[kune-commits] r1568 - in trunk: . src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n src/main/resources/META-INF src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/publicspace/config

Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado vjrj_ at ourproject.org
Mon Oct 24 00:25:20 CEST 2011

Author: vjrj_
Date: 2011-10-24 00:25:20 +0200 (Mon, 24 Oct 2011)
New Revision: 1568

Some more documentation for production sites, and some compilation fix)

Modified: trunk/INSTALL
--- trunk/INSTALL	2011-10-23 00:56:08 UTC (rev 1567)
+++ trunk/INSTALL	2011-10-23 22:25:20 UTC (rev 1568)
@@ -39,6 +39,14 @@
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kune_test.* TO kune at localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'db4kune';
+or for production:
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kune_prod.* TO kune at localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'db4kune';
+Now for the openfire xmpp server:
 CREATE DATABASE kune_openfire;
 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON kune_openfire.* TO kune at localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'db4kune';
@@ -52,6 +60,8 @@
  - src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
  - src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/publicspace/config/database.yml
+also if you want to select the database used (by default kune_dev). The db used in runtime is hardcoded (by now) in KuneRackModule.java
 ===Source code===
 See the DEVGUIDE for instructions of how to download the Kune code.
@@ -305,4 +315,4 @@
-for more specific configuration parameters that maybe you need with your smtp server.
\ No newline at end of file
+for more specific configuration parameters that maybe you need with your smtp server.

Copied: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants.properties (from rev 1567, trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants_en.properties)
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants.properties	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants.properties	2011-10-23 22:25:20 UTC (rev 1568)
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# Autogenerated by trunk/bin/i18n-db2gwt.sh, please not edit directly
+writeToYourBuddy = Write to your buddy
+chatWithThisGroupMember = Chat with this group member
+chatWithYourBuddy = Chat with your buddy
+addAsABuddy = Add as a buddy
+chat = Chat ;)
+oopsSomethingHasGoneWrongWithOurServersRetryLaterPlease = Oops! Something has gone wrong with our servers. Retry later, please.
+loading = Loading
+join = Join
+requestToJoinInThisGroup = Request to Join in this group
+writeToTheMembersOfThisGroup = Write to the members of this group
+writeToTheAdministratorsOfThisGroup = Write to the administrators of this group
+leaveThisGroup = Leave this group
+usersWhoCanViewThisMemberList = Users who can view this member list
+options = Options
+newMembersPolicy = New members policy
+anyone = anyone
+onlyMembers = only members
+moderateRequestToJoin = moderate request to join
+addANewBuddy = Add a new buddy
+closedForNewMembers = closed for new members
+autoAcceptRequestToJoin = auto accept request to join
+onlyAdministrators = only administrators
+onlyYourBuddies = only your buddies
+usersWhoCanViewYourNetwork = Users who can view your network
+onlyYou = only you
+groupMembers = Group members
+usersAndGroupsCollaboratingInThisGroup = Users and groups collaborating in this group
+administrators = Administrators
+usersWhoCanAdministrateThisGroup = Users who can administrate this group
+collaborators = Collaborators
+othersWhoCollaborateWithThisGroup = Others who collaborate with this group
+thisIsAnOrphanedProjectIfYouAreInterestedInContributingPleaseRequestToJoin = This is an orphaned project, if you are interested in contributing please request to join
+pending = Pending
+theMembersOfThisGroupAreNotPublic = The members of this group are not public
+usersPendingToBeAcceptedInThisGroupByTheAdministrators = Users pending to be accepted in this group by the administrators
+changeToCollaborator = Change to collaborator
+changeToAdministrator = Change to administrator
+removeThisMember = Remove this member
+visitThisGroupSHomepage = Visit this group's homepage
+visitThisMemberSHomepage = Visit this member's homepage
+acceptThisMember = Accept this member
+rejectAsMember = Reject as member
+visitYourHomepage = Visit your homepage
+visitHisHerHomepage = Visit his/her homepage
+hisHerNetwork = His/her network:
+thisUserSGroupsAndBuddies = This user's groups and buddies
+buddies = Buddies
+thisUserSBuddies = This user's buddies
+joinsIn = Joins in
+groupsWhichThisUserJoined = Groups which this user Joined
+yourGroups = Your groups
+yourHomepage = Your homepage
+thisSite = this site
+yourHomePageInParam = Your home page in [%s]
+userSpaceItShowsAListOfAllDocumentsAndContentsInWhichYouParticipate = User space: it shows a list of all documents and contents in which you participate
+groupAndPersonalSpaceWhereYouCanCreateAndPublishContentsForYourPersonalOrGroupWebSpaces = Group and personal space: Where you can create and publish contents for your personal or group web spaces
+publicSpaceWhereYouCanSeeAPreviewOfHowYourPersonalOrGroupSpaceLooksLikeOnTheWeb = Public space: Where you can see a preview of how your Personal or Group Space looks like on the web
+latestPublications = Latest publications
+stats = Stats
+registeredUsers = Registered users:
+hostedGroups = Hosted groups:
+latestCreatedGroups = Latest created groups
+latestActivityInYourGroups = Latest activity in your groups
+tags = Tags
+keywordsOrTermsAssociatedWithThisGroup = Keywords or terms associated with this group
+typeSomethingToSearchForUsersAndGroupsInParam = Type something to search for users and groups in [%s]
+search = Search
+close = Close
+groupOptions = Group options
+setYourGroupPreferencesHere = Set your group preferences here
+userOptions = User options
+helpWithTheTranslation = Help with the translation
+yourPreferences = Your preferences
+giveUsFeedback = Give us feedback!
+writeUsWithSomeFeedbackForHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Write us with some feedback for help us to improve these services
+showHideTheChatWindow = Show/hide the chat window
+setYourChatStatus = Set your chat status
+available = Available
+availableForChat = Available for chat
+away = Away
+busy = Busy
+signOutOfChat = Sign out of chat
+groupSPublicChatRoom = Group's public chat room
+enterToThisGroupPublicChatRoom = Enter to this group public chat room
+startAPublicAssemblyWithMembers = Start a public assembly with members
+enterToThisGroupPublicChatRoomAndInviteMembers = Enter to this group public chat room and invite members
+reportKuneIssuesProblems = Report Kune issues/problems
+apacheWavePowered = Apache Wave powered
+aboutKune = About kune
+errorsInfo = Errors info
+signInToCollaborate = Sign in to collaborate
+pleaseSignInOrRegisterToGetFullAccessToParamToolsAndContents = Please sign in or register to get full access to [%s] tools and contents
+signOut = Sign out
+createNewGroup = Create New Group
+createANewGroupForYourInitiativeOrOrganizationNgoCollectiveAcademicGroup = Create a new group for your initiative or organization (NGO, collective, academic group...)
