[kune-commits] [kune issues] #245: Click in trash as collaborator=>expels me

kune issues noreply at ourproject.org
Thu Apr 19 02:00:59 CEST 2012

#245: Click in trash as collaborator=>expels me
 Reporter:  samer@…      |       Owner:  vjrj
     Type:  defect       |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:
Component:  Group space  |     Version:
 Keywords:               |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:               |
 If I'm admin of group X and I click on "trash" (papelera), then I can see
 its contents normally. However, if I click on it when I'm a collaborator
 of a group, a message appears "You do not have rights to perform that
 action" (which is ok) and after I am taken to my homepage (which doesn't
 make sense). It's fine if I don't have permissions, but I should stay in
 the last page I was already (within the group X), and not go anywhere

Ticket URL: <http://kune.ourproject.org/issues/ticket/245>
kune issues <http://kune.ourproject.org/issues/>

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