[PATCH] Fix rearrangement of the last submission.

Wolfgang Jenkner wjenkner at inode.at
Mon Sep 26 17:06:58 CEST 2011

Make <return> quotable again.

By the way,  <newline> (=3D <linefeed> =3D C-j) is never quoted, because
this is consistent with both POSIX vi(1p) and the usual emacs
behavior.  On the other hand, on typing C-vC-j vim inserts a NULL
character, which looks like a bug.
 evil-compatibility.el |    8 ++++----
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/evil-compatibility.el b/evil-compatibility.el
index 8779181..7d7740f 100644
--- a/evil-compatibility.el
+++ b/evil-compatibility.el
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ Translates it according to the input method."
                                         'self-insert-command) t)
           (use-global-map new-global-map)
           (setq char (aref (read-key-sequence prompt nil t) 0))
-          (when (memq char '(?\C-q ?\C-v))
-            (setq char (read-quoted-char)))
-          (or (cdr (assq char '((?\r . ?\n))))
-              char))
+          (if (memq char '(?\C-q ?\C-v))
+	      (read-quoted-char)
+	    (or (cdr (assq char '((?\r . ?\n))))
+		char)))
       (use-global-map old-global-map))))
 ;; `make-char-table' requires this property in Emacs 22

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