+chatWithThisPerson = Chat with this person
+kuneDevelopmentSite = kune development site
+andNExternalUser = and [%d] external user
+thisIsOnlyAPreviewOfHowThisPageWouldLookLikeToTheGeneralPublicOnTheInternet = This is only a preview of how this page would look like to the general public on the internet.
+preview = Preview
+paramUnderLicenseParam = © [%s], under license: [%s]
+clickToRename = Click to rename
+createANewDocumentIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Document. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
+reloadCurrentPage = Reload current page
+newDocument = New document
+goUpOpenTheContainerFolder = Go up: Open the container folder
+edit = Edit
+chatAbout = Chat about
+chatAndCommentOnThis = Chat and comment on this
+nConversationsUnread = [%d] conversations unread
+memberAccepted = Member accepted
+general = General
+changeThisValues = Change this values:
+theNameMustBeBetween3And15LowercaseWesternCharactersAndOrNumbers = The name must be between 3 and 15 lowercase Western characters and/or numbers
+shortName = Short name
+longName = Long name
+tools = Tools
+hereYouCanSelectTheToolsUsed = Here you can select the tools used:
+thisToolCannotBeDisabledAsLongAsItsWhereTheGroupsHomePageIsLocatedChangeTheDefaultHomePageToAnotherT = This tool cannot be disabled as long as it’s where the group’s home page is located. Change the default home page to another tool then try again.
+choose = Choose
+changeThisWorkspaceTheme = Change this workspace theme:
+selectAnImageFromYourComputerAsTheLogoForThisGroupForBestResultsUseANxnPixelImageBiggerImagesWillBeA = Select an image from your computer as the logo for this group. For best results use a [%d]x[%d] pixel image. Bigger images will be automatically resized.
+style = Style
+currentBackgroundImage = Current background image:
+youCanAlsoUploadABackground = You can also upload a background:
+change = Change
+clear = Clear
+removeCurrentBackgroundImage = Remove current background image
+selectAndConfigureThePublicSpaceThemeOfThisGroup = Select and configure the public space theme of this group:
+clickToSelectAndConfigureThisTheme = Click to select and configure this theme
+redblackAThemeName = redblack
+purpleAThemeName = purple
+greenAThemeName = green
+highcontrastAThemeName = highcontrast
+blackwhiteAThemeName = blackwhite
+eurosurAThemeName = eurosur
+campAThemeName = camp
+defaultAThemeName = default
+blueAThemeName = blue
+redAThemeName = red
+greyAThemeName = grey
+saharaAThemeName = sahara
+pinkAThemeName = pink
+transparentAThemeName = transparent
+whiteblackAThemeName = whiteblack
+license = License
+thisIsTheDefaultLicenseForAllTheContentsOfThisGroupAlthoughYouCanChooseADifferentLicenseForSpecificC = This is the default license for all the contents of this group (although you can choose a different license for specific contents):
+enterLanguage = Enter language
+searching = Searching...
+yourLanguage = Your language
+name = Name
+security = Security
+changeYourPassword = Change your password:
+currentPassword = Current password
+thePasswordMustBeBetween6And40Characters = The password must be between 6 and 40 characters
+newPassword = New password
+newPasswordRepeatIt = New password (repeat it)
+changeIt = Change it
+youCannotDisableThisToolBecauseItSWhereYourHomePageIsLocatedToDoThatYouHaveToSelectOtherContentAsThe = You cannot disable this tool because it's where your home page is located. To do that you have to select other content as the default home page but in another tool.
+selectAnImageFromYourComputerAsYourAvatarForBestResultsUseANxnPixelImageBiggerImagesWillBeAutomatica = Select an image from your computer as your avatar. For best results use a [%d]x[%d] pixel image. Bigger images will be automatically resized.
+passwordChangedSuccessfully = Password changed successfully
+newGadget = New Gadget
+voting = Voting
+media = Media
+calendar = Calendar
+others = Others
+thisDemoOfKune = this demo of kune
+paramBio = [%s] Bio
+thisUserHasNotWrittenItsBiographyYet = This user has not written its biography yet
+longTermTasks = Long-term tasks
+midTermTasks = Mid-term tasks
+shortTermUrgentTasks = Short-term (urgent) tasks
+aLongTermTaskSample = A long-term task sample
+thisIsOnlyATaskSampleYouCanEditItRenameIt = This is only a task sample. You can edit it, rename it
+aMidTermTaskSample = A mid-term task sample
+aShortTermTaskSample = A short-term task sample
+wikiPageSample = Wiki page sample
+thisIsOnlyAWikiPageSampleYouCanEditOrRenameItButAlsoAnyOtherUser = This is only a wiki page sample. You can edit or rename it, but also any other user.
+blogSample = Blog sample
+aPostSample = A post sample
+thisIsOnlyAPostSampleYouCanEditItRenameThePostAndThisBlog = This is only a post sample. You can edit it, rename the post and this blog
+welcome = Welcome
+thanksForJoiningParamNowYouCanActivelyParticipateInParamYouCanAlsoUseYourPersonalSpaceToPublishConte = Thanks for joining [%s]. Now you can actively participate in [%s]. You can also use your personal space to publish contents. Note: your email is not verified, please follow the instructions you will receive by email.
+thisUserHasNoBuddiesYet = This user has no buddies yet
+newTask = New task
+createANewTask = Create a new task
+doubleClickToOpen = Double click to open
+createANewFolder = Create a new folder
+newTaskFolder = New task folder
+open = Open
+delete = Delete
+actions = Actions
+connecting = Connecting
+offline = Offline
+newList = New list
+reloadThis = Reload this
+createANewList = Create a new list
+yes = Yes
+confirmPlease = Confirm, please:
+thisWillOpenASpecificChatroomToChatAboutThisPageOrDocumentItSUsefulToChatWithOthersAboutSomethingWhi = This will open a specific chatroom to chat about this page or document (it's useful to chat with others about something while reading/modifing it). Are you sure?
