[JoPP-Public] Information re funding

Mathieu O'Neil mathieu.oneil at anu.edu.au
Wed Jun 9 04:30:35 CEST 2021

🚌 HoPP preprint Twitter campaign 🚌

Campaign plan via @codekitt:

• 1 month long; 7 June 4pm BST – 8 July 8am BST
• Tweets scheduled 2 x daily at 16:00 BST & 8:00 BST (5PM AEST) across two Twitter accounts: @peer_production (454 followers) and @beyourownpeer (47 followers)
o http://twitter.com/peer_production
o http://twitter.com/beyourownpeer
• Each chapter will be tweeted 4 times, with dates staggered across accounts to ensure each chapter tweeted at both time zones across its 4 scheduled tweets, and to ensure there aren’t 4 of the same tweets about the same chapter each day.
• 💡Chapter authors: Take note of when your chapter’s tweets are, so you can retweet them from personal, institutional Twitter accounts, etc and make some noise 

Scheduled tweets:

Mon 7 June 4pm @beyour
Mon 7 June 4pm @peer
Tues 8 June 9am @peer
Tues 8 June 8am @beyour
📚 Proud eds @mathieuoneil CPentzold @stoopt are here to announce that the Handbook of Peer Production is now published! Exploring the concepts, conditions, cases, conflicts and futures of the field of #peerproduction: https://www.wiley.com/en-au/The+Handbook+of+Peer+Production-p-9781119537106 #beyourownpeer #preprinthopp

Tues 8 June 4pm @beyour
8 June 4pm @peer
Thurs 8 July 4pm @peer
Wed 23 June 8am @peer
📧 The Duality of Peer Production: Infrastructure for the Digital Commons, Free Labour for Free-Riding Firms, by @mathieuoneil @stoopt C. Pentzold, a chapter exploring the tensions inside/outside peer production: https://www.wiley.com/en-au/The+Handbook+of+Peer+Production-p-9781119537106 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #labour

Wed 9 June 8am @peer
7 July 8am @beyour
7 July 4pm @peer
9 June 4pm @beyour
📨 Grammar of Peer Production, by V. Kostakis @mbauwens: This chapter revisits Bauwens’ foundational 2005 article, refining operational concepts used to define peer projects and the institutional ecosystems that sustain them:
https://zenodo.org/record/4415365#.YC92Kmgzbg8 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer

Thurs 10 June 8am @peer
6 July 8am @beyour
6 July 4pm @peer
10 June 4pm @beyour
📥 Political Economy of Peer Production, by @bjbirkin: This chapter explores the rise of peer production in capitalism and evaluates the extent to which peer production contradicts, or reinforces, these global economic trends: http://hdl.handle.net/11714/7742 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer

Fri 11 June 8am @peer
5 July 8am @beyour
5 July 4pm @peer
11 June 4pm @beyour
📦 Social Norms and Rules of Peer Production, by C. Pentzold: Self-organization and self-management depend on shared social norms and have generated sets of rules http://www.christianpentzold.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Chapter-04_Social-Norms-and-Rules-in-Peer-Production.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer

Mon 14 June 8am @peer
5 July 4pm @beyour
2 July 4pm @peer
14 June 4pm @beyour
💡 Cultures of Peer Production, by M. Stevenson: This chapter explores how production is a form of cultural production, with structural similarities to existing cultural fields like art, literature, and journalism: https://hcommons.org/deposits/item/hc:34699/ #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #culture

Tues 15 June 8am @peer
1 July 8am @peer
8 July 4pm @peer
15 June 4pm @beyour
📆 Prophets and Advocates, by G. Dafermos: Many activists have sought to promote or apply peer production in their work. This chapter historicises these attempts, and evaluates their impact: http://peerproduction.net/projects/books/the-handbook-of-peer-production/ #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #activism

Wed 16 June 8am @peer
30 June 8am @ beyour
30 June 4pm @peer
16 June 4pm @beyour
📊 Virtue, Efficiency, and the Sharing Economy, by @copyculture: At the heart of key conceptualizations of peer production is a tension between virtue and pragmatism – this chapter explores these dynamics: https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/publications/virtue-efficiency-and-the-sharing-economy #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #politics

Thurs 17 June 8am @peer
29 June 8am @beyour
29 June 4pm @peer
17 June 4pm @beyour
📈 Openness and Licensing, by @melanieddr: This chapter reviews the evolution of legal and openness conditions to license peer production such as software, culture, science, and data as commons https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02986892 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #tech

Fri 18 June 8am @peer
28 June 8am @beyour
28 June 4pm @peer
18 June 4pm @beyour
📘 User Motivations in Peer Production, by S. Spaeth & S. Niederhöfer: This chapter explores how motivations to contribute to open projects vary between individuals and projects, from intrinsic to extrinsic:
https://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/fachbereich-sozoek/professuren/spaeth/team/spaeth-sebastian/publications/user-motivation-in-peer-production.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer

