T, t, F, f operators crash into debugger

David Nebauer davidnebauer3 at bigpond.com
Sat Oct 18 23:45:12 CEST 2014

On 18/10/14 20:21, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
> David Nebauer <davidnebauer3 at bigpond.com> writes:
>> When vim operators T, t, F and f fail in vim because the target cannot
>> be found, it triggers an error which sounds a bell, but otherwise does
>> not interrupt editing.
> C-h v debug-on-error [ENTER]
> My bet is that your's will show
>     Its value is t

You are correct. In troubleshooting my startup files I long ago put this 
in my init.el and never took it out:

     (add-hook 'after-init-hook '(lambda () (setq debug-on-error t)))

Thanks for helping out a newbie.

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