getTempString();
-    showTitleSlide(t("User registration"), t("to get full access to this site tools/contents"));
-    login.createOne();
-    register.fillRegisterForm(shortName + prefix, longName + prefix, passwd, prefix + email, false, true);
-    doScreenshot("register");
-    sleep(1000);
-    login.assertIsConnectedAs(prefix);
-    entityHeader.waitForEntityTitle(longName + prefix);
-    register.getWelcomeMsg().click();
-    // home space
-    showTitleSlide(t("Home space (your welcome page)"),
-        t("Here you can see a summary of your activity in this site"));
-    site.homeSpaceBtn.click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    homeSpace.getSndStats().click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    homeSpace.getTrdStats().click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    // user space
-    showTitleSlide(t("User space (your Inbox)"), t("contents in which you participate"));
-    showTooltip(site.userSpaceBtn);
-    site.userSpaceBtn.click();
-    showMsg(t("You can see this like an advanced email system..."));
-    userSpace.getFirstWave().click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    userSpace.getNewWave().click();
-    showMsg(t("where you can compose personal messages..."));
-    showMsg(t("but also create contents to publish later"));
-    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(t("Congratulations for your report\n\n"));
-    sleep(1000);
-    userSpace.getCursive().click();
-    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(
-        t("Hi there, Just to say that I like") + t("a lot your last report\n\n"));
-    sleep(1000);
-    userSpace.getCursive().click();
-    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(t("Best\n\nJane"));
-    sleep(3000);
-    userSpace.getRootEdit().click();
-    userSpace.getAddParcipant().click();
-    sleep(1000);
-    answerOnNextPrompt("admin");
-    sleep(5000);
-    // group space
-    showTitleSlide(t("Your personal public space"), t("here you can have your blog, etc"));
-    sleep(500);
-    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
-    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
-    showMsg(t("Let's start adding some buddie to our social network"));
-    sleep(1000);
-    groupSpace.addBuddieBtn().click();
-    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.click();
-    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.sendKeys("admin");
-    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN);
-    sleep(500);
-    groupSpace.firstFromSuggestionBox.click();
-    site.confirmationOk.click();
-    sleep(500);
-    groupSpace.searchEntitiesOk().click();
-    // groupSpace.firstAvatarOfGroup().click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    showTitleSlide(t("Chat with your buddies"), t("compatible with gmail and similars"),
-        SiteTokens.WAVEINBOX);
-    // showTooltip(chat.icon());
-    chat.show();
-    sleep(2000);
-    final XmppURI jid = XmppURI.jid(SeleniumConstants.USER_SHORNAME + "@"
-        + SeleniumConf.SITE.getDomain());
-    final String jids = jid.toString();
-    chat.getRosterItem("", jids).click();
-    // chat.openChat(jid);
-    // chat.getPage(jids).click();
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("Helloo... ;)"));
-    chat.getSend(jids).click();
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("I'm just testing"));
-    chat.getSend(jids).click();
-    showMsg(t("And you can chat event while going back/forward with your browser"));
-    site.homeSpaceBtn.click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("la la la"));
-    chat.getSend(jids).click();
-    showMsg(t("Browser history back"));
-    browserBack();
-    sleep(2000);
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("I can continue chat smoothly ;)"));
-    chat.getSend(jids).click();
-    sleep(2000);
-    showMsg(t("Browser history forward"));
-    browserForward();
-    sleep(1000);
-    showMsg(t("And more options for your contacts"));
-    chat.getItemMenu("", jids).click();
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("goodbye!"));
-    chat.getSend(jids).click();
-    sleep(1000);
-    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.ALT, "C"));
-    // chat.close();
-    login.logout();
-    showTitleSlide(t("Thank you"), t("and yes, feedback welcome"));
-  }

Copied: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/ScreenCastsViaSeleniumTests.java (from rev 1661, trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/RegisterSeleniumTests.java)
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/ScreenCastsViaSeleniumTests.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/login/ScreenCastsViaSeleniumTests.java	2012-01-16 10:30:38 UTC (rev 1662)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The kune development team (see CREDITS for details)
+ * This file is part of kune.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+package cc.kune.selenium.login;
+import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
