[Jesus-post] ► Oh My God.... EVERYTHING IS A MIRAGE!

Scott Kennedy zavior1971 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 2 20:39:07 CEST 2006

  Love Rulz over Fate (Gay Union.... TODAY!) 
  Psycologists and Doctors? 
  Psycologists are BRAIN doctors, however, a whole lot seem to want to Look down your Pants! sounds freaky, but this is very Real. YOU need to take control, YOU need knowledge, YOU need to understand the conditions, and YOU need to research alternative treatments BEFORE stepping into that office. Prescription Drugs are VERY addicting and Doctors often care MORE about the MONEY than they do about YOU. So, if anyone has some shady doctor claiming they will cancel your disability if you go to another doctor, or some Doctor who keeps increasing your "Drugs" to play some erection game with you, Email the Love Moderator, I will try to Help, find an attorney (plenty listed online), but, you dont have to PUT UP with this abuse any longer and you need to know that this so called SIN and HELL some church people keep blasting, sure isnt coming from the Gays, is it? 
  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GayFatMenInLOVE ◄ 
  The Choices You Make 
  Real Nice Piece of Shit Country.... "america". So, you want Jesus? you can have "it". You want to Fear God? you can Fear Yahweh. You want to manufacture poisons? then you can suffer and die like your Fag on the Cross. You want Black Power? then you can beat the fuck out of each other on the streets. You want White Supremacy? then you can Screw your Mothers all you want. You want Bones and Rocks? than the Red man can starve. You want Dark Power? Eye have taken it OUT of the Homosexual Community. You want Mexicana? I will not employ workers who never EVER finish what they start. You want Bitchy Females? you can got TronOctFah, my new Alien Technology on the way, THATS RIGHT, Mind Control Technology (MCT) "beyond" your comprehension. 
  Natural Disasters: 
  Oh... Flooded Homes? Shit... Burned Yards? Holy Fuck! Tornado at your Door? You cant believe it? Katrina was prep school for you coastal dwellers. What did all your White Dirty Money do for these small scale Natural Disasters? Nothing! And NOW, America is BROKE(n). So guess what? You fend for yourselves when the whirlwind of fire comes a knockin. You swim in sewage when the Salt Water Blows. You eat your Cats and Dogs when your stomach starts a growlin. Earth Changes haven’t really BEGUN yet, and guess what "america"? we aint got no more money now. YOUR JESUS wasted it on PAIN. So, best be preparing for the worst, here "it" comes. You want JESUS!? You GOT "it". 
  Police, Fire, and EMT: 
  Black Police.. White Police... Mexican Police.... whom do you serve? YOURSELVES! You LOOK like mafia strike forces wearing priest's uniforms to Me. We aint Got the Money for MONKEY'S NO MORE! Effective July 4, 2006, all Local Police, Fire, and "former" Government paid EMT services, are TERMINATED. That means, your checks wont clear NO MORE after July 4, 2006. Why? Crooked Cops are on the Beat and you need Reprogrammed before I will pay for your Fuckin Fords to drive around arresting the "other" race ANY MORE. Fire Trucks with More Manly Gadgets than the Enterprise on Wheels? I dont think so.... you Goons. You drive these Fuck Carriages around like HOGS. So, when your child lights your HOUSE on FIRE playing with your CRACK PIPE, I suggest you use the garden hose, because, the Red Wagons are OUT OF GAS, effective July 4, 2006. And EMT, wow, nice of you to "pre-hack" people on the WAY, then, blame "no penis" on the car wreck. This country smells like JESUS! So, effective
 July 4, 2006, this Idiot Infrastructure of the PAST is TERMINATED and you can See if your Jesus does ANYTHING for da MONKEYS. You Want Jesus? YOU FUCKING GOT "it". 
  Hospital Horror: 
