weird behavior with evil visual

William Hatch willghatch at
Tue Apr 28 05:26:25 CEST 2015

Hello, I hope this is the right list for this.

I just made an emacs plugin to repeat motions -- I just wrap motion 
functions into a new repeatable version.  Upon initial testing it worked 
great, but when used in evil-mode with operators or in visual state I get 
weird one-off behavior.  For example, in normal state my 
repeatable-evil-find-char goes to the desired character, but in 
operator-pending state or visual state it goes to one character before 
that.  My repeatable-evil-find-char-to goes to the character before the 
target character in normal state, but two characters before it in visual or 
operator state.  Also my repeatable-evil-next-line doesn't work at all in 
visual line state.  Can anyone point me to why this might be happening?  
I'm aware that there is a macro in evil called evil-define-motion, but I 
haven't had time to read through and understand it all, so I thought a 
quick probe on a mailing list might save me a lot of time if I were barking 
up the wrong tree.

The source of my plugin is here:

Thanks is advance for any advice.

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