Problem with parent keymap

Albert Krewinkel tarleb+evil at
Mon Sep 8 21:56:48 CEST 2014


I just encountered some unexpected behavior when defining key bindings
for maps which have parent maps:  When I define a key for some state for
the parent map as well as the child map, the child map overrides the
bindings for the parent map.

Here is what I mean:

    (defun alok-foo () (interactive) (message "foo"))
    (defun alok-bar () (interactive) (message "bar"))

    (defvar alok-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
    (defvar alok-child-mode-map
      (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
        (set-keymap-parent map alok-mode-map)
        (define-key map (kbd "M-<return>") 'alok-bar)

    (define-derived-mode alok-mode prog-mode "ALOK"
      "Major ALOK mode")
    (define-derived-mode alok-child-mode alok-mode "calok"
      "ALOK derived mode")

    (evil-set-initial-state 'alok-mode 'motion)
    (evil-set-initial-state 'alok-child-mode 'motion)

    (evil-define-key 'motion alok-mode-map
      (kbd "f") 'alok-foo)
    (evil-define-key 'motion alok-child-mode-map
      (kbd "f") 'alok-bar)

When I enter into alok-mode and press `f`, I would ecpect to see "foo"
in the message area, but instead I get "bar".

I tried to find the reason for this myself, but I got stuck quickly.
Is there a way to work around this?

Thanks in advance!


Albert Krewinkel
GPG: 8eed e3e2 e8c5 6f18 81fe  e836 388d c0b2 1f63 1124

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