evil-noautochdir : keeping the working directory the same as you work

Gabriel Barta gbarta at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 05:14:46 CEST 2014


I disliked the emacs behaviour where the current directory would always be the
one containing the current file. So I wrote a bit of elisp to change it, named
according to the equivalent setting in Vim.  It actually leaves the emacs
behaviour unchanged for compatibility with vanilla Emacs packages, and instead
redirects evil to work with a different variable for the current directory. I
originally had something that controlled the emacs default-directory variable
instead, but the current approach gives a smoother experience.

I'd love to hear your feedback. The repo can be found at

I think it would be great to have this as part of Evil, but I am not sure if
anyone else is interested in this aspect of compatibility with Vim.  If you
are, let me know!

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