[kune-commits] r1634 - in trunk/src: main/java/cc/kune/chat/client main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify main/java/cc/kune/core/client/auth main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs main/java/cc/kune/msgs main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client test/java/cc/kune test/java/cc/kune/msgs test/java/cc/kune/msgs/client
Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado
vjrj_ at ourproject.org
Tue Dec 6 02:42:08 CET 2011
Author: vjrj_
Date: 2011-12-06 02:42:07 +0100 (Tue, 06 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 1634
CLOSED - # 98: When using NotifyUser.info/etc messages of the same level must be show together
CLOSED - # 97: Allow NotifyUser with images (useful for chat notifications)
CLOSED - # 168: "You did not sign in" box remains after I've registered
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/ChatClientDefault.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/ChatClientDefault.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/ChatClientDefault.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
import cc.kune.core.client.init.AppStartEvent;
import cc.kune.core.client.init.AppStopEvent;
import cc.kune.core.client.resources.CoreResources;
+import cc.kune.core.client.services.FileDownloadUtils;
import cc.kune.core.client.sitebar.SitebarActions;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.Session;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.UserSignInEvent;
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@
private final ChatOptions chatOptions;
private final ChatResources chatResources;
private Dialog dialog;
+ private final FileDownloadUtils downUtils;
private final I18nTranslationService i18n;
private final EventBus kuneEventBus;
private final CoreResources res;
@@ -141,16 +143,18 @@
private final GlobalShortcutRegister shorcutRegister;
private final SitebarActions siteActions;
private final SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager;
private final XmppSession xmppSession;
public ChatClientDefault(final EventBus kuneEventBus, final I18nTranslationService i18n,
final SitebarActions siteActions, final Session session, final CoreResources res,
- final GlobalShortcutRegister shorcutRegister, final ChatOptions chatOptions,
- final ChatResources chatResources, final ChatInstances chatInstances) {
+ final FileDownloadUtils downUtils, final GlobalShortcutRegister shorcutRegister,
+ final ChatOptions chatOptions, final ChatResources chatResources, final ChatInstances chatInstances) {
this.kuneEventBus = kuneEventBus;
this.i18n = i18n;
this.res = res;
+ this.downUtils = downUtils;
this.chatInstances = chatInstances;
action = new ChatClientAction(chatResources);
this.siteActions = siteActions;
@@ -322,7 +326,7 @@
final KuneHablarWidget widget = new KuneHablarWidget(config.layout, config.tabHeaderSize);
final Hablar hablar = widget.getHablar();
HablarComplete.install(hablar, config);
- new KuneHablarSignals(kuneEventBus, xmppSession, hablar, action, chatInstances);
+ new KuneHablarSignals(kuneEventBus, xmppSession, hablar, action, chatInstances, i18n, downUtils);
if (htmlConfig.hasLogger) {
new HablarConsole(hablar);
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneChatNotifier.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneChatNotifier.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneChatNotifier.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -20,24 +20,45 @@
package cc.kune.chat.client;
import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyUser;
+import cc.kune.core.client.services.FileDownloadUtils;
+import cc.kune.core.shared.i18n.I18nTranslationService;
import com.calclab.hablar.signals.client.notifications.HablarNotifier;
+import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.MatchResult;
+import com.google.gwt.regexp.shared.RegExp;
public class KuneChatNotifier implements HablarNotifier {
+ private final FileDownloadUtils downUtils;
+ private final I18nTranslationService i18n;
+ private final RegExp regExp;
- @Override
- public String getDisplayName() {
- return "Bottom notifier";
- }
+ public KuneChatNotifier(final I18nTranslationService i18n, final FileDownloadUtils downUtils) {
+ this.i18n = i18n;
+ this.downUtils = downUtils;
+ regExp = RegExp.compile("User (.*) says «(.*)»");
+ }
- @Override
- public String getId() {
- return "kuneChatNotifier";
- }
+ @Override
+ public String getDisplayName() {
+ return "Bottom notifier";
+ }
- @Override
- public void show(final String userMessage, final String messageType) {
- NotifyUser.info(userMessage);
+ @Override
+ public String getId() {
+ return "kuneChatNotifier";
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void show(final String userMessage, final String messageType) {
+ // FIXME Dirty hack while emite/hablar lib don't provide user info
+ if (regExp.test(userMessage)) {
+ final MatchResult m = regExp.exec(userMessage);
+ final String user = m.getGroup(1);
+ NotifyUser.avatar(downUtils.getUserAvatar(user),
+ i18n.t("User [%s] says «[%s]»", user, m.getGroup(2)));
+ } else {
+ NotifyUser.info(userMessage);
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneHablarSignals.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneHablarSignals.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/chat/client/KuneHablarSignals.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