Mon 21 June 8am @peer
25 June 8am @beyour
25 June 4pm @peer
21 June 4pm @beyour
💻 Free & Open Source Software, by @stephctr: This chapter presents the history of FOSS, and its impact on the societal infrastructure and the culture and practices of peer production projects:
http://stephanecouture.info/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-12_Free-and-Open-Source-Software.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #foss #tech

Tues 22 June 8am @peer
24 June 8am @beyour
24 June 4pm @peer
22 June 4pm @beyour
📕 Wikipedia and Wikis, by @juttahaider @olofsun: In this chapter, the @Wikipedia peer production model is elucidated, and also complicated, as is the role of Wikipedia in the contemporary commercial Internet:
https://portal.research.lu.se/portal/files/94288236/Chapter_13_Wikipedia_and_Wikis.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #tech #commons

Wed 23 June 8am @peer
8 July 8am @beyour
23 June 4pm @peer
23 June 4pm @beyour
🗺 Hacker Cartography: Participatory Mapmaking and Technological Power, by A. Fish:
In this chapter, it is argued that amateur and collaborative mapmaking may fuel corporate development:
https://www.academia.edu/42089329/Participatory_Cartography_Drones_Countermapping_and_Technological_Power #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #hacking #tech

Thurs 24 June 8am @peer
22 June 8am @beyour
22 June 4pm @peer
24 June 4pm @beyour
🧬 Peer Learning, by @panayotis & A. Pantazis: This chapter reviews peer-to-peer learning platforms and methodologies in terms of curriculum selection, learning process, and knowledge abstraction https://nethood.org/publications/HoPP_Chapter15_P2P-Learning.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #oer

Fri 25 June 8am @peer
21 June 8am @beyour
21 June 4pm @peer
25 June 4pm @beyour
🦠 Biohacking, by M. Meyer: This chapter engages with life science activities that occur outside traditional institutions: biohacking, garage biology, DIY genetics, DIY medicine & DIY science https://hal-mines-paristech.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03147166/document #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #biohacking

Mon 28 June 8am @peer
18 June 8am @beyour
18 June 4pm @peer
28 June 4pm @beyour
🧮 Blockchain, by @xpablov @__nate__: In this chapter, blockchain-based projects are explored that use an open yet secure distributed ledger that secures a robust workflow, authenticated by mass collaboration https://pure.au.dk/portal/files/211501780/PRE_PRINT_Chapter_18_Blockchain.pdf #preprinthopp #blockchain #beyourownpeer

Tues 29 June 8am @peer
17 June 8am @beyour
17 June 4pm @peer
29 June 4pm @beyour
📙 Peer Production and Social Change, by @mathieuoneil & S. Broca: This chapter critically examines the claim that peer producers can oppose social harms and democratic failures in liberal democracies: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03146656 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #activism

Wed 30 June 8am @peer
16 June 8am @beyour
16 June 4pm @peer
30 June 4pm @beyour
📗 Feminist Peer Production, by @stoopt: This chapter examines feminist criticisms of peer production, and focuses on new practices grounded in feminist objectivity
https://pure.uva.nl/ws/files/55580470/Chapter_23_Feminist_Peer_Production.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #feminism

Thurs 1 July 8am @peer
15 June 8am @beyour
15 June 4pm @peer
1 July 4pm @beyour
🗂 Gaps in Peer Design, by @franmusiani: This chapter of the Handbook of Peer Production reviews the reasons why a great networking and 'philosophical' principle often stumbles in its practical applications
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03146429 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #design

Fri 2 July 8am @peer
14 June 8am @beyour
14 June 4pm @peer
2 July 4pm @beyour
🏬 Makerspaces and Peer Production: Spaces of Possibility, Tension, Post-Automation, or Liberation?  This chapter by @codekat @smithadrianpaul explores how makerspaces can challenge prevailing sociotechnical regimes:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348309758_Makerspaces_and_Peer_Production_Spaces_of_Possibility_Tension_Post-Automation_or_Liberation #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #making

Mon 5 July 8am @peer
11 June 8am @beyour
11 June 4pm @peer
5 July 4pm @beyour
⏳ ‘Peer Production & State Theory: Envisioning a Cooperative Partner State’ How can the state enable peer production? This chapter by @AlexPazaitis @wjmd combines state theory + cooperative practice to imagine a Partner State: https://zenodo.org/record/4415340 #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer

Tues 6 July 8am @peer
10 June 8am @beyour
10 June 4pm @peer
6 July 4pm @beyour
🎙What is peer production good for, in analytical terms, exactly? Should peer production become a field of study? A new chapter by @mathieuoneil @stoopt: http://peerproduction.net/projects/books/the-handbook-of-peer-production/ #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #peerproduction #commons

Wed 7 July 8am @peer
9 June 8am @beyour
9 June 4pm @peer
7 July 4pm @beyour
💡 Be Your Own Peer! Principles and Policies for the Commons: This final chapter of the Handbook of Peer Production by @mathieuoneil @stoopt proposes practical suggestions as well as policy initiatives:
http://www.christianpentzold.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Chapter-30_Be-Your-Own-Peer.pdf #preprinthopp #beyourownpeer #commons


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