Problem with defadvice for evil-find-char

fangzhou akafangzhou at
Sat Dec 13 16:03:40 CET 2014

Hi developers,
     I'm tring to add some <Input Method Engine> support/compatibility 
for evil-mode recently.
     Now I'm having trouble with advising the evil-find-char 
(evil-find-char &optional COUNT CHAR).

     I want to automatically switch to an IME when typing _f_ in 
normal-mode, and switch back to English after entring the CHAR.  To do 
so, I add a before-advice to evil-find-char, but finding that the advice 
will actually work after entering the CHAR.

     Is there any mechanism which would enable me to exec some code 
right after typing f ? Redefine the function and kbd macro are no good 
if there is a better way.

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