package cc.kune.chat.client;
import cc.kune.chat.client.ChatClientDefault.ChatClientAction;
+import cc.kune.core.client.services.FileDownloadUtils;
+import cc.kune.core.shared.i18n.I18nTranslationService;
import com.calclab.emite.core.client.xmpp.session.XmppSession;
import com.calclab.emite.xep.storage.client.PrivateStorageManager;
@@ -34,7 +36,6 @@
import com.calclab.hablar.signals.client.unattended.UnattendedPagesManager;
import com.calclab.hablar.signals.client.unattended.UnattendedPresenter;
import com.calclab.hablar.user.client.UserContainer;
-import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventBus;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasText;
@@ -70,7 +71,8 @@
// FIXME: move to gin
public KuneHablarSignals(final EventBus kuneEventBus, final XmppSession session, final Hablar hablar,
- final ChatClientAction action, final ChatInstances chatInstances) {
+ final ChatClientAction action, final ChatInstances chatInstances,
+ final I18nTranslationService i18n, final FileDownloadUtils downUtils) {
final HablarEventBus hablarEventBus = hablar.getEventBus();
final PrivateStorageManager storageManager = chatInstances.privateStorageManager;
@@ -97,11 +99,10 @@
// notificationManager.addNotifier((BrowserPopupHablarNotifier)
// GWT.create(BrowserPopupHablarNotifier.class),
// true);
- notificationManager.addNotifier((KuneChatNotifier) GWT.create(KuneChatNotifier.class), true);
+ notificationManager.addNotifier(new KuneChatNotifier(i18n, downUtils), true);
final SignalsPreferencesPresenter preferencesPage = new SignalsPreferencesPresenter(session,
storageManager, hablarEventBus, preferences, new SignalsPreferencesWidget(), notificationManager);
hablar.addPage(preferencesPage, UserContainer.ROL);
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyLevel.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyLevel.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyLevel.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -20,5 +20,24 @@
package cc.kune.common.client.notify;
public enum NotifyLevel {
- error, important, info, log, veryImportant
+ avatar, error, important, info, log, veryImportant;
+ private String url;
+ NotifyLevel() {
+ this(null);
+ }
+ NotifyLevel(final String url) {
+ this.url = url;
+ }
+ public String getUrl() {
+ return url;
+ }
+ public NotifyLevel url(final String url) {
+ this.url = url;
+ return this;
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyUser.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyUser.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/common/client/notify/NotifyUser.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@
askConfirmation(null, title, message, callback);
+ public static void avatar(final String url, final String message) {
+ eventBus.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(NotifyLevel.avatar.url(url), message));
+ }
public static void error(final String message) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(NotifyLevel.error, message));
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/auth/AnonUsersManager.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/auth/AnonUsersManager.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/auth/AnonUsersManager.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -19,26 +19,29 @@
package cc.kune.core.client.auth;
-import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyUser;
+import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyLevel;
import cc.kune.common.client.utils.TextUtils;
import cc.kune.core.client.cookies.CookiesManager;
import cc.kune.core.client.i18n.I18nUITranslationService;
import cc.kune.core.client.init.AppStartEvent;
import cc.kune.core.client.init.AppStartEvent.AppStartHandler;
+import cc.kune.core.client.notify.msgs.UserNotifyEvent;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.Session;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.SiteTokens;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.UserSignInEvent;
import cc.kune.core.client.state.UserSignInEvent.UserSignInHandler;
+import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventBus;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
public class AnonUsersManager {
public static final String ANON_MESSAGE_CLOSE_ICON = "k-anon-um-close-btn";
+ protected UserNotifyEvent notifyMsg;
public AnonUsersManager(final Session session, final CookiesManager cookiesManager,
- final I18nUITranslationService i18n) {
+ final I18nUITranslationService i18n, final EventBus eventBus) {
session.onAppStart(true, new AppStartHandler() {
public void onAppStart(final AppStartEvent event) {
@@ -52,13 +55,16 @@
final String signin = TextUtils.generateHtmlLink("#" + SiteTokens.SIGNIN,
i18n.tWithNT("sign in", "register, in lowercase"), false);
final String siteCommonName = i18n.getSiteCommonName();
- NotifyUser.info(
+ notifyMsg = UserNotifyEvent.fire(
+ eventBus,
+ NotifyLevel.info,
"You did not sign-in, so you can just see some public contents in [%s], "
+ "but not edit or collaborate with others. Please [%s] or [%s] in order to get full access to [%s] tools and contents",
"This will be something like 'Please register or sign in in other to get full access to this site tools', but instead of %s some links",
- siteCommonName, register, signin, siteCommonName), ANON_MESSAGE_CLOSE_ICON, true);