+no = No
+chatAboutParam = Chat about: [%s]
+barterSample = Barter sample
+thisIsOnlyABarterSampleYouCanInviteOtherParticipantsToThisBarterButAlsoPublishToTheGeneralPublicAllo = This is only a barter sample. You can invite other participants to this barter, but also publish to the general public allowing you to share services, goods, etc.
+newBarter = New barter
+newFolder = New folder
+createANewBarterHere = Create a New Barter here
+newWikipage = New wikipage
+createANewFolderAFolderWillBeASectionInThePublicWeb = Create a new folder. A folder will be a 'section' in the public web
+createANewWikipageHereIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Wikipage here. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
+selectAsTheHomepage = Select as the homepage
+registerANewGroup = Register a new group
+register = Register
+cancel = Cancel
+publicDescription = Public description
+groupTags = Group tags
+typeSomeKeywordThatDefineYourGroup = type some keyword that define your group
+groupType = Group type
+project = Project
+organization = Organization
+aProjectIsAKindOfGroupInWhichTheJoiningOfNewMembersIsModeratedByTheProjectAdministrators = A project is a kind of group in which the joining of new members is moderated by the project administrators.
+anOrganizationWorksTheSameWayAsAProjectExceptThatItMustBeALegalEntity = An organization works the same way as a project, except that it must be a legal entity.
+closed = Closed
+aClosedGroupIsAPrivateProjectWhichContentsAreOnlyAccessibleToItsMembersByDefault = A Closed group is a private project, which contents are only accessible to its members (by default).
+community = Community
+aCommunityIsAGroupOfUsersWithSharedInterestsForInstanceTheEnvironmentalCommunityOrTheLgbtCommunityIt = A community is a group of users with shared interests (for instance the environmental community or the LGBT community). It is open to any new member to join freely without the moderation of the administrators.
+paramCreatedNewContentCreatedForInstance = [%s] created
+notPublishedYet = Not Published yet
+thisIsOnlyAPreviewOfHowThisWebpageWouldLookLikeToTheGeneralPublicOnTheInternet = This is only a preview of how this webpage would look like to the general public on the internet.
+createANewDocumentHereIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Document here. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
+newPoll = New poll
+newYesNoMaybeVoting = New Yes/No/Maybe/+ Voting
+newAdvancedPoll = New Advanced Poll
+newMeeting = New meeting
+newYesNoMiniVoting = New Yes/no/Mini Voting
+newMeetCoordination = New meet coordination
+newMap = New Map
+newImageAndLetsAnnotate = New Image (and lets annotate)
+newYoutubeVideo = New Youtube video
+newAlbum = New Album
+newTwitterSearch = New twitter search
+newMindmap = New MindMap
+newBarter = New Barter
+newImagePainter = New Image Painter
+signIn = Sign in
+password = Password
+donTHaveAnAccount = Don't have an account?
+username = Username
+email = Email
+createOne = Create one.
+thisIsNotAValidEmail = This is not a valid email
+newBlog = New blog
+createANewBlog = Create a new blog
+newPost = New post
+createANewBlogPost = Create a new blog post
+thisBlogHasnTAnyPostCreateOne = This blog hasn't any post, create one
+renaming = Renaming
+doYouWantToWriteUsWithSomePositiveOrNegativeFeedbackThisCanHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Do you want to write us with some positive or negative feedback? This can help us to improve these services
+doYouWantToJoinThisGroup = Do you want to join this group?
+youAreNowMemberOfThisGroup = You are now member of this group
+newRoom = New room
+createANewChatRoom = Create a new chat room
+enterToThisRoom = Enter to this room
+openTheConversationsArchiveOfThisRoom = Open the conversations archive of this room
+openArchive = Open archive
+aboutKuneTitleOfDialog = About Kune
+ok = Ok
+processing = Processing
+aboutParam = About [%s]
+meetingSample = Meeting sample
+thisIsOnlyAMeetSampleYouCanInviteOtherParticipantsToThisMeetingButAlsoPublishToTheGeneralPublicAllow = This is only a meet sample. You can invite other participants to this meeting, but also publish to the general public allowing you to to help in the organization, call and speed-up of events.
+markAsDone = Mark as done
+createANewPost = Create a new post
+makeThisListNotPublic = Make this list not public
+subscribeToThisList = Subscribe to this list
+subscribe = Subscribe
+nSubscribedNPosts = [%d] subscribed, [%d] posts
+confirmNewBuddy = Confirm new buddy
+paramHadAddedYouAsABuddyDoYouWantToAddHimHerAlso = [%s] had added you as a buddy. Do you want to add him/her also?
+paramCreatedSuccesfully = [%s] created succesfully
+nRecentConversationsUnread = [%d] recent conversations unread
+writeUsWithSomeFeedbackForHelpUsToImproveTheServicesOnParam = Write us with some feedback for help us to improve the services on [%s]
+oneRecentConversationUnread = One recent conversation unread
+pleaseConfirm = Please confirm
+startACollaborativeDocumentForTheMeetingMinutes = Start a collaborative document for the meeting minutes?
+meetingMinutesOfParamOnParam = Meeting minutes of [%s] on [%s]
+youCanCollaborativelyEditThisDocumentWithTheMeetingMinutes = You can collaboratively edit this document with the meeting minutes.
+createANewMeetingHere = Create a New Meeting here
+thereIsnTAnyListCreateOne = There isn't any list, create one
+create = Create
+areYouSure = Are you sure?
+welcomeToTheParamPublicChatRoom = Welcome to the [%s] public chat room
+doYouWantToWriteUsWithSomePositiveOrNegativeFeedbackAboutParamThisCanHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Do you want to write us with some positive or negative feedback about [%s]? This can help us to improve these services
+feedbackOfParam = Feedback of [%s]
+editAndWriteHereYourFeedback = Edit and write here your feedback.
+copyTheTextToTranslate = Copy the text to translate
+translateThis = translate this:
+notes = Notes:
+tip = Tip:
+clickAltpageupOrAltpagedownToMoveUpDownInTheListWhileTranslatingAndAltVToCopyTheOriginalTextTheTrans = Click Alt+PageUp or Alt+PageDown to move up/down in the list while translating, and Alt-V to copy the original text. The translations are autosaved
+notTranslated = Not translated
+recommendations = Recommendations
+translated = Translated
+helpToTranslateKune = Help to translate kune
+to = to
+toParamForExampleToSpanish = to [%s]:
+saving = Saving
+successUploading = Success uploading
+thereIsnTAnyTaskCreateOne = There isn't any task, create one
+searchTheUserYouWantToAddAndInHisHerHomepageClickAddAsABuddy = Search the user you want to add and in his/her homepage click 'Add as a buddy'
+doYouWantToWriteAMessageToTheMembersOfThisGroup = Do you want to write a message to the members of this group?
