[JoPP-Public] Fw: Your journal application to DOAJ: Journal of Peer Production

natacha natacha at lesoiseaux.io
Sun Sep 10 10:50:21 CEST 2017

> Now I'm really confused.
> CC-BY-SA (which does require citation) is one of the options on the
> table here and was already so when you started this sub-thread. As it
> happens, is also the one I personally prefer, on the basis that it
> promotes the creation of additional Free Culture work.
Sorry then we really agree only Mathieu O'Neill said JoPP was going to
go to CC0 which triggered my reaction (as I said yesterday: "

JOPP being CC0 would make one less canal of communication open for me.

" )...

 CC-BY-SA is indeed a lot more appropriate.

Also regarding non-rivalry goods an old memory comes back to my mind: in
2004 the director of a French television canal, supported by a known
publicitarian, triggered a scandal by saying "Je vends du temps de
cerveau disponible à Coca-Cola" (I sell available mind space to
Coca-Cola). The expression stayed... it somehow presents mind space as a
rivalry good which confirms what you are saying about the non-scarcity
of non-rivalry goods and re-places the issue on the social functionning
itself: availability of people and energies to process and defend ideas.


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