+ siteCommonName, register, signin, siteCommonName), Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
if (Boolean.valueOf(anonCookie)) {
// Registered already: we set the cookie for some big period again
@@ -74,6 +80,10 @@
public void onUserSignIn(final UserSignInEvent event) {
+ if (notifyMsg != null) {
+ // Isue #168, after register/sign-in the message not remains visible
+ notifyMsg.getCloser().close();
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifierViewImpl.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifierViewImpl.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifierViewImpl.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
import cc.kune.common.client.ui.PopupBottomPanel;
import cc.kune.core.client.notify.msgs.UserNotifierPresenter.UserNotifierView;
import cc.kune.msgs.client.CloseCallback;
+import cc.kune.msgs.client.UserMessage;
import cc.kune.msgs.client.UserMessagesPanel;
import cc.kune.msgs.client.UserMessagesPresenter;
@@ -32,36 +33,45 @@
import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.PopupViewImpl;
public class UserNotifierViewImpl extends PopupViewImpl implements UserNotifierView {
- private final UserMessagesPresenter msgs;
- private final PopupBottomPanel popup;
+ private final UserMessagesPresenter msgs;
+ private final PopupBottomPanel popup;
- @Inject
- public UserNotifierViewImpl(final EventBus eventBus, final UserMessagesPresenter msgs, final UserMessagesPanel panel) {
- super(eventBus);
- this.msgs = msgs;
- msgs.init(panel);
- panel.setWidth("370px");
- popup = new PopupBottomPanel(false, false);
- popup.add(panel);
- popup.show();
- }
+ @Inject
+ public UserNotifierViewImpl(final EventBus eventBus, final UserMessagesPresenter msgs,
+ final UserMessagesPanel panel) {
+ super(eventBus);
+ this.msgs = msgs;
+ msgs.init(panel);
+ panel.setWidth("370px");
+ popup = new PopupBottomPanel(false, false);
+ popup.add(panel);
+ popup.show();
+ }
- @Override
- public Widget asWidget() {
- return popup;
- }
+ @Override
+ public Widget asWidget() {
+ return popup;
+ }
- @Override
- public void notify(final UserNotifyEvent event) {
- msgs.add(event.getLevel(), event.getTitle(), event.getMessage(), event.getId(), event.getCloseable(),
- new CloseCallback() {
- @Override
- public void onClose() {
- popup.setCenterPosition();
- }
- });
- popup.setCenterPosition();
- DOM.setStyleAttribute(popup.getElement(), "zIndex", "100000");
- }
+ @Override
+ public void notify(final UserNotifyEvent event) {
+ final UserMessage msg = msgs.add(event.getLevel(), event.getTitle(), event.getMessage(),
+ event.getId(), event.getCloseable(), new CloseCallback() {
+ @Override
+ public void onClose() {
+ popup.setCenterPosition();
+ }
+ });
+ event.setCloser(new UserNotifyEvent.UserNotifyCloser() {
+ @Override
+ public void close() {
+ if (msg.isAttached()) {
+ msg.close();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ popup.setCenterPosition();
+ DOM.setStyleAttribute(popup.getElement(), "zIndex", "100000");
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifyEvent.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifyEvent.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/core/client/notify/msgs/UserNotifyEvent.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
package cc.kune.core.client.notify.msgs;
import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyLevel;
+import cc.kune.msgs.client.CloseCallback;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.GwtEvent;
@@ -28,101 +29,127 @@
public class UserNotifyEvent extends GwtEvent<UserNotifyEvent.UserNotifyHandler> {
- public interface HasUserNotifyHandlers extends HasHandlers {
- HandlerRegistration addUserNotifyHandler(UserNotifyHandler handler);
- }
+ public interface HasUserNotifyHandlers extends HasHandlers {
+ HandlerRegistration addUserNotifyHandler(UserNotifyHandler handler);
+ }
- public interface UserNotifyHandler extends EventHandler {
- public void onUserNotify(UserNotifyEvent event);
- }
+ public interface UserNotifyCloser {
+ public void close();
+ }
- private static final Type<UserNotifyHandler> TYPE = new Type<UserNotifyHandler>();
+ public interface UserNotifyHandler extends EventHandler {
+ public void onUserNotify(UserNotifyEvent event);
+ }
- public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message) {
- source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, "", message));
- }
+ private static final Type<UserNotifyHandler> TYPE = new Type<UserNotifyHandler>();
- public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message,
- final Boolean closeable) {
- source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, "", message, closeable));
- }
+ public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level,
+ final java.lang.String message) {
+ source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, "", message));
+ }
- public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title,
- final java.lang.String message) {
- source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, title, message));
- }
+ public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level,
+ final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
+ source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, "", message, closeable));
+ }
- public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title,
- final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
