eval in evil: move the cursor past last char

Eric S Fraga e.fraga at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Sep 19 19:11:00 CEST 2011

Michael Markert <markert.michael at googlemail.com> writes:

> On 18 Sep 2011, Eric S. Fraga wrote:
>> Lorenz Köhl <rainbowtwigs at googlemail.com> writes:
>>> Hello,
>>> evil is awesome.
>>> As I was customizing to make my vim and emacs habits non-exclusive I
>>> realized that C-x C-e (eval-last-sexp) works on the next to last sexp
>>> and I couldn't move over the last paren as it's usually the last
>>> character.
>>> How do you eval in evil?
>> I was just going to ask the same question!  The problem is the
>> mismatch between emacs point and vi's character position.
>> In any case, the solution is quite straightforward: put the cursor
>> (point) at the start of the next line.  Not ideal but it works.
> Another option: eval in insert state.

ah, true;  I keep forgetting that the full emacs command set is
available in insert state.

> And there's `evil-move-cursor-back': Set to nil there's no mismatch
> between point and position in normal state.

This is very nice!  Thanks.

Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D)

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