+post = Post
+thisIsEmpty = This is empty.
+documents = documents
+thisFolderIsEmpty = This folder is empty
+barters = barters
+thereFolderIsEmpty = There folder is empty
+blogs = blogs
+thereIsnTAnyBarter = There isn't any barter
+thereIsnTAnyBlogCreateOne = There isn't any blog, create one
+infoAboutErrors = Info about errors
+chatrooms = chatrooms
+events = events
+pleaseCopyPasteThisInfoToReportProblems = Please copy/paste this info to report problems
+seeTheArchiveOfOldConversationsInDevelopment = See the archive of old conversations (in development)
+thereIsNothingPostedYetPostSomething = There is nothing posted yet. Post something
+lists = lists
+thisWikiIsEmpty = This wiki is empty
+thereIsnTAnyMeeting = There isn't any meeting
+wiki = wiki
+tasks = tasks
+rightNowThePublicWebSpaceOfThisGroupItSUnderConstruction = Right now, the public web space of this group, it's under construction
+paramTheDevelopment = [%s] the development
+pleaseSupport = Please support
+inDevelopment =  (in development)
+chats = chats
+theNameMustContainOnlyCharactersNumbersAndDashes = The name must contain only characters, numbers and dashes
+chatroomCreated = Chatroom created
+doYouWantToWriteAMessageToYourBuddy = Do you want to write a message to your buddy?
+error = Error
+toJoinAChatroomYouNeedToBeOnline = To join a chatroom you need to be 'online'
+licenseWizard = License wizard
+backUsedInButton = « Back
+nextUsedInButton = Next »
+select = Select
+finishUsedInButton = Finish
+selectTheLicenseYouPreferUsingForSharingYourGroupContentsWithOtherPeople = Select the license you prefer using for sharing your group contents with other people:
+useACopyleftLicenseRecommended = Use a copyleft license (recommended)
+useAnotherKindOfLicenseAdvanced = Use another kind of license (advanced)
+copyleft = copyleft
+weRecommendParamLicensesSpeciallyForPracticalWorks = We recommend [%s] licenses, specially for practical works
+whyDoWeNeedALicense = Why do we need a license?
+youCanChangeThisLicenseLater = You can change this license later
+selectTheLicenseType = Select the license type:
+commonLicensesForCulturalWorks = Common licenses for cultural works
+otherKindOfLicenses = Other kind of licenses
+selectACreativeCommonsLicenseRecommendedForCulturalWorks = Select a Creative Commons license (recommended for cultural works)
+useTheGnuLicensesRecommendedForFreeSoftwareWorksAndOtherKindOfLicenses = Use the GNU licenses (recommended for free software works) and other kind of licenses
+withACreativeCommonsLicenseYouKeepYourCopyrightButAllowPeopleToCopyAndDistributeYourWorkProvidedThey = With a Creative Commons license, you keep your copyright but allow people to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit — and only on the conditions you specify here. What do you want to do?
+allowAnyUsesOfYourWorkIncludingCommercial = Allow any uses of your work, including commercial?
+allowModificationsOfYourWork = Allow modifications of your work?
+theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkIncludingForCommercialPurposes = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, including for commercial purposes
+theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkForNonCommercialPurposesOnly = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only
+theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkAsWellAsToMakeDerivativeWorksBasedOn = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, as well as to make derivative works based on it
+yesAsLongAsOtherShareAlike = Yes, as long as other share alike
+theLicensorPermitsOthersToDistributeDerivativeWorksOnlyUnderTheSameLicenseOrOneCompatibleWithTheOneT = The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor's work
+theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformOnlyUnalteredCopiesOfTheWork8212NotDerivati = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display and perform only unaltered copies of the work — not derivative works based on it
+thisIsACopyleftLicense = This is a copyleft license.
+thisIsNotACopyleftLicense = This is not a copyleft license.
+thisIsAppropriateForFreeCulturalWorks = This is appropriate for free cultural works.
+thisIsNotAppropriateForFreeCulturalWorks = This is not appropriate for free cultural works.
+reasonsNotToUseANonCommercialLicense = Reasons not to use a non commercial license.
+selectOtherKindOfLicenses = Select other kind of licenses:
+selectLicense = Select license
+thisUserDoesNotHaveAHomepage = This user does not have a homepage
+notPublicable = Not Publicable

Deleted: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants_en.properties
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants_en.properties	2011-10-23 00:56:08 UTC (rev 1567)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/i18n/KuneConstants_en.properties	2011-10-23 22:25:20 UTC (rev 1568)
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated by trunk/bin/i18n-db2gwt.sh, please not edit directly
-writeToYourBuddy = Write to your buddy
-chatWithThisGroupMember = Chat with this group member
-chatWithYourBuddy = Chat with your buddy
-addAsABuddy = Add as a buddy
-chat = Chat ;)
-oopsSomethingHasGoneWrongWithOurServersRetryLaterPlease = Oops! Something has gone wrong with our servers. Retry later, please.
