Feature feedback: partial search acceptance

Michael Markert markert.michael at gmail.com
Sat May 4 00:51:02 CEST 2013

On Sat, May 04 2013 (00:12), Barry OReilly <gundaetiapo at gmail.com> wrote: 

> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 4:00 PM, aditya siram <aditya.siram at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm working on a patch to evil where searching for a word with '/' allows
>> me to stop at a partial match.
>> For example, given:
>> "The wor^d I am looking for is abcd".
>> where '^' represents point, if I type '/' 'abce', 'abc' is highlighted.
>> When I hit RETURN or C-g I want point to go to the beginning of that
>> partial match and not jump back to where my search started.
> It sounds like the wrong behavior to me, because "abce" doesn't match
> "abc". I probably misunderstood you.

No it does not match, but Isearch (and therefore the current default
search of evil) stops here if "abce" does not occur in the buffer
because it matched the previous input "abc".

I liked the idea so I put it into my config:

(Popping the mark returns to start, as usual, so C-o or C-x C-SPC)

BUT I don't think RET or even C-g are a good choice for keys. And then
I'm unsure if it should be included into evil.

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