ggVG doesn't copy the last line of a buffer

Frank Fischer frank-fischer at
Wed Oct 31 16:07:57 CET 2012

On 2012-08-08, Dan Rosén <danr at> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an issue I have: When I have a file which ends with a
> non-blank line, then ggVG will copy (and select) the entire buffer,
> but that last line. ggVG$ works, but that is a bit annoying.
> Is there a way to make G go to the last character of the last line,
> and not only the last line?

Hm this should not be necessary because V enables visual *line* state.
May I ask what you mean by "copy"? Do you mean the X primary selection
(i.e. copy by pressing the middle mouse button)?

Anyway, the latest changes may have solved this issue (but not
necessarily ;)), so can you please verify if the problem still exists
with the latest version, and if it does provide a minimal example
starting with `make emacs'?


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