- source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, title, message, closeable));
- }
+ public static void fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level,
+ final java.lang.String title, final java.lang.String message) {
+ source.fireEvent(new UserNotifyEvent(level, title, message));
+ }
- public static Type<UserNotifyHandler> getType() {
- return TYPE;
- }
+ public static UserNotifyEvent fire(final HasHandlers source, final NotifyLevel level,
+ final java.lang.String title, final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
+ final UserNotifyEvent event = new UserNotifyEvent(level, title, message, closeable);
+ source.fireEvent(event);
+ return event;
+ }
- private final Boolean closeable;
- private java.lang.String id;
- private final NotifyLevel level;
- private final java.lang.String message;
- private final java.lang.String title;
+ public static Type<UserNotifyHandler> getType() {
+ return TYPE;
+ }
- public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message) {
- this(level, "", message, false);
- }
+ private final Boolean closeable;
+ private CloseCallback closeCallback;
+ private UserNotifyCloser closer;
+ private java.lang.String id;
+ private final NotifyLevel level;
+ private final java.lang.String message;
+ private final java.lang.String title;
- public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
- this(level, "", message, closeable);
- }
+ public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message) {
+ this(level, "", message, false);
+ }
- public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title, final java.lang.String message) {
- this(level, title, message, false);
- }
+ public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
+ this(level, "", message, closeable);
+ }
- public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title, final java.lang.String message,
- final Boolean closeable) {
- this.level = level;
- this.title = title;
- this.message = message;
- this.closeable = closeable;
- }
+ public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title,
+ final java.lang.String message) {
+ this(level, title, message, false);
+ }
- public UserNotifyEvent(final String message) {
- this(NotifyLevel.info, message);
- }
+ public UserNotifyEvent(final NotifyLevel level, final java.lang.String title,
+ final java.lang.String message, final Boolean closeable) {
+ this.level = level;
+ this.title = title;
+ this.message = message;
+ this.closeable = closeable;
+ }
- @Override
- protected void dispatch(final UserNotifyHandler handler) {
- handler.onUserNotify(this);
- }
+ public UserNotifyEvent(final String message) {
+ this(NotifyLevel.info, message);
+ }
- @Override
- public Type<UserNotifyHandler> getAssociatedType() {
- return TYPE;
- }
+ @Override
+ protected void dispatch(final UserNotifyHandler handler) {
+ handler.onUserNotify(this);
+ }
- public Boolean getCloseable() {
- return closeable;
- }
+ @Override
+ public Type<UserNotifyHandler> getAssociatedType() {
+ return TYPE;
+ }
- public java.lang.String getId() {
- return id;
- }
+ public Boolean getCloseable() {
+ return closeable;
+ }
- public NotifyLevel getLevel() {
- return level;
- }
+ public CloseCallback getCloseCallback() {
+ return closeCallback;
+ }
- public java.lang.String getMessage() {
- return message;
- }
+ public UserNotifyCloser getCloser() {
+ return closer;
+ }
- public java.lang.String getTitle() {
- return title;
- }
+ public java.lang.String getId() {
+ return id;
+ }
- public void setId(final String id) {
- this.id = id;
- }
+ public NotifyLevel getLevel() {
+ return level;
+ }
+ public java.lang.String getMessage() {
+ return message;
+ }
+ public java.lang.String getTitle() {
+ return title;
+ }
+ public void setCloseCallback(final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ this.closeCallback = closeCallback;
+ }
+ public void setCloser(final UserNotifyCloser closer) {
+ this.closer = closer;
+ }
+ public void setId(final String id) {
+ this.id = id;
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/KuneMsgs.gwt.xml
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/KuneMsgs.gwt.xml 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/KuneMsgs.gwt.xml 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User' />
- <inherits name="org.adamtacy.GWTEffects" />
- <inherits name="cc.kune.common.KuneCommon" />
+ <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
+ <inherits name="org.adamtacy.GWTEffects"/>
+ <inherits name="cc.kune.common.KuneCommon"/>
<!-- Other module inherits -->
<!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
<!-- <entry-point class='cc.kune.msgs.client.KuneMessagesSampleEntryPoint'
/> -->
<!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
- <source path='client' />
- <public path="public" />
+ <source path='client'
+ excludes="**/*Test.java,**/*Tests.java,**/*MockProvider.java"/>
+ <public path="public"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -1,168 +1,10 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The kune development team (see CREDITS for details)
- * This file is part of kune.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
package cc.kune.msgs.client;
-import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.events.EffectCompletedEvent;
-import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.events.EffectCompletedHandler;