-loading = Loading
-join = Join
-requestToJoinInThisGroup = Request to Join in this group
-writeToTheMembersOfThisGroup = Write to the members of this group
-writeToTheAdministratorsOfThisGroup = Write to the administrators of this group
-leaveThisGroup = Leave this group
-usersWhoCanViewThisMemberList = Users who can view this member list
-options = Options
-newMembersPolicy = New members policy
-anyone = anyone
-onlyMembers = only members
-moderateRequestToJoin = moderate request to join
-addANewBuddy = Add a new buddy
-closedForNewMembers = closed for new members
-autoAcceptRequestToJoin = auto accept request to join
-onlyAdministrators = only administrators
-onlyYourBuddies = only your buddies
-usersWhoCanViewYourNetwork = Users who can view your network
-onlyYou = only you
-groupMembers = Group members
-usersAndGroupsCollaboratingInThisGroup = Users and groups collaborating in this group
-administrators = Administrators
-usersWhoCanAdministrateThisGroup = Users who can administrate this group
-collaborators = Collaborators
-othersWhoCollaborateWithThisGroup = Others who collaborate with this group
-thisIsAnOrphanedProjectIfYouAreInterestedInContributingPleaseRequestToJoin = This is an orphaned project, if you are interested in contributing please request to join
-pending = Pending
-theMembersOfThisGroupAreNotPublic = The members of this group are not public
-usersPendingToBeAcceptedInThisGroupByTheAdministrators = Users pending to be accepted in this group by the administrators
-changeToCollaborator = Change to collaborator
-changeToAdministrator = Change to administrator
-removeThisMember = Remove this member
-visitThisGroupSHomepage = Visit this group's homepage
-visitThisMemberSHomepage = Visit this member's homepage
-acceptThisMember = Accept this member
-rejectAsMember = Reject as member
-visitYourHomepage = Visit your homepage
-visitHisHerHomepage = Visit his/her homepage
-hisHerNetwork = His/her network:
-thisUserSGroupsAndBuddies = This user's groups and buddies
-buddies = Buddies
-thisUserSBuddies = This user's buddies
-joinsIn = Joins in
-groupsWhichThisUserJoined = Groups which this user Joined
-yourGroups = Your groups
-yourHomepage = Your homepage
-thisSite = this site
-yourHomePageInParam = Your home page in [%s]
-userSpaceItShowsAListOfAllDocumentsAndContentsInWhichYouParticipate = User space: it shows a list of all documents and contents in which you participate
-groupAndPersonalSpaceWhereYouCanCreateAndPublishContentsForYourPersonalOrGroupWebSpaces = Group and personal space: Where you can create and publish contents for your personal or group web spaces
-publicSpaceWhereYouCanSeeAPreviewOfHowYourPersonalOrGroupSpaceLooksLikeOnTheWeb = Public space: Where you can see a preview of how your Personal or Group Space looks like on the web
-latestPublications = Latest publications
-stats = Stats
-registeredUsers = Registered users:
-hostedGroups = Hosted groups:
-latestCreatedGroups = Latest created groups
-latestActivityInYourGroups = Latest activity in your groups
-tags = Tags
-keywordsOrTermsAssociatedWithThisGroup = Keywords or terms associated with this group
-typeSomethingToSearchForUsersAndGroupsInParam = Type something to search for users and groups in [%s]
-search = Search
-close = Close
-groupOptions = Group options
-setYourGroupPreferencesHere = Set your group preferences here
-userOptions = User options
-helpWithTheTranslation = Help with the translation
-yourPreferences = Your preferences
-giveUsFeedback = Give us feedback!
-writeUsWithSomeFeedbackForHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Write us with some feedback for help us to improve these services
-showHideTheChatWindow = Show/hide the chat window
-setYourChatStatus = Set your chat status
-available = Available
-availableForChat = Available for chat
-away = Away
-busy = Busy
-signOutOfChat = Sign out of chat
-groupSPublicChatRoom = Group's public chat room
-enterToThisGroupPublicChatRoom = Enter to this group public chat room
-startAPublicAssemblyWithMembers = Start a public assembly with members
-enterToThisGroupPublicChatRoomAndInviteMembers = Enter to this group public chat room and invite members
-reportKuneIssuesProblems = Report Kune issues/problems
-apacheWavePowered = Apache Wave powered
-aboutKune = About kune
-errorsInfo = Errors info
-signInToCollaborate = Sign in to collaborate
-pleaseSignInOrRegisterToGetFullAccessToParamToolsAndContents = Please sign in or register to get full access to [%s] tools and contents
-signOut = Sign out
-createNewGroup = Create New Group
-createANewGroupForYourInitiativeOrOrganizationNgoCollectiveAcademicGroup = Create a new group for your initiative or organization (NGO, collective, academic group...)
-chatWithThisPerson = Chat with this person
-kuneDevelopmentSite = kune development site
-andNExternalUser = and [%d] external user
-thisIsOnlyAPreviewOfHowThisPageWouldLookLikeToTheGeneralPublicOnTheInternet = This is only a preview of how this page would look like to the general public on the internet.
-preview = Preview
-paramUnderLicenseParam = © [%s], under license: [%s]
-clickToRename = Click to rename
-createANewDocumentIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Document. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
-reloadCurrentPage = Reload current page
-newDocument = New document
-goUpOpenTheContainerFolder = Go up: Open the container folder
-edit = Edit
-chatAbout = Chat about
-chatAndCommentOnThis = Chat and comment on this
-nConversationsUnread = [%d] conversations unread
-memberAccepted = Member accepted
-general = General
-changeThisValues = Change this values:
-theNameMustBeBetween3And15LowercaseWesternCharactersAndOrNumbers = The name must be between 3 and 15 lowercase Western characters and/or numbers
-shortName = Short name
-longName = Long name
-tools = Tools
-hereYouCanSelectTheToolsUsed = Here you can select the tools used:
-thisToolCannotBeDisabledAsLongAsItsWhereTheGroupsHomePageIsLocatedChangeTheDefaultHomePageToAnotherT = This tool cannot be disabled as long as it’s where the group’s home page is located. Change the default home page to another tool then try again.
-choose = Choose
-changeThisWorkspaceTheme = Change this workspace theme:
-selectAnImageFromYourComputerAsTheLogoForThisGroupForBestResultsUseANxnPixelImageBiggerImagesWillBeA = Select an image from your computer as the logo for this group. For best results use a [%d]x[%d] pixel image. Bigger images will be automatically resized.
-style = Style
-currentBackgroundImage = Current background image:
-youCanAlsoUploadABackground = You can also upload a background:
-change = Change
-clear = Clear
-removeCurrentBackgroundImage = Remove current background image
-selectAndConfigureThePublicSpaceThemeOfThisGroup = Select and configure the public space theme of this group:
-clickToSelectAndConfigureThisTheme = Click to select and configure this theme
-redblackAThemeName = redblack
-purpleAThemeName = purple
-greenAThemeName = green
-highcontrastAThemeName = highcontrast
-blackwhiteAThemeName = blackwhite
-eurosurAThemeName = eurosur
-campAThemeName = camp
-defaultAThemeName = default
-blueAThemeName = blue
-redAThemeName = red
-greyAThemeName = grey
-saharaAThemeName = sahara
-pinkAThemeName = pink
-transparentAThemeName = transparent
-whiteblackAThemeName = whiteblack
-license = License
-thisIsTheDefaultLicenseForAllTheContentsOfThisGroupAlthoughYouCanChooseADifferentLicenseForSpecificC = This is the default license for all the contents of this group (although you can choose a different license for specific contents):
-enterLanguage = Enter language
-searching = Searching...