+import org.testng.annotations.Test;
+import cc.kune.core.client.state.SiteTokens;
+import cc.kune.selenium.KuneSeleniumTest;
+import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumConf;
+import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumConstants;
+import cc.kune.selenium.SeleniumUtils;
+import com.calclab.emite.core.client.xmpp.stanzas.XmppURI;
+public class ScreenCastsViaSeleniumTests extends KuneSeleniumTest {
+  @Test(dataProvider = "correctregister")
+  public void globalScreencast(final String shortNameUntrans, final String longNameUntrans,
+      final String passwd, final String emailUntrans) {
+    final String shortName = t(shortNameUntrans);
+    final String longName = t(longNameUntrans);
+    final String email = t(emailUntrans);
+    SeleniumUtils.fastSpeed(false);
+    // 15 chars, the limit, so we don't use shortName
+    final String prefix = getTempString();
+    showTitleSlide(t("User registration"), t("to get full access to this site tools/contents"));
+    login.createOne();
+    register.fillRegisterForm(shortName + prefix, longName + prefix, passwd, prefix + email, false, true);
+    sleep(1000);
+    login.assertIsConnectedAs(prefix);
+    entityHeader.waitForEntityTitle(longName + prefix);
+    register.getWelcomeMsg().click();
+    // group space
+    showTitleSlide(t("Group space (collaboration space)"),
+        t("Here you can create groups and collaborate within them"));
+    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
+    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
+    showMsg(t("Let's create a new group"));
+    site.newGroupBtn.click();
+    newGroup.shortName.sendKeys("yseg" + prefix);
+    newGroup.longName.sendKeys(t("Yellow Summarine Environmental Group ") + prefix);
+    newGroup.publicDescription.sendKeys(t("The Yellow Summarine Environmental Group is an Argentine-Based environmental"
+        + " direct action group. Currently we are focusing or activities in the environmental impact of mining."));
+    newGroup.tags.sendKeys(t("environmental, Argentina, action"));
+    newGroup.projectType.click();
+    showTooltip(newGroup.projectType);
+    doScreenshot("newgroup");
+    newGroup.registerBtn.click();
+    showTitleSlide(t("Group space (collaboration space) III "),
+        t("Let's see the diferent tools you have available"));
+    groupSpace.blogTool.click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    groupSpace.wikiTool.click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    groupSpace.listTool.click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    groupSpace.eventTool.click();
+    showTitleSlide(t("Group space (collaboration space) II"),
+        t("but also you can have your personal space (with blogs, etc)"));
+    // home space
+    showTitleSlide(t("Home space (your welcome page)"),
+        t("Here you can see a summary of your activity in this site"));
+    site.homeSpaceBtn.click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    homeSpace.getSndStats().click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    homeSpace.getTrdStats().click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    // user space
+    showTitleSlide(t("User space (your Inbox)"), t("contents in which you participate"));
+    showTooltip(site.userSpaceBtn);
+    site.userSpaceBtn.click();
+    showMsg(t("You can see this like an advanced email system..."));
+    userSpace.getFirstWave().click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    userSpace.getNewWave().click();
+    showMsg(t("where you can compose personal messages..."));
+    showMsg(t("but also create contents to publish later"));
+    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(t("Congratulations for your report\n\n"));
+    sleep(1000);
+    userSpace.getCursive().click();
+    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(
+        t("Hi there, Just to say that I like") + t("a lot your last report\n\n"));
+    sleep(1000);
+    userSpace.getCursive().click();
+    userSpace.rootBlipText().sendKeys(t("Best\n\nJane"));
+    sleep(3000);
+    userSpace.getRootEdit().click();
+    userSpace.getAddParcipant().click();
+    sleep(1000);
+    answerOnNextPrompt("admin");
+    sleep(5000);
+    // group space
+    showTitleSlide(t("Your personal public space"), t("here you can have your blog, etc"));
+    sleep(500);
+    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
+    site.groupSpaceBtn.click();
+    showMsg(t("Let's start adding some buddie to our social network"));
+    sleep(1000);
+    groupSpace.addBuddieBtn.click();
+    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.click();
+    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.sendKeys("admin");
+    groupSpace.addNewBuddieTextBox.sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN);
+    sleep(500);
+    groupSpace.firstFromSuggestionBox.click();
+    site.confirmationOk.click();
+    sleep(500);
+    groupSpace.searchEntitiesOk.click();