-import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.examples.Fade;
-import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.examples.Show;
+public interface UserMessage {
-import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyLevel;
-import cc.kune.common.client.utils.TextUtils;
-import cc.kune.msgs.client.resources.UserMessageImagesUtil;
+ void appendMsg(String message);
-import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
-import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
-import com.google.gwt.safehtml.client.SafeHtmlTemplates;
-import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtml;
-import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlUtils;
-import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SimpleHtmlSanitizer;
-import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;
-import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiField;
-import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiHandler;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasText;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineHTML;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PushButton;
-import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
+ void close();
-public class UserMessage extends Composite implements HasText {
- interface MessageUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, UserMessage> {
- }
- public interface MsgTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
- @Template("<span>{0}</span>")
- SafeHtml format(SafeHtml message);
- }
- public interface MsgWithTitleTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
- @Template("<span><span class=\"k-msg-title\">{0}</span><p>{1}</p></span>")
- SafeHtml format(SafeHtml title, SafeHtml message);
- }
- private static String closeTitle = "Close";
- private static int fadeMills = 5000;
- private static final MsgTemplate MSG_NO_TITLE = GWT.create(MsgTemplate.class);
- private static final MsgWithTitleTemplate MSG_WITH_TITLE = GWT.create(MsgWithTitleTemplate.class);
- private static MessageUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(MessageUiBinder.class);
- public static void setCloseTitle(final String title) {
- closeTitle = title;
- }
- public static void setFadeMills(final int mills) {
- fadeMills = mills;
- }
- @UiField
- PushButton close;
- private final CloseCallback closeCallback;
- @UiField
- Image icon;
- @UiField
- InlineHTML label;
- public UserMessage(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message, final String id,
- final boolean closeable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- this.closeCallback = closeCallback;
- initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
- if (TextUtils.notEmpty(id)) {
- close.ensureDebugId(id);
- }
- if (TextUtils.notEmpty(message)) {
- if (TextUtils.notEmpty(title)) {
- label.setHTML(MSG_WITH_TITLE.format(SimpleHtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(title), sanitize(message)));
- } else {
- label.setHTML(MSG_NO_TITLE.format(sanitize(message)));
- }
- close.setVisible(closeable);
- close.setTitle(closeTitle);
- if (!closeable) {
- final Timer time = new Timer() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- close();
- }
- };
- time.schedule(fadeMills);
- }
- icon.setResource(UserMessageImagesUtil.getIcon(level));
- final Show anim = new Show(this.getElement());
- anim.setDuration(0.5);
- anim.play();
- }
- }
- public UserMessage(final String message, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- this("", message, false, closeCallback);
- }
- public UserMessage(final String title, final String message, final boolean closeable,
- final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- this(NotifyLevel.info, title, message, "", closeable, closeCallback);
- }
- public UserMessage(final String title, final String message, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- this(title, message, false, closeCallback);
- }
- private void close() {
- final Fade fade = new Fade(this.getElement());
- fade.setDuration(0.7);
- fade.play();
- fade.addEffectCompletedHandler(new EffectCompletedHandler() {
- @Override
- public void onEffectCompleted(final EffectCompletedEvent event) {
- removeFromParent();
- closeCallback.onClose();
- }
- });
- }
- @Override
- public String getText() {
- return label.getText();
- }
- @UiHandler("close")
- void handleClick(final ClickEvent e) {
- close();
- }
- private SafeHtml sanitize(final String message) {
- return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(message);
- }
- @Override
- public void setText(final String text) {
- label.setText(text);
- }
+ boolean isAttached();
Deleted: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.ui.xml
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.ui.xml 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.ui.xml 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent">
-<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
- xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui">
- <ui:style>
- @if user.agent safari {
- .k-msg-width {
- width: 0px;
- }
- }
- @else {
- .k-msg-width {
- width: auto;
- }
- }
- </ui:style>
- <ui:with field='img'
- type='cc.kune.msgs.client.resources.UserMessageImages'/>
- <g:HorizontalPanel verticalAlignment="ALIGN_MIDDLE"
- height="42px" addStyleNames="k-msg, k-3corners, {style.k-msg-width}">
- <g:SimplePanel addStyleNames="k-msg-icon">