-yourLanguage = Your language
-name = Name
-security = Security
-changeYourPassword = Change your password:
-currentPassword = Current password
-thePasswordMustBeBetween6And40Characters = The password must be between 6 and 40 characters
-newPassword = New password
-newPasswordRepeatIt = New password (repeat it)
-changeIt = Change it
-youCannotDisableThisToolBecauseItSWhereYourHomePageIsLocatedToDoThatYouHaveToSelectOtherContentAsThe = You cannot disable this tool because it's where your home page is located. To do that you have to select other content as the default home page but in another tool.
-selectAnImageFromYourComputerAsYourAvatarForBestResultsUseANxnPixelImageBiggerImagesWillBeAutomatica = Select an image from your computer as your avatar. For best results use a [%d]x[%d] pixel image. Bigger images will be automatically resized.
-passwordChangedSuccessfully = Password changed successfully
-newGadget = New Gadget
-voting = Voting
-media = Media
-calendar = Calendar
-others = Others
-thisDemoOfKune = this demo of kune
-paramBio = [%s] Bio
-thisUserHasNotWrittenItsBiographyYet = This user has not written its biography yet
-longTermTasks = Long-term tasks
-midTermTasks = Mid-term tasks
-shortTermUrgentTasks = Short-term (urgent) tasks
-aLongTermTaskSample = A long-term task sample
-thisIsOnlyATaskSampleYouCanEditItRenameIt = This is only a task sample. You can edit it, rename it
-aMidTermTaskSample = A mid-term task sample
-aShortTermTaskSample = A short-term task sample
-wikiPageSample = Wiki page sample
-thisIsOnlyAWikiPageSampleYouCanEditOrRenameItButAlsoAnyOtherUser = This is only a wiki page sample. You can edit or rename it, but also any other user.
-blogSample = Blog sample
-aPostSample = A post sample
-thisIsOnlyAPostSampleYouCanEditItRenameThePostAndThisBlog = This is only a post sample. You can edit it, rename the post and this blog
-welcome = Welcome
-thanksForJoiningParamNowYouCanActivelyParticipateInParamYouCanAlsoUseYourPersonalSpaceToPublishConte = Thanks for joining [%s]. Now you can actively participate in [%s]. You can also use your personal space to publish contents. Note: your email is not verified, please follow the instructions you will receive by email.
-thisUserHasNoBuddiesYet = This user has no buddies yet
-newTask = New task
-createANewTask = Create a new task
-doubleClickToOpen = Double click to open
-createANewFolder = Create a new folder
-newTaskFolder = New task folder
-open = Open
-delete = Delete
-actions = Actions
-connecting = Connecting
-offline = Offline
-newList = New list
-reloadThis = Reload this
-createANewList = Create a new list
-yes = Yes
-confirmPlease = Confirm, please:
-thisWillOpenASpecificChatroomToChatAboutThisPageOrDocumentItSUsefulToChatWithOthersAboutSomethingWhi = This will open a specific chatroom to chat about this page or document (it's useful to chat with others about something while reading/modifing it). Are you sure?
-no = No
-chatAboutParam = Chat about: [%s]
-barterSample = Barter sample
-thisIsOnlyABarterSampleYouCanInviteOtherParticipantsToThisBarterButAlsoPublishToTheGeneralPublicAllo = This is only a barter sample. You can invite other participants to this barter, but also publish to the general public allowing you to share services, goods, etc.
-newBarter = New barter
-newFolder = New folder
-createANewBarterHere = Create a New Barter here
-newWikipage = New wikipage
-createANewFolderAFolderWillBeASectionInThePublicWeb = Create a new folder. A folder will be a 'section' in the public web
-createANewWikipageHereIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Wikipage here. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
-selectAsTheHomepage = Select as the homepage
-registerANewGroup = Register a new group
-register = Register
-cancel = Cancel
-publicDescription = Public description
-groupTags = Group tags
-typeSomeKeywordThatDefineYourGroup = type some keyword that define your group
-groupType = Group type
-project = Project
-organization = Organization
-aProjectIsAKindOfGroupInWhichTheJoiningOfNewMembersIsModeratedByTheProjectAdministrators = A project is a kind of group in which the joining of new members is moderated by the project administrators.
-anOrganizationWorksTheSameWayAsAProjectExceptThatItMustBeALegalEntity = An organization works the same way as a project, except that it must be a legal entity.
-closed = Closed
-aClosedGroupIsAPrivateProjectWhichContentsAreOnlyAccessibleToItsMembersByDefault = A Closed group is a private project, which contents are only accessible to its members (by default).
-community = Community
-aCommunityIsAGroupOfUsersWithSharedInterestsForInstanceTheEnvironmentalCommunityOrTheLgbtCommunityIt = A community is a group of users with shared interests (for instance the environmental community or the LGBT community). It is open to any new member to join freely without the moderation of the administrators.
-paramCreatedNewContentCreatedForInstance = [%s] created
-notPublishedYet = Not Published yet
-thisIsOnlyAPreviewOfHowThisWebpageWouldLookLikeToTheGeneralPublicOnTheInternet = This is only a preview of how this webpage would look like to the general public on the internet.
-createANewDocumentHereIfYouChooseToPublishItThisDocumentWillAppearAsANewPageInThePublicWeb = Create a New Document here. If you choose to publish it, this document will appear as a new 'Page' in the public web
-newPoll = New poll
-newYesNoMaybeVoting = New Yes/No/Maybe/+ Voting
-newAdvancedPoll = New Advanced Poll
-newMeeting = New meeting
-newYesNoMiniVoting = New Yes/no/Mini Voting
-newMeetCoordination = New meet coordination
-newMap = New Map
-newImageAndLetsAnnotate = New Image (and lets annotate)
-newYoutubeVideo = New Youtube video
-newAlbum = New Album
-newTwitterSearch = New twitter search
-newMindmap = New MindMap
-newBarter = New Barter
-newImagePainter = New Image Painter
-signIn = Sign in
-password = Password
-donTHaveAnAccount = Don't have an account?
-username = Username
-email = Email
-createOne = Create one.