+    // groupSpace.firstAvatarOfGroup().click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    showTitleSlide(t("Chat with your buddies"), t("compatible with gmail and similars"),
+        SiteTokens.WAVEINBOX);
+    // showTooltip(chat.icon());
+    chat.show();
+    sleep(2000);
+    final XmppURI jid = XmppURI.jid(SeleniumConstants.USER_SHORNAME + "@"
+        + SeleniumConf.SITE.getDomain());
+    final String jids = jid.toString();
+    chat.getRosterItem("", jids).click();
+    // chat.openChat(jid);
+    // chat.getPage(jids).click();
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("Helloo... ;)"));
+    chat.getSend(jids).click();
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("I'm just testing"));
+    chat.getSend(jids).click();
+    showMsg(t("And you can chat event while going back/forward with your browser"));
+    site.homeSpaceBtn.click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("la la la"));
+    chat.getSend(jids).click();
+    showMsg(t("Browser history back"));
+    browserBack();
+    sleep(2000);
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("I can continue chat smoothly ;)"));
+    chat.getSend(jids).click();
+    sleep(2000);
+    showMsg(t("Browser history forward"));
+    browserForward();
+    sleep(1000);
+    showMsg(t("And more options for your contacts"));
+    chat.getItemMenu("", jids).click();
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(t("goodbye!"));
+    chat.getSend(jids).click();
+    sleep(1000);
+    chat.getTalkBox(jids).sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.ALT, "C"));
+    // chat.close();
+    login.logout();
+    showTitleSlide(t("Thank you"), t("and yes, feedback welcome"));
+  }

Modified: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/spaces/GroupSpacePageObject.java
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/spaces/GroupSpacePageObject.java	2012-01-12 14:45:36 UTC (rev 1661)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/selenium/spaces/GroupSpacePageObject.java	2012-01-16 10:30:38 UTC (rev 1662)
@@ -32,76 +32,32 @@
 public class GroupSpacePageObject extends PageObject {
   @FindBy(id = SeleniumConstants.GWTDEV + UserSNConfActions.ADD_BUDDIE_BTN)
-  private WebElement addBuddieBtn;
+  public WebElement addBuddieBtn;
   @FindBy(id = SeleniumConstants.GWTDEV + AddNewBuddiesAction.ADD_NEW_BUDDIES_TEXTBOX)
   public WebElement addNewBuddieTextBox;
   @FindBy(id = SeleniumConstants.GWTDEV + AddEntityToThisGroupAction.ADD_NEW_MEMBER_TEXTBOX)
   public WebElement addNewMemberTextBox;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[3]/div/span")
-  private WebElement blogTool;
+  public WebElement blogTool;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[4]/div/span")
-  private WebElement chatTool;
+  public WebElement chatTool;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[3]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/span")
-  private WebElement docTool;
+  public WebElement docTool;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[6]/div/span")
-  private WebElement eventTool;
+  public WebElement eventTool;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//td/img")
-  private WebElement firstAvatarOfGroup;
+  public WebElement firstAvatarOfGroup;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//td[2]/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td")
   public WebElement firstFromSuggestionBox;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[5]/div/span")
-  private WebElement listTool;
+  public WebElement listTool;
   @FindBy(id = SeleniumConstants.GWTDEV + EntitySearchPanel.OK_ID)
-  private WebElement searchEntitiesOk;
+  public WebElement searchEntitiesOk;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[3]/div/button")
-  private WebElement socialNetOptions;
+  public WebElement socialNetOptions;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[7]/div/span")
-  private WebElement taskTool;
+  public WebElement taskTool;
   @FindBy(xpath = "//div[2]/div/div[7]/div/span")
-  private WebElement wikiTool;
+  public WebElement wikiTool;
-  public WebElement addBuddieBtn() {
-    return addBuddieBtn;
-  }
-  public WebElement blogTool() {
-    return blogTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement chatTool() {
-    return chatTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement docTool() {
-    return docTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement eventTool() {
-    return eventTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement firstAvatarOfGroup() {
-    return firstAvatarOfGroup;
-  }
-  public WebElement listTool() {
-    return listTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement searchEntitiesOk() {
-    return searchEntitiesOk;
-  }
-  public WebElement socialNetOptions() {
-    return socialNetOptions;
-  }
-  public WebElement taskTool() {
-    return taskTool;
-  }
-  public WebElement wikiTool() {
-    return wikiTool;
-  }

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