- <g:Image width="100%" ui:field="icon" height="100%"/>
- </g:SimplePanel>
- <g:Cell width="100%">
- <g:InlineHTML ui:field="label" width="100%"
- styleName="k-msg-label"/>
- </g:Cell>
- <g:PushButton ui:field="close" styleName="k-msg-close"
- width="22px">
- <g:upFace image='{img.remove}'/>
- <g:downFace image='{img.removeOver}'/>
- <g:upHoveringFace image='{img.removeGrey}'/>
- </g:PushButton>
- </g:HorizontalPanel>
Copied: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.java (from rev 1630, trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.java)
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The kune development team (see CREDITS for details)
+ * This file is part of kune.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ */
+package cc.kune.msgs.client;
+import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.events.EffectCompletedEvent;
+import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.events.EffectCompletedHandler;
+import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.examples.Fade;
+import org.adamtacy.client.ui.effects.examples.Show;
+import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyLevel;
+import cc.kune.common.client.utils.TextUtils;
+import cc.kune.msgs.client.resources.UserMessageImagesUtil;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
+import com.google.gwt.safehtml.client.SafeHtmlTemplates;
+import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtml;
+import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlUtils;
+import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SimpleHtmlSanitizer;
+import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;
+import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiField;
+import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiHandler;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HasText;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineHTML;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PushButton;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
+public class UserMessageWidget extends Composite implements HasText, UserMessage {
+ public interface MsgTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
+ @Template("<span>{0}</span>")
+ SafeHtml format(SafeHtml message);
+ }
+ public interface MsgWithTitleTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
+ @Template("<span><span class=\"k-msg-title\">{0}</span><p>{1}</p></span>")
+ SafeHtml format(SafeHtml title, SafeHtml message);
+ }
+ interface UserMessageWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, UserMessageWidget> {
+ }
+ private static final String AVATAR_SIZE = "40px";
+ private static String closeTitle = "Close";
+ private static int fadeMills = 5000;
+ private static final MsgTemplate MSG_NO_TITLE = GWT.create(MsgTemplate.class);
+ private static final MsgWithTitleTemplate MSG_WITH_TITLE = GWT.create(MsgWithTitleTemplate.class);
+ private static UserMessageWidgetUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(UserMessageWidgetUiBinder.class);
+ public static void setCloseTitle(final String title) {
+ closeTitle = title;
+ }
+ public static void setFadeMills(final int mills) {
+ fadeMills = mills;
+ }
+ @UiField
+ PushButton close;
+ private final CloseCallback closeCallback;
+ @UiField
+ Image icon;
+ @UiField
+ InlineHTML label;
+ private Timer time;
+ public UserMessageWidget(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message,
+ final String id, final boolean closeable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ this.closeCallback = closeCallback;
+ initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
+ if (TextUtils.notEmpty(id)) {
+ close.ensureDebugId(id);
+ }
+ if (TextUtils.notEmpty(message)) {
+ setMsg(title, message);
+ close.setVisible(closeable);
+ close.setTitle(closeTitle);
+ if (!closeable) {
+ time = new Timer() {
+ @Override
+ public void run() {
+ close();
+ }
+ };
+ time.schedule(fadeMills);
+ }
+ setIcon(level);
+ final Show anim = new Show(this.getElement());
+ anim.setDuration(0.5);
+ anim.play();
+ }
+ }
+ public UserMessageWidget(final String message, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ this("", message, false, closeCallback);
+ }
+ public UserMessageWidget(final String title, final String message, final boolean closeable,
+ final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ this(NotifyLevel.info, title, message, "", closeable, closeCallback);
+ }
+ public UserMessageWidget(final String title, final String message, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ this(title, message, false, closeCallback);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void appendMsg(final String message) {
+ resetTimer();
+ label.setHTML(sanitize(label.getHTML() + "<p>" + message + "</p>"));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void close() {
+ final Fade fade = new Fade(this.getElement());
+ fade.setDuration(0.7);
+ fade.play();
+ fade.addEffectCompletedHandler(new EffectCompletedHandler() {
+ @Override
+ public void onEffectCompleted(final EffectCompletedEvent event) {
+ removeFromParent();
+ closeCallback.onClose();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getText() {
+ return label.getText();
+ }
+ @UiHandler("close")
+ void handleClick(final ClickEvent e) {
+ close();
+ }
+ private void resetTimer() {
+ if (time != null) {
+ // More time to read it!
