Comment region broken?

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at
Mon Jan 7 17:13:00 CET 2013

On 2013-01-07, Sanel Zukan <sanelz at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone has problems with comment-region (C-c C-c) in c-mode? In stock
> emacs, if I go to line X and hit C-c C-c, without marking the region,
> emacs will report: 'The mark is not set now, so there is no
> region'.
> However, in evil mode, when I do the same, emacs will first hit a CPU on
> 100% and comment every line from the start of file up to that line. Undo
> of above operation will again put CPU on 100% and after a few secs. it will
> revert those comments.
> Should I report this as an issue?

Please do, but please provide your Emacs version, evil version and
check whether this issue exists if you start with "make emacs" (i.e.
provide a minimal example).

Best regards,

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