[JoPP-Public] Future of Journal of Peer Production (JoPP): the end of the line?

Mathieu O'Neil mathieu.oneil at anu.edu.au
Sun Nov 4 09:52:17 CET 2018

Hi all

Steve and I have been working on JoPP #13 OPEN to be released in the first half of 2019. After that, it's anybody's guess.

JoPP#14 should come out in the first half of 2020 but for that to happen someone(s) has to come up with a concept - and CFP!  Maurizio proposed something around the commons/STS a while back but this has not translated into concrete action (yet).

If no-one is willing / able to continue the JoPP journey it may be time to plan for officially entering hiatus mode after JoPP #13.

Perhaps the Journal has served its purpose - raised awareness and knowledge of peer production, linked with makers/activists, fostered a community - and something else needs to take its place?

Or, someone(s) want(s) to keep the project moving forward. If that is the case, please say so. CFP for JoPP #14 should go out soon.

Personally I've co-edited two of the last four issues (#10 and upcoming #13) and have a lot on my plate in the coming year. I might have issues to explore in JoPP in the future, but not now.


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