+ time.schedule(fadeMills);
+ }
+ }
+ private SafeHtml sanitize(final String message) {
+ return SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(message);
+ }
+ private void setIcon(final NotifyLevel level) {
+ if (level.equals(NotifyLevel.avatar)) {
+ icon.setUrl(level.getUrl());
+ } else {
+ icon.setResource(UserMessageImagesUtil.getIcon(level));
+ }
+ }
+ private void setMsg(final String title, final String message) {
+ if (TextUtils.notEmpty(title)) {
+ label.setHTML(MSG_WITH_TITLE.format(SimpleHtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(title), sanitize(message)));
+ } else {
+ label.setHTML(MSG_NO_TITLE.format(sanitize(message)));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setText(final String text) {
+ label.setText(text);
+ }
Copied: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.ui.xml (from rev 1630, trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessage.ui.xml)
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.ui.xml (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessageWidget.ui.xml 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent">
+<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
+ xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui">
+ <ui:style>
+ @if user.agent safari {
+ .k-msg-width {
+ width: 0px;
+ }
+ }
+ @else {
+ .k-msg-width {
+ width: auto;
+ }
+ }
+ </ui:style>
+ <ui:with field='img'
+ type='cc.kune.msgs.client.resources.UserMessageImages'/>
+ <g:HorizontalPanel verticalAlignment="ALIGN_MIDDLE"
+ addStyleNames="k-msg, k-3corners, {style.k-msg-width}">
+ <g:SimplePanel addStyleNames="k-msg-icon">
+ <g:Image width="100%" ui:field="icon" height="100%"/>
+ </g:SimplePanel>
+ <g:Cell width="100%">
+ <g:InlineHTML ui:field="label" width="100%"
+ styleName="k-msg-label"/>
+ </g:Cell>
+ <g:PushButton ui:field="close" styleName="k-msg-close"
+ width="22px">
+ <g:upFace image='{img.remove}'/>
+ <g:downFace image='{img.removeOver}'/>
+ <g:upHoveringFace image='{img.removeGrey}'/>
+ </g:PushButton>
+ </g:HorizontalPanel>
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPanel.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPanel.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPanel.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@
FlowPanel bottom;
- private NotifyLevel currentLevel;
- private UserMessage currentMsg;
VerticalPanel panel;
@@ -50,12 +49,11 @@
- public void add(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message, final String id,
- final boolean closeable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ public UserMessage add(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message,
+ final String id, final Boolean closeable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- final UserMessage msg = new UserMessage(level, title, message, id, closeable, closeCallback);
- currentMsg = msg;
- currentLevel = level;
+ final UserMessageWidget msg = new UserMessageWidget(level, title, message, id, closeable,
+ closeCallback);
// msg.getText().