-thisIsNotAValidEmail = This is not a valid email
-newBlog = New blog
-createANewBlog = Create a new blog
-newPost = New post
-createANewBlogPost = Create a new blog post
-thisBlogHasnTAnyPostCreateOne = This blog hasn't any post, create one
-renaming = Renaming
-doYouWantToWriteUsWithSomePositiveOrNegativeFeedbackThisCanHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Do you want to write us with some positive or negative feedback? This can help us to improve these services
-doYouWantToJoinThisGroup = Do you want to join this group?
-youAreNowMemberOfThisGroup = You are now member of this group
-newRoom = New room
-createANewChatRoom = Create a new chat room
-enterToThisRoom = Enter to this room
-openTheConversationsArchiveOfThisRoom = Open the conversations archive of this room
-openArchive = Open archive
-aboutKuneTitleOfDialog = About Kune
-ok = Ok
-processing = Processing
-aboutParam = About [%s]
-meetingSample = Meeting sample
-thisIsOnlyAMeetSampleYouCanInviteOtherParticipantsToThisMeetingButAlsoPublishToTheGeneralPublicAllow = This is only a meet sample. You can invite other participants to this meeting, but also publish to the general public allowing you to to help in the organization, call and speed-up of events.
-markAsDone = Mark as done
-createANewPost = Create a new post
-makeThisListNotPublic = Make this list not public
-subscribeToThisList = Subscribe to this list
-subscribe = Subscribe
-nSubscribedNPosts = [%d] subscribed, [%d] posts
-confirmNewBuddy = Confirm new buddy
-paramHadAddedYouAsABuddyDoYouWantToAddHimHerAlso = [%s] had added you as a buddy. Do you want to add him/her also?
-paramCreatedSuccesfully = [%s] created succesfully
-nRecentConversationsUnread = [%d] recent conversations unread
-writeUsWithSomeFeedbackForHelpUsToImproveTheServicesOnParam = Write us with some feedback for help us to improve the services on [%s]
-oneRecentConversationUnread = One recent conversation unread
-pleaseConfirm = Please confirm
-startACollaborativeDocumentForTheMeetingMinutes = Start a collaborative document for the meeting minutes?
-meetingMinutesOfParamOnParam = Meeting minutes of [%s] on [%s]
-youCanCollaborativelyEditThisDocumentWithTheMeetingMinutes = You can collaboratively edit this document with the meeting minutes.
-createANewMeetingHere = Create a New Meeting here
-thereIsnTAnyListCreateOne = There isn't any list, create one
-create = Create
-areYouSure = Are you sure?
-welcomeToTheParamPublicChatRoom = Welcome to the [%s] public chat room
-doYouWantToWriteUsWithSomePositiveOrNegativeFeedbackAboutParamThisCanHelpUsToImproveTheseServices = Do you want to write us with some positive or negative feedback about [%s]? This can help us to improve these services
-feedbackOfParam = Feedback of [%s]
-editAndWriteHereYourFeedback = Edit and write here your feedback.
-copyTheTextToTranslate = Copy the text to translate
-translateThis = translate this:
-notes = Notes:
-tip = Tip:
-clickAltpageupOrAltpagedownToMoveUpDownInTheListWhileTranslatingAndAltVToCopyTheOriginalTextTheTrans = Click Alt+PageUp or Alt+PageDown to move up/down in the list while translating, and Alt-V to copy the original text. The translations are autosaved
-notTranslated = Not translated
-recommendations = Recommendations
-translated = Translated
-helpToTranslateKune = Help to translate kune
-to = to
-toParamForExampleToSpanish = to [%s]:
-saving = Saving
-successUploading = Success uploading
-thereIsnTAnyTaskCreateOne = There isn't any task, create one
-searchTheUserYouWantToAddAndInHisHerHomepageClickAddAsABuddy = Search the user you want to add and in his/her homepage click 'Add as a buddy'
-doYouWantToWriteAMessageToTheMembersOfThisGroup = Do you want to write a message to the members of this group?
-post = Post
-thisIsEmpty = This is empty.
-documents = documents
-thisFolderIsEmpty = This folder is empty
-barters = barters
-thereFolderIsEmpty = There folder is empty
-blogs = blogs
-thereIsnTAnyBarter = There isn't any barter
-thereIsnTAnyBlogCreateOne = There isn't any blog, create one
-infoAboutErrors = Info about errors
-chatrooms = chatrooms
-events = events
-pleaseCopyPasteThisInfoToReportProblems = Please copy/paste this info to report problems
-seeTheArchiveOfOldConversationsInDevelopment = See the archive of old conversations (in development)
-thereIsNothingPostedYetPostSomething = There is nothing posted yet. Post something
-lists = lists
-thisWikiIsEmpty = This wiki is empty
-thereIsnTAnyMeeting = There isn't any meeting
-wiki = wiki
-tasks = tasks
-rightNowThePublicWebSpaceOfThisGroupItSUnderConstruction = Right now, the public web space of this group, it's under construction
-paramTheDevelopment = [%s] the development
-pleaseSupport = Please support
-inDevelopment =  (in development)
-chats = chats
-theNameMustContainOnlyCharactersNumbersAndDashes = The name must contain only characters, numbers and dashes
-chatroomCreated = Chatroom created
-doYouWantToWriteAMessageToYourBuddy = Do you want to write a message to your buddy?
-error = Error
-toJoinAChatroomYouNeedToBeOnline = To join a chatroom you need to be 'online'
-licenseWizard = License wizard
-backUsedInButton = « Back
-nextUsedInButton = Next »
-select = Select
-finishUsedInButton = Finish
-selectTheLicenseYouPreferUsingForSharingYourGroupContentsWithOtherPeople = Select the license you prefer using for sharing your group contents with other people:
-useACopyleftLicenseRecommended = Use a copyleft license (recommended)
-useAnotherKindOfLicenseAdvanced = Use another kind of license (advanced)
-copyleft = copyleft
-weRecommendParamLicensesSpeciallyForPracticalWorks = We recommend [%s] licenses, specially for practical works
-whyDoWeNeedALicense = Why do we need a license?
