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Dennis Emma rtits at rediffmail.com
Mon Jul 2 15:42:46 CEST 2007

ERMX Grabs Edge Of US Trade With China And Moves Into Nitride Devices!

EntreMetrix Inc. (ERMX)

Congress's push to increase trade agreements with China gives ERMX huge
advantage as they enter joint venture to manufacture Nitride Devices for
military, energy and technological solutions in China. This is huge. Get
on ERMX Monday!

Audio offers its own strengths as a medium; the chief one being this: a
sound effect doesn't cost much, but can create a vivid mental picture.
All of these bulletins received Microsoft's maximum severity rating.
We ran around the office forcing employees to play the parts of Excited
Guy, Resigned Woman, Bored Technician, and whatever else our fevered
imaginations came up with.
Microsoft rates at least four of these bulletins  Critical, meaning, the
flaws they describe are severe enough that  remote attackers could
exploit them to execute code on your computers.

C'mon, it's possible!
I wrote about this in some detail in my book.

And I say, kudos to you, Yer Honor, for your honesty. i dont disagree
with any point you make. You see, this trojan doesn't infect you when
you view a particular video on YouTube, which is how Vamosi
characterizes it.

"  More from the archive in  Bush, Protest. I did this before I was
eventually hired by United in order to give my qualifications a good
boost. " and "What are the pros and cons of reducing my user's local

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