@@ -71,5 +69,10 @@
+ return msg;
+ public int getCurrentMsgCount() {
+ return panel.getWidgetCount();
+ }
Modified: trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenter.java
--- trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenter.java 2011-12-05 20:42:43 UTC (rev 1633)
+++ trunk/src/main/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenter.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -23,21 +23,56 @@
public class UserMessagesPresenter {
- public interface UserMessagesView {
- void add(NotifyLevel level, String title, String message, String id, boolean closable, CloseCallback callback);
- }
+ public interface UserMessagesView {
+ UserMessage add(NotifyLevel level, String title, String message, String id, Boolean closable,
+ CloseCallback callback);
+ }
- private UserMessagesView view;
+ private boolean currentClosable;
+ private String currentId;
+ private NotifyLevel currentLevel;
+ private UserMessage currentMsg;
+ private String currentTitle;
+ private UserMessagesView view;
- public UserMessagesPresenter() {
- }
+ public UserMessagesPresenter() {
+ }
- public void add(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message, final String id,
- final boolean closable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
- view.add(level, title, message, id, closable, closeCallback);
+ public UserMessage add(final NotifyLevel level, final String title, final String message,
+ final String id, final boolean closable, final CloseCallback closeCallback) {
+ if ((currentMsg != null && !currentMsg.isAttached()) || !level.equals(currentLevel)
+ || !same(title, currentTitle) || !same(id, currentId) || closable != currentClosable) {
+ currentMsg = view.add(level, title, message, id, closable, closeCallback);
+ } else {
+ // Similar message, so, I'll reuse the widget
+ assert (currentMsg != null);
+ currentMsg.appendMsg(message);
+ currentLevel = level;
+ currentTitle = title;
+ currentId = id;
+ currentClosable = closable;
+ return currentMsg;
+ }
- public void init(final UserMessagesView view) {
- this.view = view;
+ public void init(final UserMessagesView view) {
+ this.view = view;
+ }
+ private boolean same(final Object object, final Object otherObj) {
+ if (object == otherObj) {
+ return true;
+ if (otherObj == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (object == null) {
+ if (otherObj != null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!object.equals(otherObj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
Added: trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenterTest.java
--- trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenterTest.java (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/test/java/cc/kune/msgs/client/UserMessagesPresenterTest.java 2011-12-06 01:42:07 UTC (rev 1634)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+package cc.kune.msgs.client;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import cc.kune.common.client.notify.NotifyLevel;
+import cc.kune.msgs.client.UserMessagesPresenter.UserMessagesView;
+public class UserMessagesPresenterTest {
+ private static final String ID_1 = "id1";
+ private static final String ID_2 = "id2";
+ private static final String MESSAGE_1 = "message 1";
+ private static final String MESSAGE_2 = "message 2";
+ private static final String TITLE_1 = "title 1";
+ private static final String TITLE_2 = "title 2";
+ private CloseCallback closeCallback;
+ private UserMessage msg;
+ private UserMessagesPresenter presenter;
+ private UserMessagesView view;
+ @Test
+ public void basicMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void before() {
+ presenter = new UserMessagesPresenter();
+ view = Mockito.mock(UserMessagesView.class);
+ closeCallback = Mockito.mock(CloseCallback.class);
+ presenter.init(view);
+ msg = Mockito.mock(UserMessage.class);
+ // Mockito.when(msg.getText()).thenReturn(MESSAGE_1);
+ Mockito.when(
+ view.add((NotifyLevel) Mockito.anyObject(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyString(),
+ Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyBoolean(), (CloseCallback) Mockito.anyObject())).thenReturn(
+ msg);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicAvatarMsg() {
+ final NotifyLevel avatar = NotifyLevel.avatar.url("image1.png");
+ presenter.add(avatar, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.when(msg.isAttached()).thenReturn(true);
+ presenter.add(avatar, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_2, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(avatar, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.times(1)).appendMsg(MESSAGE_2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicDiffAvatarMsg() {
+ final NotifyLevel avatar1 = NotifyLevel.avatar.url("image1.png");
+ presenter.add(avatar1, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false, closeCallback);
+ final NotifyLevel avatar2 = NotifyLevel.avatar.url("image2.png");
+ presenter.add(avatar2, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, true, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(avatar1, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(avatar2, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, true, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicDiffCloseableMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false, closeCallback);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, true, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, true,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicDiffIdMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false, closeCallback);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_2, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_1, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, ID_2, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicDiffLevelMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.error, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_2, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.error, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_2, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicDiffTitleMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_2, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_2, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicMsg() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.when(msg.isAttached()).thenReturn(true);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_2, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.times(1)).appendMsg(MESSAGE_2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void twoBasicMsgButAfterFirstClosed() {
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ presenter.add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_2, null, false, closeCallback);
+ Mockito.when(msg.isAttached()).thenReturn(false);
+ Mockito.verify(view, Mockito.times(1)).add(NotifyLevel.info, TITLE_1, MESSAGE_1, null, false,
+ closeCallback);
+ Mockito.verify(msg, Mockito.never()).appendMsg(MESSAGE_2);
+ }
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