Hi Everyone<br><br>Thanks to Mathieu for sponsoring me to be part of the journal. I'll just give a brief introduction to my research interests. The majority of my work has concerned copyright law, the digital environment (file-sharing, uses of digital media), creativity (especially in music) and technology, and the current state of play in the music industry. I'm currently catching up on the journal to-date, getting a feel for its scope. Obviously, I'm happy to review any incoming articles in these areas as well those that might tackle more broad ranging production/communications/law issues. I'm a founding member of the (relatively recently formed) Interactive Media Institute at Macquarie University and I'll be promoting the journal through it and various other avenues.<br>
<br>cheers<br>Steve<br clear="all"><br>--<b><br>Dr Steve Collins</b><br>Senior Lecturer in Multimedia<br>Program Director Interactivity & Games<br>Department of Media, Music, Communication & Cultural Studies<br>Macquarie University<br>
<br>P: <a href="tel:%2802%29%209850%202165" value="+61298502165" target="_blank">(02) 9850 2165</a><br>W: <a href="http://www.mmccs.mq.edu.au/stevecollins" target="_blank">http://www.mmccs.mq.edu.au/stevecollins</a><br>L: Y3A 191D<br>