[JoPP-Public] Fw: Your journal application to DOAJ: Journal of Peer Production

Stefano Zacchiroli zack at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Thu Sep 7 08:17:37 CEST 2017

On Wed, Sep 06, 2017 at 10:33:06PM +0000, Mathieu ONeil wrote:
> Your application also stated that the author does not hold the
> copyright without restrictions, and does not retain publishing rights
> without restrictions. However, I could not find any information about
> the copyright transfer requirement, or an indication of the rights
> holder for a published paper. This signals a lack of transparency in
> the authoring and publishing process. If you send me a link where this
> information can be found, I can update your DOAJ application.

Assuming the above is a quote from DOAJ response, it looks like our
submission was incorrect. With both CC0 and CC-BY-SA, the author *does*
hold their copyright without restrictions (as opposed to "does *not*",
which seems to be what they retained). So it is entirely normal that we
don't have any information about copyright transfer, because we never
required it, and neither we require it in the future (no matter what
choice between CC0 and CC-BY-SA is made).

> 2. If its OK, how exactly do we phrase it?
> "All the contents of JoPP are in the Public Domain (CC0) that is to say free of copyright restrictions around the world.
> See https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ for more information on this license."

We simply say that authors license their work under CC0/CC-BY-SA (pick
one) and retain their full copyright rights in their work.

> 3. If its OK, Creative Commons have a mechanism to embed CC0 info in
> our site (I think). Do/can we do this?

That's unrelated. Pages will say CC0/CC-BY-SA and something like
"Copyright retained by article authors".

Hope this helps,
Stefano Zacchiroli . zack at upsilon.cc . upsilon.cc/zack . . o . . . o . o
Computer Science Professor . CTO Software Heritage . . . . . o . . . o o
Former Debian Project Leader & OSI Board Director  . . . o o o . . . o .
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