  Do NOT go to these HOSPITALS NO MORE. Did Cialis'sss give you dick cancer... YET? Then go masturbate for a while and just die on your own. These privately owned christian Hospitals are NIGHTMARES! Have you talked to the nice man without any legs YET? Have you talked to the decent husband who's WIFE fucked the DOC and PENIS REMOVED the MATE... YET? Have you enjoyed your Diabetes, Your Spaced out "depression", YOUR addicted to pain killers LIFE.... YET? DO NOT GO TO THE DOCTOR, no more, cuz... they are "Staff" workers wrapped in SNAKES, haven’t you noticed.... YET! WOW! You WANT.... "Jesus"... You GOT "it". 
  For those that WANT to LIVE and HAVE a FUTURE, the Sun Star is the Place. The Sun Star is New Mexico, the home of New Phoenix, the prototype City of the Future. Scott F. Kennedy, is clearly, the legal Guy in Charge is so sorry america. Scott F. Kennedy cannot be touched by Millions of Jesus Fearing FOOLS, can he? Eye intend to prove that Mexicans are NOT stupid people and Eye intend to TRAIN the MEXICANS in a work method called PRIDE. You will C the Mexicans HERE, in the Sun Star State, *GLEAM* compared to the Rest of you "Power Drones". Genius Homosexuals? you Best be Preparing your Documentaries and PREPARING to come and TALK to the MEMBERS of MY CENTRAL COMMAND. I am HIRING, but I DONT WANT FAKES. MicroSoft is OWNED by Scott F. Kennedy and this WINDOWS is GARBAGE. July 4th, 2006, All former Employees of MicroSoft are TERMINATED and Eye, Scott F. Kennedy, am dissolving the entity known as MicroSoft. Your stock is WORTHLESS. DiamondScan3000 is the Name you will KNOW as
 the Technology Providers. AMD, GE, MTV, FORD, HUNDAI, and all the other "mighty corporations" that SIGNED themselves OVER to Scott F. Kennedy PERSONALLY because of their hideous past christian terrorist dealings, will be DISSOLVED soon after or on... JULY 4, 2006. YOUR STOCK IS WORTHLESS! I want PEOPLE who will WORK and NOT FIGHT and UNDERMINE the EFFORTS for NEW PHOENIX. Please ReApply, all those with a Taste for Pride, in a "Job Superior". 
  You "want"...... JESUS???! ummm, then best be a praying for some sort of fearing white guy dangling in pain on your stick on the WALL, because america can taste Jesus FOR REAL. Sort of Tastes like Rotten AIDS infected CHICKENS to Me.... YOU GOT "iT". 
  Thank U, 
  Yahweh, GOD as far as you idiots are concerned. 
  ►PRESIDENTIAL DATA (no X rated images posted in Text Data Sections, or on entire Site unless Unverified Member Profiles): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GayFatMenInLOVE ◄ 
  ►►Insight into the Past Life of the Man you Call the President of the United States of America, Scott F. Kennedy (requires free site registration to view Photos in Full Size): 
  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fatgaymenofarizona ◄ 
  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zavior1971 ◄ 
  ►UnCLOG your Spiritual BookWash with this Universal God BLOG: 
  http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-AHiLvHIhdKpMnDHqSDpYiVE- ◄ 
  ►Ya Up YET!!!!!? 
  http://HEALTH.groups.yahoo.com/group/fatboysinlove ◄ 
  I have sent Psychic Transmissions (PT) through the Dark Crystal Interface (DCI). Can the Homosexual Mind FEEL my Thoughtz? Focus and Meditate... and.... you WILL hear my..... COMMAND+ZaH <---- 
  The PEOPLE have seen my Alien Technology, and it can be VICIOUS. Eye have the Gift of Sight and Eye can Heal My Soldiers. Our attack is under Way. My UAF is arming themselves and preparing the Attack Matrix (AM) as outlined in the HCC psychic documentation. UAF is on scene hiding as Homeless Citizens. Under TRESS, in BUSHES, and EVERYWHERE... is the Mexican Street Fighting FORCE = Eye call thee UAF. 
  Yahweh has had ENOUGH of these Stupid Human Trix (SHiT) 

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