-youCanChangeThisLicenseLater = You can change this license later
-selectTheLicenseType = Select the license type:
-commonLicensesForCulturalWorks = Common licenses for cultural works
-otherKindOfLicenses = Other kind of licenses
-selectACreativeCommonsLicenseRecommendedForCulturalWorks = Select a Creative Commons license (recommended for cultural works)
-useTheGnuLicensesRecommendedForFreeSoftwareWorksAndOtherKindOfLicenses = Use the GNU licenses (recommended for free software works) and other kind of licenses
-withACreativeCommonsLicenseYouKeepYourCopyrightButAllowPeopleToCopyAndDistributeYourWorkProvidedThey = With a Creative Commons license, you keep your copyright but allow people to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit — and only on the conditions you specify here. What do you want to do?
-allowAnyUsesOfYourWorkIncludingCommercial = Allow any uses of your work, including commercial?
-allowModificationsOfYourWork = Allow modifications of your work?
-theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkIncludingForCommercialPurposes = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, including for commercial purposes
-theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkForNonCommercialPurposesOnly = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only
-theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformTheWorkAsWellAsToMakeDerivativeWorksBasedOn = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, as well as to make derivative works based on it
-yesAsLongAsOtherShareAlike = Yes, as long as other share alike
-theLicensorPermitsOthersToDistributeDerivativeWorksOnlyUnderTheSameLicenseOrOneCompatibleWithTheOneT = The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under the same license or one compatible with the one that governs the licensor's work
-theLicensorPermitsOthersToCopyDistributeDisplayAndPerformOnlyUnalteredCopiesOfTheWork8212NotDerivati = The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display and perform only unaltered copies of the work — not derivative works based on it
-thisIsACopyleftLicense = This is a copyleft license.
-thisIsNotACopyleftLicense = This is not a copyleft license.
-thisIsAppropriateForFreeCulturalWorks = This is appropriate for free cultural works.
-thisIsNotAppropriateForFreeCulturalWorks = This is not appropriate for free cultural works.
-reasonsNotToUseANonCommercialLicense = Reasons not to use a non commercial license.
-selectOtherKindOfLicenses = Select other kind of licenses:
-selectLicense = Select license
-thisUserDoesNotHaveAHomepage = This user does not have a homepage
-notPublicable = Not Publicable

Modified: trunk/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
--- trunk/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml	2011-10-23 00:56:08 UTC (rev 1567)
+++ trunk/src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml	2011-10-23 22:25:20 UTC (rev 1568)
@@ -4,6 +4,63 @@
+  <persistence-unit name="production" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
+    <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider>
+    <!-- JPA entities must be registered here -->
+    <!-- src/main/java/cc/kune/domain$ ls -1 *.java | sed 's/.java/<\/class>/g'
+      | sed 's/^/<class>cc.kune.domain./g' -->
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.AccessLists</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.BasicMimeType</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Container</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.ContainerTranslation</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Content</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.ContentTranslation</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.CustomProperties</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.ExtMediaDescrip</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Group</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.GroupList</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.I18nCountry</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.I18nLanguage</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.I18nTranslation</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.License</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Rate</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Revision</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.SocialNetwork</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.Tag</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.TagUserContent</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.ToolConfiguration</class>
+    <class>cc.kune.domain.User</class>
+    <properties>
+      <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="true"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.url"
+        value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/kune_prod?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="kune"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="db4kune"/>
+      <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221379/hibernate-hbm2ddl-auto-update-in-production
+        (NO!, use liquibase, for instance) -->
+      <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438146/hibernate-question-hbm2ddl-auto-possible-values-and-what-they-do -->
+      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/>
+      <!-- https://www.hibernate.org/214.html -->
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class"
+        value="org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="50"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="100"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="3000"/>
+      <property name="c3p0.preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider"
+        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase"
+        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_dev/indexes"/>
+    </properties>
+  </persistence-unit>
   <persistence-unit name="development"
@@ -32,34 +89,34 @@
-      <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm" />
-      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="true" />
-      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
+      <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="true"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
       <property name="hibernate.connection.url"
-        value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/kune_dev?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="kune" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="db4kune" />
+        value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/kune_dev?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="kune"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="db4kune"/>
       <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221379/hibernate-hbm2ddl-auto-update-in-production
         (NO!, use liquibase, for instance) -->
       <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438146/hibernate-question-hbm2ddl-auto-possible-values-and-what-they-do -->
-      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update" />
+      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/>
       <!-- https://www.hibernate.org/214.html -->
       <property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class"
-        value="org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="50" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="100" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="3000" />
-      <property name="c3p0.preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1" />
+        value="org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="50"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="100"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="3000"/>
+      <property name="c3p0.preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider"
-        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider" />
+        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase"
-        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_dev/indexes" />
+        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_dev/indexes"/>
@@ -88,30 +145,30 @@
-      <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm" />
-      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="false" />
-      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
+      <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class, hbm"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
       <property name="hibernate.connection.url"
-        value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/kune_test?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="kune" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="db4kune" />
-      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop" />
+        value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/kune_test?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&amp;useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="kune"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="db4kune"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop"/>
       <!-- <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create" /> -->
       <property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class"
-        value="org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="50" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="100" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0" />
-      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="3000" />
-      <property name="c3p0.preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1" />
+        value="org.hibernate.connection.C3P0ConnectionProvider"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.min_size" value="5"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_size" value="50"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.timeout" value="100"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.max_statements" value="0"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.c3p0.idle_test_period" value="3000"/>
+      <property name="c3p0.preferredTestQuery" value="SELECT 1"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider"
-        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider" />
+        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase"
-        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_test/indexes" />
+        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_test/indexes"/>
@@ -140,19 +197,19 @@
-      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false" />
-      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="false" />
-      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect" />
-      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="org.h2.Driver" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="sa" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="" />
-      <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:h2:mem:testdb" />
+      <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="false"/>
+      <property name="use_sql_comments" value="false"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="org.h2.Driver"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="sa"/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.password" value=""/>
+      <property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:h2:mem:testdb"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.directory_provider"
-        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider" />
+        value="org.hibernate.search.store.FSDirectoryProvider"/>
       <property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase"
-        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_test/indexes" />
+        value="/var/lib/kune/lucene/kune_test/indexes"/>

Modified: trunk/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/publicspace/config/database.yml
--- trunk/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/publicspace/config/database.yml	2011-10-23 00:56:08 UTC (rev 1567)
+++ trunk/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/publicspace/config/database.yml	2011-10-23 22:25:20 UTC (rev 1568)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   adapter: jdbcmysql
-  database: kune_dev
+  database: kune_prod
   <<: *defaults

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